Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1783: Arrive at Qingman Mountain

When Ling Tian heard it, he was even more puzzled. This matter sounded like an evil.

"Oh, leaving suddenly, why at this moment?!"

Zhao Min shook his head, "It's not too clear. The record is just a few words, saying that the mine suddenly couldn't dig things. For more than ten years, no fairy material appeared, and the miners dug something ominous. Enraged, many miners died inexplicably at the time, and they died in a terrible state. They all seemed to be burned. Only the scorched corpses were left. Even the earth fairy stone masters of the Qingman clan had visited them, but Without exception, they all died in the depths of the mine.'

"Since then, this mine has been abolished. Moreover, no Qingman Snake Clan is willing to come here. They all feel that there is a curse here, a curse against the Qingman Snake Clan!"

"Haha, curse? Something unknown, it sounds pretty oozing."

Ling Tian smiled lightly. He didn't believe this legend.

"Well, but I think it should be related to the Five Elements Bound Flame Ancient Formation. Those miners should have triggered the Great Formation, so they were killed."

"Actually, after the Qingman Snake Clan left, the strong human clan also came to see it secretly, but found nothing."

"Without a map, they can't find the entrance at all."

Zhao Min smiled.

"Well, I probably understand."

Ling Tian nodded, and already had a conclusion in his heart.

That is, not many people know about the ancient cave mansion here, and his special feeling now seems to be just himself, which has nothing to do with the cultivation base.

But this is a bit strange, obviously he has never been here, why did the ancient great formation below this make him feel so sensitive! ?

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to say. The reason why Sister Lu values ​​you so much is because of her pendant!"

"The pendant hasn't changed much since you have never seen it before, but since you appeared, as long as you get close to you, the pendant can emit a warm blue light!"

"You say it's weird, not weird!"

"That's why Sister Lu treats you as his destined true emperor!"

Zhao Min shrugged.

"What? The pendant will shine when it comes close to me? Would you like to be so mysterious!?"

Ling Tian was even more surprised when he heard this.

This seems to be a bit of a pull.

"I didn't lie to you, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Or, you can take Sister Lu too!"

Zhao Min looked at Ling Tiandao with her exclusive smile.

"It doesn't mean."

Ling Tian glanced at Zhao Min and said: "I have sensed the aura of Lu Zhiyao, we should be almost there."


Hearing this, Zhao Min quickly stood up from Ling Tian and kept a seemingly normal distance.

Sure enough, after only half a cup of tea, Ling Tian saw the appearance of a tiankeng-like existence under the clouds. The scale was almost a hundred times larger than the big pit under the magic city. This sinkhole was extremely deep, and it was dark inside, and there was an abyss of hundreds of miles. From a distance, it looked like a huge dark pupil, which made people palpitating.

This tiankeng is the abandoned mine of Qingmang.

After crossing hundreds of miles of abandoned mines, Zhao Min asked Ling Tian to control Xiaoqing's whereabouts. Ling Tian also used super strong eyesight to see Lu Zhiyao hidden in a mountain stream.

The third Miss Zhang Mansion had arrived long ago.

And Lu Zhiyao in the mountain stream saw the majestic Xiaoqing descending from the sky for the first time, but when he saw the safe and sound Ling Tian and Zhao Min with a slight smile, Her face has become a little complicated.

Soon Lu Zhiyao raised a smile on his face and greeted him, "Sister, you are finally here!"

However, for Ling Tian, ​​Lu Zhiyao just said lightly, I can rest assured that you are okay.

Although he always felt that Ling Tian looked a little different from before, he couldn't tell.

Could it be that just because you changed your Tsing Yi, you are more handsome?

After Ling Tian came down, he concealed his cultivation very well, so it seemed to others that his aura and coercion were still only between the Sanxian Great Perfection and the peak, similar to Zhao Min.

Zhao Min changed back to her menswear, jumped off Xiaoqing's back, and caught Lu Zhiruo's hand to connect with it.

"These days I can be regarded as worrying to death. Fortunately, we are all fine. It seems that this time, the Ancient Cave Mansion should be possible!"

Zhao Min excitedly said.

"Well, I hope."

Lu Zhiyao until it is possible.

But coincidentally, not long after Ling Tian and the two arrived, three streams of light flew from a distance one after another, and when they saw the three, they all fell all together.

Needless to say, these three streams are Gu Chen, Zhang Rong and Chao Yunxiu.

However, seeing Ling Tian safe and sound, and with a stronger temperament, made the corners of Gu Chen's mouth twitch.

This guy is really not dead!

After abruptly withstood the strong blow from the peak of the Qingman Snake Clan's Sanxian Peak, it was all right?

Even if it is injured, it is impossible to get better so quickly! ?

Could it be that Zhao Min gave him what the best healing medicine failed! ?

Gu Chen had been thinking about it in his heart, but as a result, naturally he hated Ling Tian more and more deeply.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that you would have a hard life as a servant!"

"It's not dead!"

But Zhang Rong couldn't hold back what she was thinking, and she sneered.

"How can you die? After all, it's with the little white face of Pavilion Master Zhao. Tsk tsk, I want to come to you, the best mount before, it was also a gift from Pavilion Master Zhao!?"

"I really didn't expect that your kid really has some tricks!"

"Relying on a woman in charge, you are so cool!"

Chao Yunxiu also sneered.

"If you don't want your tongue, I will make you dumb now!"

"Don't try to provoke me with your stupidity!"

However, Ling Tian swept across as sharp as a sword with extremely sharp eyes.

Today, he can wave his hands and let the two of them disappear into ashes, but as an earth fairy, he really doesn't bother to do it.

However, Zhang Rong and Chao Yunxiu were shocked physically and mentally, their blood surged, almost vomiting and bleeding, and their bodies receded again and again.

Ling Tian is now so strong that they can't bear even a look in their eyes?

"Ling Tian, ​​don't you put me in your eyes?"

Gu Chen rolled his sleeves in the back, directly shattering all the momentum Ling Tian was pressing, and said coldly.

"Haha, what if you don't put it in your eyes!!?"

Ling Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and the two of them were already at a stretch.

"Well, it's okay, you guys don't worry, our purpose here is to enter the ancient cave mansion."

"Don't fight infight for now."

Zhao Min dragged Ling Tian back.

"Ms. Zhao said so, then I'm not as familiar with the people of this class, but after entering the ancient cave, if you provoke me again, don't blame me for turning my face and ruthless!"

Gu Chen snorted and said angrily.

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