Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1710: Emperor Wu dedicated himself to begging for heaven as a disciple

"Ling Tian!"

But Ling Xiao stopped Ling Tian and dragged him back.


"Since Emperor Wu, his elders don't want to see me, a useless veteran, then he will disappear."

"After all, we are the monarchs who have known each other for thousands of years, and it is not bad for this last side."

"When the Demon Witch Clan was destroyed, I gave up my life, so I didn't live it in vain."

Ling Xiao shook his head, pulling Ling Tian and walking back.

"It's just that, when the time comes, I am afraid that I will not have a chance to see Emperor Wu."

Ling Tian frowned, "Ancestor, what did you say..."

But Ling Tian couldn't finish speaking, there was a buzzing sound behind the two of them.

"Ling Xiao, I can't help you..."

A dull voice sounded, and Ling Xiao, who was holding Ling Tian's arm, trembled all over.

Ling Tian looked at it in surprise, but found that the ancestor at this time was already in tears.

"Emperor Wu!"

Ling Xiao turned around and knelt on the ground with a thud.

"It's the old minister incompetent!"

"I went to the Demon Realm for five hundred years before I found this primordial martial soul for you."

"If not, your majesty will not be a monk!"

"This is all the veteran's fault!"

Ling Tian also turned around, without any evasion, and raised his eyes to look at the figure standing behind the stone gate.

What surprised Ling Tian slightly was that the so-called Southern Tang Wuhuang seemed so young.

Although he has been shaved as a monk, his robes are clean and tidy, his face is like a crown jade, his eyes are like stars, his sword eyebrows are high, the roof is full, and he is even standing there, even though he looks like an ordinary person As if the body was covered with Xiaguang, the extravagance was compelling.

This person is worthy of being the emperor!

Such appearance and temperament are really rare in the world, at least in Ling Tian's impression, there is no human race that can compare with it.

"Ling Xiao, if you kneel to me again, today will be the last of you and me."

Master Na Tongxuan folded his hands together, his expression suddenly cold.

"Well, I won't kneel, I won't kneel."

Ling Xiao repeatedly said yes, and Ling Tian quickly helped him up.

"Two donors, please come in."

The expression on Master Tongxuan's face was more attractive, and he turned around and entered the cave mansion.

Ling Tian glanced at each other and quickly followed.

"Your...Master Tongxuan, I won't say more about it. I found this martial soul from the beginning, and you accept it."

After entering the cave, Ling Xiao put the brocade box in front of the futon where Master Tongxuan was sitting.

Ling Tian looked at this cave mansion.

It is extremely simple, stone table, stone platform and stone bed, plus a futon, nothing else.

God knows how this Emperor Wu sat for five hundred years.

"Hehe, for this thing, regardless of your own safety, you practice that magic mystery and go deep into the demon realm."

"Do you know how guilty I feel!?"

Master Tongxuan suddenly smiled, "Five hundred years ago, I was not the opponent of Zhang Daoling, and I couldn't mobilize the human army to help the Great Wilderness of the Eastern Region."

"But I didn't let you risk your death to find this **** early Wuhun!"

"Even if I go, it should be me!"

Tong Xuan's tone became more and more excited.

"Do you know that after you left, both Jiuxiao Hongluo and Xuanming's Feiyuluo came to me, and then you lost the news. I can't figure out your secret chance, and even more faceless to face them both. "

Ling Tian couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Then why doesn't the master go to the demon realm and find my ancestor himself?"

"Ling Tian! I'm talking to the master, don't interrupt!"

Ling Xiao said anxiously.

"Hehe, are you the descendant of the Ling family? What is your name?"

However, Master Tongxuan didn't have any unpleasant colors.

"Junior Ling Tian!"

Ling Tian bowed his hand and said hello.

In fact, Ling Tian still had a lot of grievances against this Southern Tang Emperor Wu.

If it hadn't been for him to throw Nan Tang's mess down, he would have jumped into the perfect patio. Now not only could he not meet his wife and sister, but also the flesh and blood that he had never met before.

"Hehe, Tianzi, it is interesting. Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian Zhizhi, not bad!"

Master Tongxuan murmured, and then nodded, "It is worthy of being a person who should be robbed, with deep luck and the only human being."

"As for you just asked me, why don't you go to that demon realm to find Lingxiao."

He looked into Ling Tian's eyes, "Do you know why the Lord of Nine Heavens and Xuan Ming's Fei Yuluo never entered the demon realm to search for Ling Xiao?"

"With her love for your ancestors, you are not even afraid of death!"


Ling Tian thought for a while, but was puzzled.

"Of course it's for Ling Xiao, but also for you!"

Tongxuan smiled.

"What, for me!? Haha, what does this mean, master, why can't I understand what happened five hundred years ago, what does it have to do with me?"

Ling Tian spread his hands, now he was at a loss.

"Hehe, of course, everything here has something to do with you!"

"Don’t you think about it yourself, why you entered the Demon Territory and you could just catch up with the bloodline to open, and also happened to catch up with the plan of the Peng Clan for hundreds of years to open the Dragon Territory. Did the Qingtian Dragon Palace appear?"

Tong Xuan got up and walked towards Ling Tian step by step.

The latter's brows are still frowning. Now, when I think about it, it seems to be a bit too coincidental. There is almost a node that I missed, so today, he will not be here.

"What's going on? How can you know these things in Tianyuxian Island?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Hehe, of course I know that it was in the Dragon Territory at the beginning, and the Dragon Territory can only be entered through the land of bloodlines. I calculated these things as early as five hundred years ago!"

"If not, how could your ancestor of the Ling family go directly to the Demon Realm to look for the Martial Soul of the Beginning?"

"Today you two arrived in front of me, and I naturally knew that Great Sky Dragon Palace, you have entered, not to mention, you still have the breath of candle dragon on your body."

Tongxuan walked towards the mountain wall inside the cave, waved his big sleeves, and brushed the thick dust on it. On the exposed mountain wall, there were even densely packed obscure and messy symbols.

These symbols are messy and disorganized, like a book of heaven.

Ling Tian glanced around, but didn't know what to say.

"These are what I came from when I worshipped the beggars as my teacher and realized the secrets of heaven. At that time, above the hexagrams of heaven, I was not allowed to wait in that demon realm!"

"Later, the beggars also warned me that if I waited in, the heavens would be in chaos, and countless human races would be killed."

"And above all the hexagrams and proverbs, there is only Ling Xiao."

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