Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2073: Soaring strength Qizhou is critical [four more]

"What are you afraid of, this thing is in the space of good fortune, no one wants to know. Moreover, you know what this thing means, don't say that there is no temptation to you."

Six Yao sneered.


Jin Mie let out a scream, "It's fine, okay, I admit, my heart is moved, and I also hope that I can wait until that day."

After all, he looked at the sky above Taoyuan.

"This good fortune space is good everywhere, but it lacks the sun."

"I'm going to rest."

The sound fell, and the ash robe trembles and flew up to the sky, and the fire of the ash ignited and turned into a round of stars.

The glorious setting, like the sun, made the plants in the Taoyuan suddenly appear brighter.

It's just that this round of the sun is off-white.

"Senior, don't hide away like this, my fire, my cultivation base, you have to pay me back"

Ling Tian screamed from below.

The immortal fire is gone, and the cultivation base has dropped. His loss is too great.

"I forgot."

"You are also stingy, just a red sun fairy fire, pay you back!"

Within the gray day, a fairy fire suddenly shot out.

The Eternal Burning Heaven Jue in Ling Tian's body was activated, and the immortal fire was directly absorbed into his body.

"This kind of fire, Burning Cinder Fairy Flame!?"

Ling Tian couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at the fire floating in the sea of ​​qi inside his body.

This kind of fire is no longer the Scarlet Sun Immortal Fire, but has turned into a hundred and twenty-eight layers of Cinder Flame!

"Huh, brat, I used my own fire spirit to help you level up once, but this is the last time. For the rest, go find it yourself, you don't want to swallow me!"

The sound of Cinder extinguishing sounded from the sky.

"Ling Tian, ​​thank you senior!"

Ling Tian was overjoyed.

"Ling Tian, ​​your injury is serious. Heal your injuries first, and then look for Zhao Min's girl."

Liu Yao said behind Ling Tian.

"Okay, Yaoyao, take the Land of Thousand Cities in later and see if it can be repaired."

Ling Tian nodded.

"Ok, no problem."

After half a month.

Inside the vast Taoyuan space, the gray sun shines brightly.

And in the sky in the distance, there are fragments of broken cities floating above the cities, and there are phantom sting bees coming in and out constantly, repairing them day and night.

Above the Four Elephant Pagoda, a city with a radius of thousands of miles has been repaired.

The huge tower in the city has nine floors.

On the seventh floor, a figure sat cross-legged alone.

This figure is Ling Tian.

At this time, Ling Tian was surrounded by dragon breath, and there was a fairy fire rolling outside. From a distance, he looked like a dragon bathing dragon.


Suddenly, Ling Tian opened his mouth and inhaled the fairy fire and dragon energy from his body.

This opened his eyes.

If Zhao Min and others were there at this time, they would be astonished at Ling Tian's breath.

Because Ling Tian has become stronger again.

Today, his physical injuries have healed.

Moreover, the cultivation base has also reached the late stage of the Fourth Layer of Heavenly Immortal.

Compared to half a month ago, it has skyrocketed by one level.

This is not only because of the powerful time and space power of the seven layers of the giant tower, but also the 128 layers of Cinder-Burning Immortal Flames bestowed by Jin Mie.

Ling Tian stretched out his big hand and slowly grasped it tightly, thunder billowing on it, and the fairy fire burned.

The supreme dragon power was rushing in his body, Ling Tian asked himself, if he were to run into Qiu Chen again, he would not run away again.

Not only that, the one hundred and eight layers of Immortal Flame hadn't been digested yet, otherwise, his cultivation base would be even higher.

But Ling Tian didn't want to wait anymore.

He worried about Zhao Min and the safety of the brothers and sisters in Yutian City.

I don't know why, in the past half month, he has been panicking, he can't be contemptuous, but he is very upset.

He wants to find Yutiancheng back.

Walking out of Taoyuan, Ling Tian stood on the city of Thousand Miles.

But at this time, the deep space is empty, with nothing.

Fortunately, Ling Tian still had a map in his hands. After identifying his position, he galloped towards the Qizhou fleet.

If the plan goes well, Yutian City should have joined the Qizhou fleet now.

The main city of Qizhou.

In this deep space area, there are vertical and horizontal shadows of swords and swords, and huge artillery roars.

The city was shattered everywhere, and the bodies of warriors were everywhere.

At this time, Qizhou City took hundreds of cities and fought and retreated, leaving a river of blood all the way.

Even the Blood Spirit City and Night City fell apart.

In the area 10,000 miles above the fleet, there are two figures fighting each other.

Those two figures pierced the sky and the earth, and between waving their hands, they could offer the supernatural powers of the Immortal Technique, which shocked and shook thousands of miles.

Any figure below the golden immortal dare not approach it.

"Damn it, who is it! Who exposed my waiting position to Wuzhou!"

At the rear of the fleet, Jin Tianji roared with a sledgehammer, and he was already covered in blood.

"General, it's the Yutian City! Half a month ago, Yutiancheng broke away from our fleet without permission, and has never returned. After that, I ran into this Wuzhou fleet. They definitely sold me Qizhou!"

Ye Mingxiao roared with the broken spear in her hand.

He didn't even think that Wu Zhou would follow him to find Qizhou, and he also wanted to annihilate Qizhou in one fell swoop.

Wuzhou's strength is far above Qizhou.

They also have twelve generals, but their cultivation base and combat power all suppress Qizhou.

If City Lord Li Wen also loses to City Lord Wuzhou, Qizhou will be doomed today.

Of course, Ye Mingxiao would not admit that he was the one who caused the trouble, so she blamed Ling Tian and Yutian City. Anyway, Yutian City had been destroyed.

"Ma De, if I see Ling Tian again, I must tear him up!"

Jin Tianji roared, but soon he was chased by the general of Wuzhou and continued to fight.

At this time, behind the fleet, all the strong are fighting.

Even younger generations are no exception.

But whether it was Jin Tianjin or Sheng Qiye Situ Wuxin and other Tianjiao, they were all suppressed by the descendants of Wuzhou Tianjiao.

And the latter two are even more due to the fact that there is no Celestial Immortal Soldier in their hands, their combat power is greatly reduced, and they can only protect themselves from death.

"Go to the giant tower and ask the deputy city master to exit!"

"At this time, only Master Fanjing can save us!"

At this time, the Qizhou elder of the six heavenly immortals screamed.

In the face of the enemy's death, neither of them are opponents.

With a change of expression on Sheng Qiye, he retreated Wuzhou Tianjiao, and returned to the huge tower of Qizhou City with Situ Wuxin.

"Junior Human Race Sheng Qiye, I implore seniors to leave."

Sheng Qiye knelt under the huge tower and roared.

But after a few breaths, there was no movement inside the giant tower.

"If you don't come out, just push!"

In the sky, an alien powerhouse with six heavenly immortals flew up, flew up to the huge tower, and landed on the eighth floor with a palm.

The door of the eighth layer opened abruptly, but the elder exclaimed.

"Master Fanjing is not in the tower!"

"What?" Sheng Qiye and others also flew up, but at this time, the eighth floor of the huge tower was empty, and there was no figure of Master Fanjing.

Master Fanjing, whose cultivation base rivals the Golden Immortal, is gone! ?

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