Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1999: Nine changes of real dragon

"Don't worry, I have my own measures, he can't die."

The ancient king Han walked to Ling Tian and suddenly smiled: "Boy, why are you so stubborn? My Dugu Hanshan just woke up, you can't let me win once?"

"Ahem, junior Ling Tian, ​​can't do it!" Ling Tian said, holding his chest.

"Hahaha, yes, you are really a bit arrogant."

King Hangu suddenly smiled up to the sky and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"But, no one has ever dared to talk to me like Dugu Hanshan, this time, even if it's a lesson for you!"

"I know your fate is extraordinary, but before you grow up, it's better to respect me."

"Senior, you have so many, isn't it too much? You are trapped here because the alien race has laid a big formation." Huangfu Changle frowned.

"Your cultivation base is also lost because of this big formation. You can see for yourself by looking at the skeleton warriors around here. How much have we done, but you still hurt him?"


"Hehe, don't worry, I have so many reasons for myself. As for the alien race you are talking about, I naturally understand it." Dugu Hanshan looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Do you know where you are weak?"

"Physical body!"

Ling Tian endured the severe pain in his body, his face pale.

"Well, but I can also see that you have practiced physical exercises before, and now you have so much difference, because you haven't encountered good exercises, right?"

As Dugu Hanshan said, he took out a set of scrolls from his arms.

"this is!?"

Ling Tian was shocked. This scroll was the one held by King Hangu before.

Before, they suspected that the scroll might be the star technique.

"Miss Huangfu, take it and take a look first. If it's the Heavenly Astrology, it belongs to you."

Ling Tian did not answer, so Wang Hangu and Huangfu Changle were a little surprised.

"Ling Tian, ​​this is your life in exchange." Huangfu Changle frowned.

"It's okay, this is also my promise, you can read it first."

Ling Tian waved his hand.

"OK then."

Huangfu Changle took the scroll from King Hangu and opened it to look at it, but the look on his face changed from disappointment to comfort.

"But the star spell?"

Ling Tian asked.


Unexpectedly, that Huangfu Changle shook his head.

"Then what are you laughing at?"

Huangfu Changle handed the scroll to Ling Tian, ​​"This is the practice secret book given to you by Senior Dugu Hanshan."

"Gong Fa!?"

Ling Tian held the scroll in his hand, his eyes fell, and his pupils shrank immediately, regardless of the pain, he stood up suddenly.

On the scroll, there are a few big bronzing characters shining brightly.

"True Dragon Nine Changes!"

This is the physical exercise! ?

Ling Tian's pupils shrank.

But from this title, he really couldn't tell.

But looking at each handwriting one by one, Ling Tian was more shocked in his heart.

This nine true spirit changes is an extremely powerful exercise method for body training.

As mentioned above, this kind of exercise can even become the ninth transformation of the true dragon and become the legendary true dragon emperor!

Emperor's body!

That's the worst, it's also the physical body of Emperor Wu's rank.

This true spirit nine changes, its tyrannical and noble, it is not inferior to the eternal burning heaven!

Moreover, what made Ling Tian unbelievable was that this exercise was extremely complete, from the first change to the ninth change, all there!

However, the requirements for practicing this exercise are extremely high. The first transformation is called the Horned Dragon Transformation. After being cultivated, it can become the body of the Horned Dragon, which is quite tyrannical.

But if you want to make this first level, you need real dragon bone blood.

Can be refined.

After that, there are Canglong, Panlong, Qinglong, Yinglong, Tianlong, Nine Heavens Dragon, Primordial Sacred Dragon, and Primordial True Dragon.

Ling Tian hadn't even heard of many dragon races. One can imagine how difficult it is to cultivate this technique.

Although this method of refining the body is very similar to the five-blooded golden body that Ling Tian had practiced in the lower realm before, both requirements are much harsher.

Before his Candle Dragon Overlord Body, only a drop of Candle Dragon Essence Blood was enough, but now it doesn't work.

"Yes, it is the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon. I can see that you also have the aura of the dragon, and you are also the line of the candle dragon in the nine heavens dragon clan in the sacred dragon clan. The blood of the candle dragon is noble and surpasses the sky dragon in the dragon clan. One family, but your drop of candle dragon blood is not pure, and the technique is too bad, and the candle dragon power in it is wasted for nothing."

"This exercise was stolen from the Dragon Palace. According to legend, it was once thought of as a saint of the Human Race, but because it needed the blood and bones of the Dragon Race, it was not tolerated by the Dragon Race, so it was found and hidden in the Dragon Palace. In."

"Because of this, I was chased by the dragon for thousands of miles, and I had to flee into this chaotic battlefield. Now, it's cheaper for you kid!"

Dugu Hanshan smiled.

"Stolen from the Dragon Palace..."

Ling Tian was speechless, and secretly said that Dugu Hanshan was indeed a ruthless person.

"But senior, why haven't you practiced this technique?"

Ling Tian frowned and asked.

This technique of refining the body is definitely the top in the world.

"Do you think this technique is easy to cultivate? The dragon blood and dragon bones needed for the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon. For our human race, everything is a treasure. The first change of the horned dragon is still acceptable. I heard In the chaotic battlefield, they have appeared before, but after that, Canglong and Beaulieu were all noble dragon species, and only the Seven Great Immortals existed!"

"In the Seven Great Immortals, what is the existence of the Dragon Race? The top five in the list of hundred races, what a weak race is the Human Race? If you want to practice this kind of exercises, your fate is not good, and I don't want to do it. I'm alone in Hanshan, asking myself that I don't have that ability. "

"Furthermore, even if the physical body exercises I practice now do not become the emperor's body, it is enough to rank in the immortal body, and it's enough."

"Since I got the Nine Changes of the True Dragon, my luck has taken a turn for the worse. Now the cultivation base of the Immortal King is gone, and tens of thousands of years have been wasted. Now, the Nine Changes of the True Dragon, I will give it to you. Yes, you can do it yourself!"

King Hangu waved his hand, as if facing a scroll, extremely disgusted.


Ling Tian pursed his lips, and forcibly endured the gratification in his heart, and put away the scroll of the nine true dragons.

This is an extremely complete exercise secret book, and its value is incalculable.

Although the requirements for the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon are quite high, Ling Tian is confident.

For the physical body, he is too long-awaited.

"Senior, can you also give us a gift from the domain immortal soldier that day?"

Ling Tian raised his eyes and looked at the Celestial Immortal Soldier floating in midair.

"This thing?"

Dugu Hanshan took the stick fairy in his hand, glanced at it, and curled his lips, "Too bad, if you like it, just take it."

After that, he threw down the Celestial Immortal Soldier.

Although this Heavenly Territory Immortal Soldier is a sacred object in the eyes of the descendants of the human race, but Dugu Hanshan was once an immortal king, so naturally I don't like this thing.

Ling Tian took the domain immortal soldier that day, and Xuan even handed it to Huangfu Changle.

"What do you mean? I said that I am not interested in Celestial Immortal Soldiers."

Huangfu Changle frowned.

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