Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1817: Giant warrior

Because even though Ling Tian only has the Earth Immortal triple, the immortal essence in his body seems to be endless. Not only that, the sharp edge of the weapon in his hand, even if the sword technique is not very sophisticated, he still can't get it. It's cheap.

Even, he has a tendency to be unstoppable.

If this continues, we must fail!

"Huh, there is power in Sora, what a wicked animal is a wicked animal, go on!"

Sure enough, in the battle group, Ling Tian suddenly screamed, and there was a five-color thunder and sword light in it, as if opening the sky and the earth, bursting out.


With a sword in the middle of the snake spear that crossed on Qingyan's chest, the sword's intent surged, and the latter suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blue blood, lost, and fell from the air!

Finally, Ling Tian has taken full initiative!

"Mighty, mighty!"

All of a sudden, the human race in the rear saw this scene with great momentum.

There are even a lot of human warriors hiding in the city jumping off the city wall, adding to the front line, and taking advantage of the situation to rush to kill a wave, but they can get a lot of military exploits.


Qingyan, who was shocked by Ling Tian's sword, was embarrassed, and in front of the two clans, he couldn't wait to blew the demon pill and died with Ling Tian!

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you!"

Qingyan picked up the spear on the ground and had to get up to fight again.

"Forget it, Qingyan, you step back!"

"Here, I'll kill!"

However, this was from the Great Tent of the Qingman Middle Army, and suddenly there was a soft drink.

In the next moment, a pink light rose into the sky.

Suspended above the army.

In an instant, thousands of pink snake clan phantoms hovered under the sky, and the coercion swept away again.

Ling Tian saw the flying figure clearly, and immediately seemed to shrink his pupils.

He also didn't expect that the one who was sitting in the army of the Qingman Demon Race was actually a banshee! ?

His figure was very enchanting, and it looked even more charming than the green slave Ling Tian had seen before near Qingman Mountain.

Everyone knows that the males of the Qingman Snake tribe are hideous and ugly, while the females are unusually coquettish.

Seeing it now, it really deserves its reputation.

But the difference is that now the great general of the Qingman Snake Clan has the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal Triple Peak, which is far more terrifying than that of Qingyan.

"The younger generation of Human Race, you are still tyrannical, but insulting my Qingman Snake Race is your stupidest act."

"For this, you will pay the price of blood!"

After all, the pink light in the hands of the Yaozu condensed and turned into a trident. In a flash, it was tearing the void and reaching the top of Ling Tian's head!

With invincible power, Yiji burst down!

"not good!"

"Qingzhi, the general of the Qingman Snake Clan, personally shot, Ling Tian will be invincible!"

And seeing this scene, General Zhang said he took a breath, and after dealing with the Qingman Snake Clan for so many years, they knew the horror of the Qingman Snake Clan's female general.

It is the pinnacle of the Earth Immortal Triple Layer, and on the battlefield, she is extremely famous, even if it is the Earth Immortal Quadruple Layer, she can rival it.

Ling Tian is a junior, how can he stop it! ?


Sure enough, the stab of the Qingzhi halberd smashed the sword light that Ling Tian raised.

Long Yuanjian buzzed for a while, as if groaning in pain.

No way, the fighting power of this snake clan is really terrifying.

Moreover, today's Ling Tian's first level of the Eternal Burning Heaven Jue has not yet fully understood, and the sword technique in his hand is also much worse.

Invincible of the same tier, you can even fight the next tier, but facing the tertiary peak of the earth immortal, it is still a bit worse.

Was almost shaken high by a halberd.

"Hehe, human child, do you now know what the majesty of the Qingman Snake Clan cannot be trampled on!?"

"You are proud enough to block my halberd!"

With a bloodthirsty sneer on that young and charming face, he raised his halberd, his whole body boiled with demon energy, and his combat power once again soared to 90%, as if he was about to blast Ling Tian above the army.

"Then Ling Tian, ​​retreat quickly!"

Liu Jingfeng, who had been rescued by the Fuyun Jianzong disciple and returned to the city wall, was stunned and exclaimed.

Ling Tian's talent in kendo made him also amazed.

If such a genius was beheaded on the battlefield, it would be a loss to the human race.

Wouldn't it be perfect if he could be recruited into the Fuyun Sword Sect! ?

At this time, inside and outside the city wall of Shuofang, the human army also violently exclaimed.

Ling Tian originally let them see a glimmer of hope, is this hope really going to be so broken! ?

"Hehe, cough cough cough!"

Ling Tian, ​​who was shrouded by the sharp edge of the young euphorbia, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

His current combat power is still unable to allow him to run wild on this Qingmeng army.

However, a tribe of Earth Immortal Triple Demon Clan wanted to kill him, but couldn't do it!

"The Qingman Snake Clan, the background of my Human Clan is not what you can imagine for a monster animal!"

"I can't beat you, but you don't want to kill me either!"

Ling Tian shouted loudly, raising his hands and raising his sleeves. In an instant, a blue and black streamer burst out of his sleeves.

The blue and black light and shadow skyrocketed in an instant, and under the dumbfounding of the two clans, it turned into a giant warrior with a height of several tens of meters!

This warrior is dressed in the middle, holding a terrifying battle axe.

What is even more shocking is that this warrior actually exudes a terrifying coercion that is enough to rival the four-layered immortal.

Compared to the Qing Mang General Qing Zhi, much more tyrannical!

"What is this!?"

Sure enough, at the moment the warrior figure appeared, the pupils of the young boy shrank.

But before she could react, the warrior's eyes ignited two blue-red flames, and when he raised the battle axe in his hand, he slashed at the sharp spear of the halberd.


It was another war of weapons, but what made the Qingman army exclaimed was that this time, it was their admired Qingzhi general who was shaken from the sky with an axe!

In front of the warriors sacrificed by this human race, it turned out that they couldn't even take a single move!

"Hehe, let the big guy play with you!"

Ling Tian licked the blood stain at the corner of his mouth, held the Long Yuan sword tightly, and slammed at that Qingyan again.

"No, get out of me!"

When Na Qingyan saw Ling Tian who was as fierce and evil, he was so scared.

Now that even Qingzhi can't do anything, how can he be an opponent and can only escape!

"Give it all to me, kill this guy, I have many rewards!"

Qingyan also did not forget that the command headquarters sent the immortal to intercept Ling Tian.

But at this time the Lingtian Sword Formation was opened, and the storm swept across all directions. Any Earth Immortal Demon Race that rushed over was instantly strangled into a blood mist, turned into streams of light, merged into the token on Ling Tian's waist, and turned into Military exploits.

"Qingman Demon Animal, where else can you escape!?"

Ling Tian sneered again and again, the ten thousand swords merged into one, turning into a sword light, bursting out like an arrow, crossing the void.

Do not!

Qingyan hissed in horror, but in the end he was directly nailed to the Qingman army by Ling Tian's sword shadow!

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