Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1675: Sword and stick in one

"Damn it, Terran's weapons and martial arts!"

The Blood Lord was cut down into the blood sea, but immediately hovered.

"However, don't think that you can defeat me with these!"

"I have planned for thousands of years in the land of blood, far from what you can imagine!"

The blood master sneered again and again, the next moment, his hands were raised flat, and the huge force disturbed the entire blood sea.

Bang bang bang!

In the next moment, all kinds of weapons suddenly shot out from the sea of ​​blood.

In an instant it was covered with blood, the sea and the sky, there were thousands of them!

The quality of these blades is different, and the worst is just ordinary quasi-celestial soldiers, but among them, there are no top-grade quasi-celestial soldiers.

Moreover, the blood master is also holding a blood-red long yue at this time, the brilliance covers the sky, and it is even more dazzling than Ran Hongfu's crimson halberd!

Under this sea of ​​blood, there are so many weapons hidden, and there are such superb divine weapons.

Just looking at the momentum of that Changyue, it is almost the existence of an immortal soldier!

"I see how you died!"

The Blood Lord Changyue pointed directly at Ling Tian, ​​and the next moment, those thousands of weapon blades burst into Ling Tian.

Although it is not supernatural power, it makes no sense!

"Ma De!"

Ling Tian's eyes were blood-red, and his killing intent was undiminished, so he naturally wouldn't retreat. He immediately swung up, Mo Tan stretched out, and slammed straight to the ten thousand swords.

Bang bang bang!

Wherever he went, the sword shattered.

But Ling Tian was greatly stunned, and cracks also appeared.

There are more and more cut scars on the body!

"See how long you can hold on, the blood sea Changhong cut!"

At this moment, the blood master also moved, and Chang Yue in his hand suddenly cut down, covering Ling Tian.

Ling Tianzhen opened countless weapons and stretched across his head.

When there was a bang,

Beneath the Scarlet Changyue, Ling Tian's Mo Yan was directly cut into two pieces!

The sharp edge of the long Yue was still there, and it fell straight on Ling Tian's shoulders.


In an instant, golden blood spattered.

Ling Tian was directly blasted into the sea of ​​blood.

Now Ling Tian's body is much more tyrannical than before, but now, he is still cut directly into the body by that Chang Yue.

In fact, this is also thanks to Ling Tian's physical body just being tempered by two blood crystal heaven stones, otherwise the blood master is enough to tear half of Ling Tian's body apart.

"Hahahaha, what about the human race!? In this bloodline land, this lord is invincible!"

At this time, the blood lord was full of blood, the blood diverged, and the scarlet eyes were tyrannical. Although he was wounded, he didn't mean to be afraid at all, and his mouth roared like a wild beast, which was terrifying.

Holding Changyue in his hand, he was indeed too aggressive.

In Taoyuan, Ran Hongfu screamed when he saw Ling Tian was seriously injured.

Having known Ling Tian for so long, she had never seen Ling Tian suffered such severe injuries.

"No, I want to give the Scarlet War Halberd to Ling Tian!"

Ran Hongfu was in a hurry and wanted to leave.

However, it was pressed by that Yang Lin.

"Little Phoenix, what are you anxious about? Although I haven't known this little Ling Tian for a long time, I know that this guy is famously hidden!"

"Don't think that a blood master can do nothing about him. If it weren't in the demon domain, this blood master wouldn't know how many times he died!"

"Yes, didn't you see that Lao Hou was gone? Ling Tian, ​​this kid, should be anxious."

Qing Xu also stood aside, looking like Tao Yaoyao and the others, with no worries on his face.

Just like Blood Lord, in their experience, it really isn't strong anymore.

"Yes, is it?"

"Could it be that Ling Tian has a stronger weapon?"

Ran Hongfu was also startled when he saw this.

"Of course, the silly little dragon who was fighting with us before, he is the best, watch it!"

Tao Yaoyao shrugged, looking good at the show.

Although Ran Hongfu was breathing in his heart, the sky in Taoyuan changed. Sure enough, Ling Tian had already rushed out of the sea of ​​blood.

Above the sea of ​​blood.

Ling Tian was surging with golden light, and the extremely deep wound on his shoulder almost removed Ling Tian's arm.

But at this time, the wound was a burst of caverns, and within a moment, it returned to its original state.

Although it will not fully recover in an instant, at least it looks less terrifying.

"Hehe, do you want to bully me!?"

"Even if it is, you think too much."

Ling Tian slowly raised his eyes, the anger in his heart had already burned to the limit.

He will not give the blood host anymore.

Immediately, above Ling Tian's hands, radiance surged, and after a while, Du'er Huangquan appeared in Ling Tian's hands.

Today's Du'er Huangquan has not yet achieved the position of a fairy soldier, but its material has been tempered by post-soil spar, and it has become a fairy soldier.

The difference is nothing more than the power of the soul.

In short, it is longer than the blood of the blood master, only strong but not weak.

"Hehe, what, do you still want to resist!?"

The Blood Lord's face became cold, and he didn't expect Ling Tian to have such a momentum.

However, with a big wave of his hand, the remaining weapons shot again towards Ling Tian.

"Something ignorant!"

Ling Tian's face was stubborn, and Huang Quan crossed his hands to lift up, and the next moment, he swept out!

Sanskrit Eight Kills!

With a stick swaying the sea, the eight Sanskrit sounds swept away under the blessing of the power of blood. Wherever they passed, those weapons shattered one after another, and the thousands of Dao weapon souls that broke free were all swallowed by the old man.

Ling Tian didn't even look at it. The light in his hand flashed again, and the Long Yuan sword wrapped in its scabbard appeared.

"Xiao Lei, let you be sharp!"

Immediately, Huangquan Du'er and Long Yuan Sword were tied together. Although Long Yuan Sword had never been out of its sheath, it had the power of this immortal soldier, and only its sharp aura would tear everything by itself.


The brand-new big qi congealed into an instant, and the entire bloodline seemed to be roaring and trembling.

"Blood Lord, your death date is here!"


With a loud shout, Ling Tian tore the void to pieces, moved horizontally, and Da Li blasted straight out, directly smashing onto the horizontal long Yue of the Blood Lord, the power of blood was fully opened, and Ling Tian's body was full of dragons. Yin.

The Blood Lord screamed, spouting blood, mixed with visceral pieces, this was the first major injury between the two in the battle.

But Ling Tian was crazy.



Ling Tian smiled sullily, without any intention to stop. Taking the upper hand at this moment will naturally not miss the opportunity. It must be known that the recovery ability of the Blood Lord is also terrifying. One stroke after another fell violently. With Ling Tian's current strength, every stroke and fall of him was mixed with a mighty force, making it easy to tear the world apart.

The Blood Lord was constantly injured, the Chang Yue had collapsed, the blood in the Qi Orifices was like a spring, and the body of the Son of Qingluan was as fragile as thin paper. If his strength supported him, his body would have been blasted into powder. But even so, the person's scarlet eyes were gradually dimming, and his body's breath continued to weaken during the roar.

Ling Tian today is really crazy.

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