Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1648: Tianpeng and Hongluan [Four more thanks to my brother soap! 】

When Ran Hongfu landed in front of Ran's Mansion with Ling Tian, ​​who was unwilling to guard his home, the inside and outside of Ran's Mansion's gate were all talking about the demon races of that day, including the young masters and ladies of Ran's Mansion.

"Miss, you are back!"

Bai Ling and Hou Jiling couldn't find Ran Hongfu everywhere, don't mention it in a hurry.

Now that I see Ran Hongfu return safely and unharmed, and Jin San'er is also behind, I am overjoyed.

"Miss, you...your cultivation base..."

However, Bai Ling suddenly discovered that Ran Hongfu's breath was completely different from before. Although he couldn't see through, he was definitely not the top demon emperor.

"Miss, you have become an immortal! When will you cross the catastrophe!?"

"Could it be... the Thunder Tribulation three hundred miles away was brought by the young lady!?"

Bai Ling and Hou Ji Ling both exclaimed.

However, Ran Hongfu hadn't answered yet, but inside the palace gate, there was a harsh chuckle.

"Hey, see who is back, tsk tsk, Hong Fu, you will become a fairy after you go out? Is it possible that under the robbery cloud is really you!?"

"Huh, how is it possible? There has been news from the outside saying that the existence of the robbery is guarded by a strong man. Not only did he kill Cao Xiu with a single move, but even the city lord Cao Tianxiao was invincible and was seriously injured and fled. , The robbery cloud covers hundreds of miles, and its blood is bound to be extremely strong, how can it be Ran Hongfu."

A group of young masters and ladies came out, and the leader was now the first arrogant of Ran's family, Ran Ruoxuan.

This female has excellent talents and has all the blood of Luan Bird's descendant Red Kite, and her cultivation is extremely fast, and she is now the peak of the early days of Sanxian.

Regarding Ran Hongfu, the two women had been at odds since they were young, and when she was young, Ran Hongfu's cultivation and combat strength were all overwhelming Ran Ruoxuan. The former was even more favored by the old lady, so Ran Ruoxuan was naturally dissatisfied with Ran Hong. brush.

Now, Ran Hong has flicked back to Ran's house, and her cultivation is even worse. How could she miss this opportunity to ridicule.

"Hehe, isn't it me? What can I do? Ran Ruoxuan, I advise you to do it yourself."

Ran Hong was concerned about the relationship between Ran's family and didn't want to care about Ran Ruoxuan.

After that, he took Ling Tian and walked into Ran's mansion gate.

"Hehe, I also heard that she brought back a junior of the demon clan from outside, and she hurt Cao Ang because of the jealousy, who was it!?"

"Oh, I offended the Cao family. What kind of fruit is there to eat, and you are jealous. Don't the younger generation of the demon clan know what he looks like, can he compare with Cao Ang!?"

"Hey, that kid, isn't it you!?"

All the ladies talked and talked, but Ran Ruoxuan blocked Ling Tian, ​​who was walking in the end and staring blankly.


However, Ling Tian suddenly raised his head, and his silver hair was flung behind him, revealing a face with a hint of golden light.

The appearance that Ling Tian turned into was almost incomparable among the monsters, and now after having had a good time with Ran Hongfu, there was a faint, noble and mysterious aura lingering all over his body.

With just one glance, Ran Ruoxuan and the rest of the Ran family descendants were all shaken in place.

"Jin San'er..."

Ahead, Ran Hong, whose face was getting colder, turned around and looked at Ling Tian. Only then did Ling Tian react, and with a smirk, he passed Ran Ruoxuan and followed.

"Wow, he is so handsome!"

"That's right, he's so handsome, and his cultivation level has reached the immortal dispersal too!"

"I have never seen a younger generation like this among the monsters, Sister Ruoxuan, he is afraid that he is even more beautiful than Cao Fei, the eldest son of the Cao family!"

The ladies all looked at Ran Ruoxuan.

Cao Fei is recognized as the most beautiful male demon in Qingfeng City, and Ran Ruoxuan has been fond of Cao Fei for a long time.

"Huh, what's the use of being long? Can Cao Fei be great!?"

"Unseen guy, don't bother to care about you, get out of it!"

Ran Ruoxuan was so angry for no reason, she squeezed everyone away and left.

"Ran Hongfu, I definitely don't allow you to be any better than me! Not at all!"

Ran Ruoxuan clenched her fists tightly.


Ran Hong Fu Xiaoyuan.

Bai Ling was all spent, and only Ran Hongfu and Ling Tian were left in the small courtyard.



After a long silence, Ling Tian and Ran Hongfu spoke almost at the same time.

"You speak first." Ling Tian touched his nose.

"I want to ask, Jin San'er...Do you like me?"

Ran Hongfu's heart throbbed, but his eyes were unusually firm, even aggressive, looking straight at Ling Tian.

"I like."

Ling Tian raised his eyes and gritted his teeth, "From the time you pleaded for me in the camp, I knew...you belong to me."

"Ha ha……"

Ran Hongfu's eyes softened, and she lowered her head, "That... okay."

"Now, since you and I already have the truth as a husband and wife, then I can't hide anything from you."

"Actually, I Ran Hongfu came from Hongluan, but before I was born, my Hongluan was destroyed by the Tianpeng and Qingluan clan.’

"My father and my mother sent me out to protect me, and went to Grandpa's place, which is Ran's house."

"My Hongluan bloodline has mutated and accidentally acquired the breath of Yanfeng, but because of this, the power of my bloodline is sealed, and it can only be slowly unraveled as my cultivation level increases."

"My talent is that the heavier the injury, the faster my cultivation level will be improved, and I must go through suspended animation to succeed before crossing the catastrophe.

"That is... just now."

Speaking of this, Ran Hongfu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"What!? You are feigned death, isn't it a curse?!"

However, when he heard this, Ling Tian was shocked, his eyes rounded.

"What, what curse?"

"I'm feigning death. It was also when I was weakest. Who ever thought, you would take advantage of that to meet me... Although, although I don't hate you..."

Ran Hongfu's face became even more blush.


Ling Tian clutched the peach core in front of his chest, almost rushing in and questioning Yang Lin in anger.

Inside Taoyuan.

Yang Lin, who was asleep, suddenly sneezed.

"Damn, who scolded me!"

Lao Hou and Qing Xu glanced at each other, "Who else, Ling Tian? But, are the things you said to Ling Tian reliable or not?"

"What did I say!?"

"I'm so drunk!"

Yang Lin rubbed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Qing Xu: "..."

Lao Hou: "Stupid..."


"what's happenin?"

Ran Hongfu was a little surprised to see Ling Tian's fierce appearance.

"Ah, it's okay."

"I, I can't help it."

Ling Tian rubbed his thighs, secretly saying that there was no other way, that was all.

"However, you just said that your Red Luan clan was destroyed, and that Peng and Qing Luan should be together that day. What is going on?"

In order to avoid embarrassment, Ling Tian spoke out the doubt.

"Of course it's for blood."

Ran Hongfu sighed, "Tianpeng and Luan are both profound birds of heaven and earth, and the reason why Tianpeng is strong is that their talent is swallowing. They can directly swallow the blood of any race and strengthen themselves. They are monsters. The other races are far behind."

"And the Lord of Tianpeng doesn't know where to hear it. As long as he swallows the top five element bloodline of the Yaozu, he can advance the bloodline of the Tianpeng clan to the extreme, and he has never become a golden winged roc!"

"Other monster races succumbed to Tianpeng's tyranny, and my Hongluan clan is unyielding and warlike by nature, so...In that battle, my Hongluan was exterminated, leaving me alone..."

"But God has eyes, the Lord of Peng gathered the blood of the five elements that day, but he still failed to advance the blood."

"This is also retribution!"

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