Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 2030: The terrifying Fan Jingang

Suddenly, on the city wall, Chi Sanqi, Li Yunlan, Murong Zining and others joined hands, all kinds of immortal magical powers violently rose up to the sky.

A fierce roar erupted in the void, and Xue Crocodile’s coercive cut off the immortal technique continued to oppress it, but in the end, it was carried down by many powerful people.

"Haha, stupid human race!"

Xue Crocodile laughed, stepped out, with long hair flying, he raised his hand and blasted out, and a wolf-toothed giant stick pressed down, everyone felt a terrible pressure, and his body was difficult to move, as if he was about to be pressed by gravity. collapse.

Many people flew into the air at the same time, bursting into attacks, resisting the huge shadow of a five-thousand-foot stick that fell down.

But a group of figures were shaken out and blood was vomited. Xue Crocodile's weapon seemed to contain an unmatched oppressive force. Those who approached only felt that the internal organs were about to be crushed and exploded.

As a top enchanting evildoer, Xue Crocodile is still too tyrannical. In the case where the top Human Race Tianjiao can't make a move, the ordinary Human Race genius, who is not his opponent at all, will be flattened.

"Hehe, give him to Zuo Xiao!"

At this moment, from in front of the city gate, a figure flew up.

Not tall, with a huge shield and sledgehammer in his hands.

It is Zuo Xiao.

At this time, Zuo Xiao's cultivation has reached the late stage of the Heavenly Immortal Second Layer, enough to rank in the top ten of the dragon and phoenix list.

The immortal light surging behind it, the immortal king's will is urged, and the stars behind it blooming, carrying a sledgehammer to greet him.


With a blast, the two imaginary shadows of the warhammer and the wolf-toothed giant crumbled to pieces.

The shield in Zuo Xiao's hand was thrown out and shot at that Xue Crocodile.

Then he flared his mace in front of him.

There was a loud bang.

Xue Crocodile was in the void and was shaken back for half a step.

"Haha, a little bit of strength! See how I can smash you!"

Xue Crocodile was furious and fought with Zuo Xiao.

"Hmph, being taken over by someone like this, the Crocodile Clan is really useless, blood scorpion, you go!"

Fan Jingang was impatient.

From behind him, he immediately walked out of the thin and long warrior who thought the blood-red battle armor, and carried the whip to kill and descend.

"The fourth bloodjiao clan Tianjiao in Honghai City!"

However, in the exclamation of everyone, Yuan Meng of Zhenshan Body had already carried the epee to greet him.

Although Yuan Meng’s cultivation is now only in the middle stage of the Heavenly Immortal Second Layer, the body of the town, his body is tyrannical, and he wields an heavy sword, but temporarily stopped the blood scorpion.

Immediately afterwards, Hong Haicheng Alien Tianjiao stepped forward one by one, but they were all stopped by Zhao Min, Shangguan Rongyin, Murong Zining and others.

After practicing in the giant tower for so long, they are waiting for today's battle.

They used to face foreign races in Jiuzhong Mountain Pass, and now they have no fear.

Not only that, nearly 20,000 Honghai City alien forces slew towards Yutian City from two directions.

But the dense magical powers and immortals fell on the formation of Yutiancheng, but they did not see the defense of the Yutiancheng, and there was any sign of collapse.

It seems so tough.

This scene fell in the eyes of the warriors of Zhang Family and Yue Shengcheng, and it was all horror.

On the one hand, it was shocked by the tyrannical power of Yutiancheng's top combat power.

You know, before the city gate, Ling Tian and Huangfu hadn't made any shots yet, but except for Fan Jingang, all Tianjiao of that alien race had still made shots!

When it looked like now, it didn't even suppress Yutiancheng.

Not to mention, the imperial city was breached.

Yutiancheng seemed to be stronger than they thought.

Zhang Xuan said with a cold face.

Zhang Ruofei's face is not very good either.

It seems that they had asked Ling Tian to surrender Yutian City before, and they were a little bit passionate.

However, if they were to admit that the Imperial City was stronger than the Zhang Family camp, they couldn't accept it.

"Ling Tian doesn't hand over Yutian City, we will all die!"

"First break through the defense of the imperial city!"

Zhang Xuan thought for a while, and finally started.

In the void, Zhang Xuan led the powerhouses to step down, only to see a field of fire appeared above his body. This field of fire was actually still blue, with a full ninety layers of flames!

The void is burning.

Zhang Xuanyi is pregnant with top fire, and can use it to perform his exercises.

When Zhang Xuan stepped down, many people hesitated to step forward. Zhang Xuanyi was the fourth-ranked peerless figure. He was too dangerous. If his cultivation was not strong enough, he would die if he touched him.

Next to Ling Tian, ​​Li Wuyou, who was standing with Huangfu, moved.

He carried a long stick and flew high into the sky.

"Haha, the people of the Li Family in Gusu City are also worthy to stop me!?"

Zhang Xuan shouted angrily, Ling Tianhuangfu didn't even look at him, let alone this unknown person Li Wuyou? !

Immediately, the other raised their hands and fell with a palm. The huge palm is a thousand meters in radius, bathing in flames, covering the sky.

"Hehe, in front of Changle, I Wuyou Li, it's finally time to exhale!"

Li Wuyou murmured himself, that all the idiots in the past were not there. The dense immortal essences all over his body were condensed, and immediately lifted, the shadows of the eighteen dragons condensed, intertwined into big palms, and patted the sky.


Two palms oscillated in the void, and finally disappeared.

With such a terrifying palm Zhang Xuan was stopped by Li Wuyou!

At this time, not only Jiang Chao, Fu Chou and others in Gusu City were surprised, even Huangfu looked at Li Wuyou who had his back to him, and suddenly felt that he was no longer so unbearable.


Zhang Xuan flushed with shame and anger, and immediately strangled with a spear.

However, Li Wuyou was not outdone at all, and raised his stick to greet him.

Li's cudgel method, passed down to ancient times, has a very high rank, and now facing Zhang Xuanyi, he is not even let down by the wind.

Ling Tian looked at that Li Wuyou, with appreciation in his heart.

Sure enough, before Li Wuyou left Yuntai Mountain, Li Mao gave Li Wuyou many hole cards.

"Husband, do you want to do it?"

"Below, only Ling Tian and Huangfu are left."

Li Ruolan said behind Canglan Mountain.


Canglan Mountain stepped on the void and withdrew the long sword behind it.

The top-level fairy sword is second only to the heavenly fairy soldiers.

"Miss Huangfu, I haven't seen each other for many years. Would you like to discuss it again!?"

Huangfu Changle turned around, smiling at the corners of his mouth, but also clenched Xianchu tightly.

"Please enlighten me from the Son of Lanshan!"

Immediately, the Qi Men Dao technique was performed.

Above that Huangfu's head, there was the light of stars manifesting, not the wings of stars, but under the stars, there were mountains and rivers, condensed out of thin air.

With the restoration of the immortal pestle in Huangfu's hand, the mountains and rivers seemed to be real, pushing horizontally towards the Canglan Mountain.

Not only that, but Canglan Mountain was also in an instant, feeling that inexplicable energy enveloped him in the void around him, imprisoning him.

Even moving has become extremely difficult.

Huangfu Changle, who had practiced the Heavenly Star Art, became even stronger in the Qi Men Dao Art.

"Hehe, Miss Huangfu's Taoism has gone up to the next level, really gratifying!"

Canglan Mountain laughed, but the next moment he burst out with the power of the mid-sword world, the sun's wings bloomed, and the long sword in his hand shook wildly, and he directly shook the whole body away.

Canglan Mountain has Sunlight Wings, so it still occupies a lot of advantages in terms of cultivation base.

Immediately, he raised the long sword in his hand and chopped it down!

Many people watched this scene with a little heart trembling.

This is the sword of Canglan Mountain, can Huangfu Changle's Taoism really stop it?

I saw Huangfu Changle's body suspended in the air, with a supreme temperament, and the shadow of the mountains and rivers remained unchanged. Pushing away, the mountains of Canglan Mountain were cut down with a sword, shaking above the shadows of the mountains and rivers, and suddenly, together with the shadows , Turned into a little bit of light and shadow, and then annihilated.

Canglan Mountain's expression changed slightly, the long sword roared, and the sword light also condensed into the light of a mountain, which was cut horizontally.

Huangfu Changle was not surprised, the immortal pestle in his hand danced, and the mountains and rivers were condensed again, colliding with the sword light, destroying it.

Although during this process, Huangfu Changle was stunned by Jian Wei to retreat again and again, but Canglan Mountain was also unable to help her.

All of a sudden, the top figures of Zhang Family and Cangyue Sword Sect had already taken action.

However, they were all stopped by the strong imperial city.

A different color flashed in Lu Zhiyao's eyes.

She didn't expect that these people around Ling Tian would be so tyrannical.

Even the third and fourth existence on the Dragon and Phoenix Rankings, can't it help it?

Immediately, she looked at Ling Tian.

Now, only Ling Tian is left, and he has never made a move.

"It's all waste!"

Finally, Fan Jingang, who had never taken a shot, looked at the defense formation of Yutian City that had not been broken for a long time, and was angry.

Stepping out of the void, his body is blooming with endless brilliance, like a golden divine flower. At this moment, Fan Jingang seems to have a **** armor on his body, and he is invincible. He stepped down, and the void trembled and walked towards the imperial city. City gate.

"Fan Jingang shot."

Many people are trembling, who can stop this alien second?

I'm afraid that it is only Ouyang Feng who holds the Celestial Immortal Soldier in his hand, right?

In the distance, Chi Sanqi, Zhao Min, Zuo Xianzhi and others were all in the gap, offering immortal skills and besieging Fan Jingang.

Their team cooperates tacitly, even if it flies off the battle, it still has a formation.

However, Fan Jingang, who was covered by the golden armor, glanced at them indifferently, and some people gathered together, trying to block his pace, but saw that his footsteps were heavy in the void. This step was like stepping on the people. In his heart, the person with weak cultivation level directly snorted, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the figure stepping down in horror.

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