Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1657: Son of Luan

Yan Yan!

Seeing Lin Yanyan's figure, Ling Tian almost shouted out.

But the distance was too far at this time, and Ling Tian would never reveal his identity here.

Knowing can only scream in my heart.

Before, Qin Mingyue said that Lin Yanyan had absolutely jumped the sky well. Ling Tian was not sure yet. Now seeing Lin Yanyan, his heart is full of mixed feelings.

Because Lin Yanyan is not like Liu Yiyi, Ji Jiuyou and the others, who have the martial spirit of the beginning, passing through the tunnel of time and space, it may be broken and ashes scattered.

Moreover, after so long, Lin Yanyan didn't come to find herself, but now she suddenly appeared in the demon realm.

No, isn't this not Lin Yanyan, but a monster race with the same looks and temperament as Lin Yanyan?

Otherwise, how could she come to this place of blood! ?

Ling Tian was still in doubt, but the monster race that looked like Lin Yanyan had already stepped into the formation and teleported into the land of blood.

He didn't even glance at Ling Tian.

"Ling Tian, ​​what's the matter!?"

Ran Hongfu was extremely sensitive to Ling Tian's strangeness, and even asked in a low voice.

"It's okay, it looks like I saw an acquaintance, but I should have read it wrong, let's go."

Ling Tian shook his head, pulled Ran Hongshu and turned into a golden glow and flew past.

After waiting under the bright beam of light, Ling Tian could see the appearance of the teleportation array.

It's extremely leaky, and it's arranged on a flattened mountain.

At this moment, in addition to the demon clan Tianjiao who looted in that team, there are also three demon clan powerhouses with extremely tyrannical auras sitting under the formation.

The three with the worst cultivation bases were all in the Xiaocheng stage in the late Sanxian stage, the middle was the leader, and even reached the Dacheng stage in the late stage Sanxian stage. Compared to the human race, Xiao Feng and Leng Aotian, they are definitely not worse.

"Qingfeng City Ran's house, Ran Hongfu led the team to the place of blood, and met Luan Shuai!"

Ran Hong flicked forward, respectfully saluting the old military commander Yaozu headed by him.

"Well, Qingfeng City...hehe, it seems that Cao Tianxiao is really unbelievable. He even came to a place and didn't get it."

However, the Yaozu veteran snorted coldly and looked extremely impatient.

His eagle-like eyes swept over the three of Ran Hongfu immediately.

It was that Ling Tian was inexplicably shocked for his inner Qihai.

This old guy is not ordinary!

Although he was still far from able to see Ling Tian's demon transformation technique based on his cultivation base of the late stage of dispersing immortality, it was the most tyrannical existence that Ling Tian encountered after entering the demon realm.

Especially the pair of dark eyes, quite intimidating.

Sure enough, the veteran looked at Ling Tian for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "What I said, the bloodline of the Profound Golden Dragon and Lion of the fourth stage peak, the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Sanxian, such a combat power, compared to the other two main cities Tianjiao , It's definitely not bad..."

"Fine, even if you can enter the bloodline this time, you won't be able to get out..."

However, the last sentence of the veteran changed the expressions of the three of Ran Hongfu.

This guy is too ugly to speak.

What does it mean to go in is no way out.

Who do you look down on?

"Hehe, you don't need to be angry, this time the bloodline is not so easy to come out."

"First of all, the old man wants to tell you that the land of blood is opened once every 100 years. Many monsters don’t even have a chance to see this after they are born, let alone enter it personally to gain the opportunity to improve their blood. Therefore, compared with countless monsters, you Very lucky."

"But the old man also reminds you that the bloodline place is extremely dangerous. Whether it is the blood spirits there or other geniuses of the monster race, a little carelessness will bring you a murderous disaster."

"not to mention……"

"Fine, hand in the blood token, then go in."

The veteran was impatient.

Although Ran Hongfu and Ling Tian were upset, they couldn't say anything. They immediately handed in the tokens and flew towards the formation on the mountain.

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At this time, from a distance in the sky, a sound of beasts resounded through the sky, and the sound shook the sky with sound waves, which was extremely extraordinary.

Ling Tian and Ran Hongfu were shocked in their hearts. They turned around and looked at them, but they found a huge cyan griffin beast with its wings spread out, covering the sky and covering the sun. It was as large as a thousand feet, very shocked.

And above the griffin, dozens of figures were standing peacefully at this time, each of them dressed in dazzling cyan and golden armor, very proud.

The leader is a young monster race with a tall stature, magnificent shining armor, and a three-pointed euphorbia in his hand.

The most eye-catching thing is the golden feathers above his head, which looks like a crown, blooming with brilliance, like a fairy.

The blood of this demon is extremely high.

"Hehe, he is Luan Yunxiao, the holy son of the Qingluan clan, and the first son of the lord of the Qingluan. He is so powerful and pure that he has even surpassed his father. It is said that he is already at the pinnacle of the sixth rank. I know what rank it is now. In short, he will definitely be the final winner in this bloodline land, and the seat of the lord of Qingluan must be his!"

"Now, you know the gap between you and the real Yaozu Tianjiao, the little Qingfeng City, but it's not enough to see."

Seeing Ling Tian a little surprised, Ran Ruoxuan couldn't help but smile.

Although it sounds like he is trying to solve Ling Tian's confusion, in his tone of voice, he doesn't know where the disdain and pride come from.

Ling Tian naturally ignored her, and Ran Hongfu also said softly after Ling Tian: "Nowadays, within the main city of the Qingluan clan, there is no harmony. There are many bloodlines in the clan, and the lord of Qingluan is not just one. son."

"In addition to this Luan Yunxiao, as far as I know, there is also a sage of the Luan clan, and many of the descendants of Tianjiao below. They are also fighting openly and secretly for the future lord of the Luan clan, but, this Luan Yunxiao Some are nothing more than a ride."

Ling Tian's gaze followed the giant griffin into the formation and disappeared before their eyes, only then nodded.

"Hehe, it's so good, the more chaotic, the better for us."

He is very happy to see such a situation.

This so-called Saint Son of the Luan Clan is indeed tyrannical in blood, and his own cultivation level has reached the peak of the middle Sanxian stage, just don't know whether the combat power can be comparable to the late Sanxian Dacheng.

In short, with this Luan Yunxiao's combat power, it is definitely comparable to Ye Gucheng's Wen Wan and his like, and in the Human Race, it is definitely the supreme arrogant of Dengxiantai who has a martial soul from the beginning.

Moreover, in the demon domain, they must be stronger.

Watching the more than a dozen figures of the sage son of the Luan clan enter the bloodline, Ling Tianzheng wanted to turn around and bring Ran Hongfu into the formation. A surprised and joking voice sounded from the bottom of the mountain.

"Hey, look at who this is, the two sisters of Ran's family, then Cao Fei is really a waste, even your Ran's family can't even hold it."

Ling Tian frowned when he heard the words, then turned around, only to find that six figures were swept up from the mountain at this time.

These monster races are all in pitch-black armor, and they are very strong, and they look like a savage bull clan.

However, the bloodline is of course much more tyrannical than the bull clan.

"Huh, Utai?!"

Ran Hongfu chuckled lightly, but said behind Ling Tian, ​​"They are the Wu Family of Heishui City."


Ling Tian nodded, for the Yaozu Tianjiao in such a sub-primary city, Ling Tian didn't pay attention to it at all.

However, when Ling Tian's eyes swept across the six figures one by one, his pupils suddenly stopped on one person.

That's right, this figure is not a demon, but a human race!

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