Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1692: Exhausted

He seemed to explode with a bit of terrifying power, directly smashing the sword formation.

"Haha, ruthless enough!"

Ling Tian surrounded by thousands of swords had a sharp glow in his eyes, and smiled at the corners of his mouth. He said in a deep voice, "Let's see who is better!!"

Following Ling Tian's low drink, the Qiandao sword light suddenly shrank in front of Ling Tian. When all the dragons were surprised and uncertain, the sword formation suddenly rotated and condensed, and the boundless sword intent turned into silver light on Ling Tian's body.

The sword formation finally condensed into a big squirrel-like form, and shot at the ruining sky of the evil dragon lord, and greeted it.

clang! clang! clang!

Jian Ying and the spear light were in mid-air, slamming into each other, making a roar like a landslide and the ground cracking. A wave of terrifying aftermath rippled out, and outside the dragon palace, there was a loud noise, turbulent, one after another, all the dragons vomited blood and retreated, and could no longer bear it.

In this entanglement, the horror shot of the evil dragon lord, under the continuous tear of the sword shadow, crashed to pieces, many sword shadows were cast off continuously, and shot towards the evil dragon lord.

"Damn it, get out!!"

A hideous color flashed across the face of the Lord of the Dragon, and instead of retreating, he moved forward, and the spear beams burst out like thunder. Relying on the powerful cultivation base, the flying sword shadow was blown into pieces abruptly.

In this chaos, the lord of the dragon who smashed the sword and shadow strongly, his prestige soared. His eyes swept like electricity, and after falling on Ling Tian, ​​he leaped into the air and rushed over.


But when he was in mid-air, just as soon as he moved, Ling Tian's body's Sanskrit sound suddenly appeared, and the golden light rose into the sky, condensing into a golden arhat that penetrated the sky completely. The roaring wind suddenly formed.

The six-armed Arhat drank bursts of Sanskrit sounds towards the black dragon, and under the violent wind, it evolved into a golden seal and roared away.

"Buddhist practice!? You kid, you know a lot!"

Looking at the rushing Buddhist seal, the look of the lord of the evil dragon suddenly turned cold, and the person was in the air, his arms stretched fiercely.

"But no matter how much you can do, you will eventually be an ant!!"

The Lord of the evil dragon with his arms outstretched, as if in mid-air transformed into a magic dragon, slammed into the big seal with one head.


Under such a hard regret, the powerful golden seal was smashed into pieces. The golden seal that shattered all over the sky was as poignant as fireworks, and the lord of the evil dragon roared up to the sky. Surrounded by these golden lights, his prestige was violent again.

"Let's stop here!"

The lord of the evil dragon once again transformed into a human form, broke through the Great Seal storm, holding the dragon spear, and flew straight down.

Ling Tian's eyes condensed slightly, looking at the evil dragon lord who was slain like a rainbow, the secret path, the six-armed world-cleaning seal, was still too weak.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows lightly, sharp shots between his eyebrows, his ten fingers were as white as jade, and they changed quickly. Suddenly, there was a boundless flame on his body, which rose crazily little by little.

Seeing Ling Tian raised his hand, twisted his four fingers, the whirlpool formed.

Endless power and fire power burst into the whirlpool, and even the aura around the entire hall was crazily absorbed.

A dazzling finger slowly condensed, glaring at all directions in this world, glaring at the people.

"That is……"

Countless eyes looked at Ling Tian, ​​his expressions changed drastically after hearing the prestige.

"My God, this human race has so many supernatural powers, and each one is so incredible!"

"Horrible, this supernatural power is too scary"

Suddenly, there were endless exclamations on the huge battlefield.

Even the lord of the evil dragon frowned suddenly.

This Ling Tian has many methods, and this finger now makes him feel threatened.

"Haha, Lord of the Dragon, do you think of this so far!?"

"Then see if you can bear my cut!"

"Sword and finger are one, go!"

Ling Tian merged the energy of the pure yang finger into the big 槊, and then directly swiped it down.

"Good job!"

The lord of the evil dragon yelled, his breath was full, and he came with his dragon spear.

In an instant, under the sky, two supernatural powers that had almost reached their limit, came to each other, and the dragons that frightened them fleeing out like life.


Immediately afterwards, the two magical powers shook each other.

Suddenly, the entire Qingtian Dragon Palace was violently trembling, and Long Xuan tightly clung to Fengtian Bell, and with the help of Fengtian Bell's coercion, could he save his life.

Endless storms circled, and a black ball formed above the sky, which was a void where two magical powers burst apart.

The space storm is raging and cannot heal for a long time.


After more than a dozen breaths, two figures from the center of the storm on the vault that day collapsed and flew out again.

The dragon races who had retreated far away looked at the sky in horror, and they couldn't help but exclaimed.

Under such a tyrannical impact, the evil dragon lord and Ling Tian were not dead!

However, Ling Tian was directly crashed into the sky and fell to the ground.

And the lord of the evil dragon retreated thousands of feet, and one arm was already gone, with flames burning on it, making his dragon body unable to heal.

Holding the Heavenly Dragon Spear with one hand, half of the body of the Lord of the Dragon was mutilated.

Although Ling Tian's terrifying sword-finger unity could not kill him, it caused him to suffer an unprecedented severe damage.

This is the heaviest injury he has ever suffered since he was reborn from the abyss!

"Damn the human race!"

The corners of the dragon lord's mouth were twitching.

He looked at the big pit that was blasted out on the ground below.

In the pit, Ling Tian's mouth was constantly pouring out golden blood.

At this moment, none of his whole body was intact, with tearing wounds all over him, and even the big scorpion fell to the side.

Shengsheng had withstood the strongest blow from the Lord of the Dragon, Ling Tian had already exhausted everything without using a whole set of primordial martial arts.

But still lost.

The body that had been tempered by the five blood crystal angels just kept Ling Tian from being directly torn apart.

But that's it.

Now Ling Tian, ​​the demon energy condensed by the demonization mystery technique has all shattered.

Lying in the big pit, I can't get up.

"Hehe, after all, I am physically weak."

Ling Tian chuckled, lying on his back, as if laughing at himself.

"Ling Tian, ​​your combat power is good, but in this dragon domain, you will never escape death."

"Now, it's over, Human Race, can't stop me from unifying the Dragon Region."

"However, after unifying the Dragon Realm, I will enter the Human Race and restore the glory of my Dragon Race thousands of years ago!"

"Hehe, my evil dragon clan was born in the abyss and is not subject to the chastisement of heaven. After all, this realm belongs to us!"

The Lord of the Dragon sneered again and again, and slowly landed from mid-air.

The Heavenly Dragon Immortal Spear in his hand slowly raised, stabling down towards Ling Tian.

Today's Ling Tian has no momentum, and can't bear the power of this gun at all!

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