Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1996: Really a heavenly fairy soldier!

The depth of the abyss is far beyond Ling Tian's imagination.

With enough time for tea, Ling Tian just landed.

"That is!?"

However, as soon as he landed, Ling Tian directly sacrificed all the power of the sword world to protect the whole body.

His dazzling gold armor was also set on him by Ling Tian.

However, when he raised his eyes to look forward, his pupils did shrink.

Although it is dark here, there is a very noble figure in the distance, with a quiet light wafting all over, sitting on a huge throne!

That figure is a hundred feet tall!

However, what made Ling Tian even more surprised was that this figure, like a sculpture, was tied to the throne by a dozen extremely thick chains.

In front of him, there is a stick hanging high above his eyebrows.

Above it, the dazzling brilliance of fairy soldiers wafted.

Ling Tian couldn't be more familiar with this!

Heavenly fairy soldiers!

Ling Tian never expected it.

Under this abyss, there really is a heavenly immortal soldier!

how can that be! ?

Could it be that this place is really a suspicion of Emperor Qingxiao! ?

You know, Ling Tian has seen two Celestial Immortal Soldiers, both from the Emperor's Suspicious Tomb.

"No, this is definitely not the Emperor's Suspect Tomb. This monster should be the existence that this great formation will suppress, Ling Tian, ​​you have to be careful. This guy looks like a human race, but it is terrifyingly tyrannical!"

But at this time, Liu Yao's voice suddenly sounded.

"I know, it's not just him!"

Ling Tian nodded, his eyes swept over the silent figure on the throne.

I found that under this figure, there was a dark pool of water.

In other words, what is surging in it is a black cold flame.

And in the sudden tumbling of black, a dark golden skeleton warrior will look at Ling Tian together.

The terrifying jaws opened and closed, repeatedly swallowing Ling Tian.

In an instant, a skeleton climbed up around the figure. There were a dozen of them!

Its aura and combat power are no less weaker than those killed by Huangfu Changle.

Then, the shadow of the skeleton flickered, the golden skeleton warrior in the abyss, and more!


With the awakening of these skeleton warriors, a series of stern voices burst out from their mouths.

It fills the entire abyss, it's terrifying!


However, at this time a scarlet light fell from the sky.

Ling Tian raised his hand, only to find that Yin Wujiu who had just attacked him had also come down.

A blood-red immortal mark floated above his head, resisting the cold breath in the abyss.

"Xianyu Immortal Soldier!"

Of course, Yin Wujiu was also startled by the figure on the throne.

But the next moment I saw the Celestial Celestial Soldier floating in front of the figure, a fiery color suddenly rose in his eyes!

"Ling Tian? You are not dead yet!?"

However, when his gaze fell, he saw Ling Tian standing on the ground, and a look of surprise flashed across Yin Wujiu's face.

Even, he found that Ling Tian's body was full of aura, and there was no sign of injury.

However, only then did he clearly use the immortal seal to hit Ling Tian!

"Why attack me!?"

Ling Tian put away the big 槊 in his hand.

Without the book, Ling Tian couldn't exert the power of this weapon.

"Hehe, what I thought was to kill you!"

"What did you do at Jiuzhongshan Pass, don't you know?!?"

Na Yin Wujiu sneered, "There is a foreign race who wants to buy your life and want to kill you, but I am not the only one!"

"Oh, so you are a foreign race too!?"

Ling Tian casually removed the scabbard behind him.

Raised his eyebrows and asked.

"That's right, the foreign race under the blood spirit family, Yin Wujiu!"

"This Celestial Immortal Soldier belongs to me!"

The floating stick-shaped fairy soldier of Yin Wujiu's fingers.

It is inevitable.

"Do you deserve it!!?"

However, Ling Tian sneered and held the scabbard in his hand tightly.

"You laugh at me!?"

"Although this **** immortal seal is an imitation product, it is powerful enough to match the Zhongtian-grade immortal treasure. It is easy to kill you!"

After all, a grinning smile appeared on Yin Wujiu's face, even if Xuan urged the immortal mark on his head, it crashed down.


Zhongtian product immortal treasure, how tyrannical.

It is definitely the strongest Heavenly Grade Immortal Treasure that Ling Tian's current position has ever seen.

The Great Yin Yin storm swelled, and the blood was overshadowed, and the blood souls of the creatures could be seen surging within.

Although it is an imitation, this big seal should have swallowed a lot of human beings before it could be refined!

"court death!"

Seeing the evil **** big seal fall, Ling Tian was angry.

He had heard of this blood spirit door. It was originally a human race, but indiscriminately killed innocent people, and finally defected and became a foreign race!

This kind of existence is punishable by everyone!

"Hmph, Ling Tian, ​​I'll come!"

"Grandma's, just after the fusion, you will be able to meet such unconventional things, let grandpa loose my bones and muscles!"

However, before Ling Tian left, a green light rose from the top of Ling Tian's head.

The green light turns into a great tripod.

It is Qingxu!

However, the Qingxu Ding at this time looked even more mighty and ancient than before.

The breath is even more tyrannical to an unprecedented level!

Far surpassing this immortal imitation seal!


The big tripod roared and ran straight away!

Using the simplest, direct and most crude method, Qing Xuding directly regretted on the **** big seal.


Almost at the moment of the shock, the **** seal of prevention was directly shattered into two halves.

Yin Wujiu spouted a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were full of shock!

Ling Tian's tyranny has exceeded his cognition.

Before, he had heard that Ling Tian had destroyed all the alien talents in Jiji City, but he didn't believe it.

Moreover, he has the imprint of the Blood Slaughter on his hand, even if Ling Tian is powerful, he can't afford to spray any splashes.

As long as he is not in the top ten of the human dragon and phoenix list, he can meet it.

However, he never expected that such a powerful Dading Immortal Treasure would exist in Ling Tian's hands!

Such a tyrannical immortal treasure, the rank is afraid that it has already surpassed the Zhongtian immortal treasure!

But how precious is the heavenly product immortal treasure?

That is enough to become the treasure of Xianmen Zhenzong, even if it is in the junior martial artist, it is definitely the existence of the top ten in the dragon and phoenix list.

This Ling Tian, ​​what is it!

However, despite the suspicion in his heart, the blood was in pain, but Yin Wujiu was shocked and turned around and fled!

Ling Tian, ​​who has the Dading in hand, how could he be an opponent! ?


However, a cold snort sounded behind him, and immediately, a sword light fell.

In the darkness, Yin Wujiu didn't even have time to make a sound, so he was beheaded by Jian Mang and smashed into a cloud of blood.

Without the blood butcher mark, he is weak and pitiful.

And one scene happened to fall in the eyes of Huangfu Changle who fell from the sky.

At this moment, looking at the figure with the head hanging on the cauldron and holding the immortal sword, Huangfu took a deep breath.

Sure enough, this is Ling Tian's combat power!

Enough, ranked in the top ten of the dragon and phoenix list!

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