Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1652: Crimson Halberd is prestigious [Thanks for riding donkey soap]

Seventh-rank is inferior immortal bloodline, all of which are called upper third-rank.

The remaining 4th, 5th, and 6th ranks are of the middle and third rank bloodlines, and the Lei Yu and Qingluan of the four great monster race forces belong to the middle and high ranks of the third rank.

And the top bloodlines in the secondary main city like Qingfeng City are generally in the lower third rank.

Qingfeng City is the weakest among the three cities, and it is already incredible that the Ran family can have such a bloodline that is about to enter the fourth stage of Sanction.

"Hmph, have you seen it, this is the gap between you and me!"

"What are you fighting with me?"

Ran Ruoxuan retracted her palm and looked at Ran Hongfu mockingly.

Her bloodline has only been revealed in front of all the monster races until today, just to tell all the descendants of the monster race in Qingfeng City how strong her bloodline is.

That is to say, I want to wait for Ran Hongfu to come back one day to let him understand who is the first arrogant of Ran's family.

"Haha, how, is the Sanxian Third-Rank bloodline enough to give you such confidence?"

However, to Ran Ruoxuan's expectation, Ran Hongfu did not look surprised.

There was even a slight disdain on his face.

It doesn't seem to put her blood in the eyes.

"Why, is it possible that you still want to defeat me!"

"Now, my bloodline has reached almost the top three ranks!"

Ran Ruoxuan's entire face turned hideous. For this time of blood, in order to make Cao Fei look at herself, she would never lose herself.

"Wishful thinking, it has always been just one."

"that is you!"

Ran Hong fell, raising his hand to press on the silent blood-colored stone stele.


With a loud explosion, the stone monument once again bloomed with **** brilliance and went away into the sky.

And Ran Hongfu's whole body was also wrapped in a layer of fiery red blood.

Its strength can be seen with the naked eye, and it is definitely stronger than that of Ran Ruoxuan.

After just a few breaths, the radiance on the stele exceeded twenty feet, entering the third stage of Sanxian.

In the end, in the Ran family’s astonished eyes, he broke through thirty feet in one fell swoop!

Then the glow stopped abruptly and stopped at thirty-one feet!

"Hi, fourth-rank, Sanxian fourth-rank bloodline!"

"This is the existence of the third grade bloodline!"

"Although I just entered the fourth rank, it is enough to show that Ran Hongfu's bloodline is the number one in Ran's family!"

"Look, the **** shape is not the red kite at all, but the Yan Harrier!"

"It turns out that Ran Hongfu is of Yan Harrier's bloodline, so it's no wonder that if you don't have a red kite, you are stronger!"

After a while, Ran's house blew up and down together.

Ran Ruoxuan was stunned. After a while, she shook a little, staring straight at the blood-colored stone monument, her eyes full of disbelief.

She has been waiting for this day for several years.

But now, she still failed to win Ran Hongfu.

"No, Ran Ruoxuan will never admit that he is weaker than you, and there is a second item!"

"After the second item, I will compete with you on the ring!"

After all, Ran Ruoxuan walked to the side of the **** stele with a gloomy face.

There are rows of stone balls.

The so-called test power is that the monster martial artist uses martial arts to hit the stone ball.

The stone ball is made of so-called eroded gravel, which can quantify the power of the demon clan. This stone is extremely tough, like a mountain, and the standard elementary demon power can only smash a eroded gravel ball.

There were four peaks in the early stage of dispersing immortals, and eight in the middle stage of dispersing immortals.

At the peak of the middle Sanxian period, there were eleven.

However, the standard of the demon clan powerhouse in the late stage of dispersing immortality is to smash 22 pieces in one blow. Now in Qingfeng City, there is no demon clan that can smash 22 gravel-eroding balls.

Ran Ruoxuan seemed extremely confident. She stood on the side of a row of stone balls, snorted coldly, and an euphorbia appeared in her hand.

The Ran family is from a family of practicing halberds, with a strong halberd technique.

And the halberd in her hand is even brighter and shining, with fiery red streamers rippling on it, which looks extremely extraordinary.

The Yan Yen Halberd is an artifact of the Ran family's family. It is owned by the ancestor of the Ran family in the bloodline. The rank can barely be regarded as a middle-rank quasi-celestial soldier.

The blessing of a halberd is enough to double Ran Ruoxuan's combat power.

Even Cao Fei couldn't help but took a deep look at Ran Ruoxuan's Yan Kite Halberd.

"Ran Hongfu, what can you do if your blood is stronger than me, than strength, I can completely abuse you!"

"I won't be defeated if Yan Yuji is in hand."

Ran Ruoxuan snorted, and the halberd in her hand suddenly shook, and the blood power of her whole body was poured into it, and then burst out!

The halberd was like a wind and fire, and it pierced out, really tearing the space, and it was extraordinary.



With a blast, the Yan Kite Halberd slammed on the first gravel eroding ball, and the latter burst open.

But the energy of the light of the halberd was not diminished, and all the way pierced, one by one eroded gravel **** collapsed, and the sky was full of debris.

Finally, the light of the halberd fell into the eighth stone ball.


There was silence at first, and then the stone ball broke apart. Although it was only split into two halves, it can also prove that Ran Ruoxuan, who has the peak cultivation base of the early stage of Sanxian, and Yan Yu's halberd in his hand, is powerful enough to match the middle stage of Sanxian!

Although the peak and mid-stage of Sanxian's initial stage were only one level behind, the gap between them was not small.

Within the Monster Race, it is extremely difficult to fight at a higher level, and Ran Ruoxuan, a third-ranking immortal, can reach a small level, which is already enough to be proud of in Qingfeng City.


Ran Ruoxuan put away the halberd, her face eased a lot, as if she was very satisfied with the halberd.

She turned her gaze to Cao Fei, and seeing that the latter also looked at her, her vanity was greatly satisfied.

"Ran Hongfu, now, I don't believe you, you can crack eight stones in one blow!"

Ran Ruoxuan looked at Ran Hongfu on the other side of the stele, and smiled with Euphorbia in her arms.

"Split eight stones with one blow, that really can't."

Ran Hongfu shrugged.

"Hehe, then you don't have to try, you and I will fight directly in the ring."

Ran Ruoxuan snorted, and she was about to fly to the ring behind her.

"Hehe, what are you worried about, I said that the eight stones cannot be cracked, but I did not say that the nine stones cannot be cracked!"

Ran Hongfu smiled suddenly.

"what did you say!?"

Ran Ruoxuan was startled.

However, at this time, Ran Hongfu had already moved. She raised her bare hand, and the crimson light surged on it. The next moment, a halberd blooming with fiery red light appeared in her hand.

At the moment when the Euphorbia appeared, the might of the sword swept all over the place.

"Hi, what rank is this war halberd!"

"I don't know, even if it is not a high-grade quasi-immortal soldier, it is definitely better than that Yan Kite War Halberd!"

"How can Ran Hongfu possess such a weapon!?"

At this time, not only the demons of the Ran family, but also Cao Fei and Cao Ang, were all startled.

Why did the weapon blade aura in Ran Hongfu's hand look stronger than their Cao family?

However, Ran Hongfu ignored the exclamation of the surroundings, and her whole body was tumbling with demon energy. Although her cultivation base has been nourished by Lingtian's dragon bloodline, and has soared to the point where she was in the early stage of dispersing immortality. In order not to arouse suspicion, she only mobilized 30% of the demonic energy, and then danced the swords, the Heavenly Phoenix Six Swordsmanship, directly shocked!


The gravel that was swept by the Euphorbia was almost smashed to pieces.

After a few breaths, the eight pieces of eroded gravel were all broken into pieces.


At this time, Ran Hongfu also retracted the halberd suddenly, but the remaining power that the halberd swept through still shattered the ninth gravel erosion.

Regarding the power of the Crimson War Halberd blessed by Tianfeng Liuyan, even Ran Hongfu himself did not expect it.

It's really terrible.

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