Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1694: Grasp the feet of the ancestor's blood

"It's going to be!"

Qin Mingyue and the others looked at each other and couldn't help being excited.

In this ninth-story hall, there is no trace of the treasure house.

Therefore, they have not found the remaining Wuhun of the primordial era.

Then, the most likely place is under this huge Fengtian clock.

As long as Fengtianzhong is moved away, we can see the difference.


Finally, after a full cup of tea, Feng Tianzhong finally shook violently, soaring into the sky, and then being taken directly into the body by Long Xuan.

"Hahahaha, for five hundred years, I finally came out!"

However, as soon as the Fengtian Bell was removed, a loud laugh came from it.

When Ling Tian and the others looked at it, they couldn't help frowning.

At this time, on the golden wood dragon seat, an old man with a disheveled hair was sitting. Although he looked energetic, he had bare feet and one hand, still clasped between his feet.

Pampering ancestors! ?

Ling Tian frowned, and secretly said that Ling Tian's ancestor was too careless about image, right?

This is in the presence of so many Ling's daughters-in-law, it shouldn't be so casual! ?

"Emma, ​​so many girls are here!"

However, seeing the three daughters of Qin Mingyue, Ling Xiao quickly put her feet away, and sat up in a precarious manner.

"Ahem, that... you are that Lingtian!?"

Ling Xiao coughed slightly to make himself look more majestic.

"Ling Family Lingtian, I have seen the ancestor!"

"The younger generation is hurt, so I can't give a respectful gift."

Ling Tian nodded, his face was already pale.

"Hey, that's it, you kid, your temperament, you really follow Ling Xiao! You don't need to have a hole card, you have to fight to the end by yourself."

Ling Xiao shook his head, not knowing whether he was boasting Lingtian or scolding him.

"Old ancestor, junior Qin Mingyue, that... dare to ask that Candle Dragon essence blood, can it be in this Qingtian Dragon Palace? If there is no dragon essence blood, I am afraid it will be Ling Tian this body..."

Qin Mingyue looked around Ling Xiao with anxious expression on her face.

"Oh! Look at me, forget all this ninth layer baby."

"Is the candle dragon essence blood? Yes, yes!"

Ling Xiao quickly took out a ring, and amidst the noise, he poured out all the treasures in it.

Rare ores, elixir of life, and golden armor, piled all over the floor.

Rao was seriously injured and Ling Tian couldn't help but be speechless.


Compared with other nine-story treasures, the treasure house on the eighth floor below is simply rubbish!

Just that set of golden armor is enough to blind everyone's eyes.

At the very least, Long Xuan, who had received Feng Tianzhong and walked up, was dumbfounded.

"Golden Dragon Armor! The first armor of my dragon clan!"

"It turns out that he was also sealed in the Sky Dragon Palace!"

Long Xuan's saliva was about to flow out, but the thing was in Ling Xiao's hands, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Ahem, these are the things of your dragon clan, I am embarrassed to ask for them!"

Ling Xiao touched his nose, but hurriedly took a few of the brocade boxes into his hands, "But, these things were originally the treasures of the human race, and it is useless to let you dragons, you have to give us!"

"Senior, look at what you are saying, isn't it!? Even if you want these things, I, Long Xuan, have nothing to say!" Long Xuan patted his chest with a magnificent appearance.

Although he feels distressed, Ling Tian fought desperately today, and even almost caught up with Ran Hongfu and Xiaoying, he couldn't make it out of his heart.

Moreover, now he can be said to have unified the Dragon Realm, and he has taken the treasure of Fengtian Bell into his hands, and he has nothing to care about.

"That won't work, we should take it, we will take it. We don't want something that belongs to the dragon clan."

Yang Lin waved his hand and threw the treasures such as the crystal core of the ore armor and spirit medicine to Long Xuan, and then took out the most exquisite party from the brocade box, got up and handed it to Ling Tian.

"There is the essence of Candle Dragon blood. Although it is only a drop that has been diluted, it is still the only divine object in this world. For thousands of years, the dragons have not been willing to use it. Today, it is cheap. People!"

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect that the descendants of my Ling Tian might even train a flesh body comparable to the dragon clan!"

Ling Xiao looked at Ling Tian with more relief in her eyes.

"Xie Pao!"

Ling Tian stretched out his hand to take the brocade box and opened it directly.

In the brocade box, there is a crystal clear bottle polished with ten thousand year ice diamonds. At this time, in the bottle, a drop of bright red blood, only the size of a grain of rice, is suspended in it.

"This is the essence of the candle dragon!?"

Liu Yiyi and others also surrounded him, but they all frowned.

This blood looks very ordinary.


But just after the shock of everyone fell, the drop of candle dragon blood suddenly shook and buzzed, and the next moment, the endless dragon clan pressure suddenly broke out.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed their colors, and the boundless sea of ​​fire evolved inside and outside the Dragon Palace.

All the dragons, at this moment, couldn't help trembling all over, kneeling down.

Under the pressure of this candle dragon, those dragons couldn't bear it at all.

At this time, the essence and blood in the bottle also evolved into a fiery red swimming dragon. Although it was extremely small, it was exquisite in appearance, with full beard and hair, four feet and five claws, and it was extremely holy!

This must be the essence of the candle dragon!

Ling Tian was in tearing pain, because the dragon blood in his body couldn't help being tempted, and it started to boil!

Ling Tian hurriedly closed the brocade box, sealing off all the candle dragon breath.

This thing is indeed a treasure.

After chasing the dragon clan essence and blood for so long, he finally got such a satisfying drop.

With this drop of candle dragon essence blood, then his dragon blood overlord body will surely become!

"Hehe, you guys are looking for these things, right!?"

Ling Xiao looked at Qin Mingyue's third daughter with a smug expression, and handed over a square brocade box.

Qin Mingyue opened it, and a dazzling mysterious light soared into the sky, which made her cover her mouth and couldn't hide her joy.

"Hidden word soul!"

Now, Qin Mingyue is already pregnant with the moon and chasing the wind with three of them in the beginning, and only this last one can make up a complete set.

By then, her talent will reach its peak.

And Liu Yiyi and Ji Jiuyou opened the brocade box, and they also found that what was displayed in it was also the last Wuhun of the primordial primacy that they lacked!

Such a trip to the Dragon Realm meant to be complete.

"Hahaha, this little black dragon, I just want to play with him for a while, so I want to chase after him, this guy committed suicide! It's really boring!"

At this time, Gao Tianzhi burst into laughter, but it was Yang Lin who tore open the void and flew down.

He carried the colorful sky dragon spear in his hand, and after it fell, he threw it to Long Xuan with a dull look.

"Nuo, this is your dragon's treasure, put it away."

Immediately, he opened his palm, and a drop of five-colored dragon blood appeared in his hand.

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