Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1610: 霂海源

After sending away Master Yifan, Ling Tian retreated into Taoyuan in Yutian Pavilion and continued to retreat.

Although there were only seven days left before the event, Ling Tian still didn't want to waste it.

From that Xue You and the Blood Spirit Vessel Master, Ling Tian obtained extremely large cultivation resources, and countless Dan Rivers were urged by Ling Tian to activate the Supreme Beginning Sutra and swallowed by crazy whales.

Now Ling Tian is already a fourth-order martial emperor, and if he wants to be promoted to the realm of breaking through the fairy tales, the resources he needs are an incalculable astronomical figure.

But the seven days of whale swallowing Dan River can still make his cultivation grow wildly. Although he has not reached the level of the fourth-order martial emperor's peak, it has also skyrocketed to the fourth-order martial emperor's great realm, which is only a step away from the fourth-order martial emperor's peak.

In addition, since the day when Ling Tian was suppressed by the ghost master Xuan Ming with a claw, he concentrated on condensing the ten thousand sword formations. Now Ling Tian's thousand sword shadows have become more and more solid, almost every moment, Working diligently.

Supreme Imperial Swordsmanship's move to split the sky was also cultivated more and more deeply by Ling Bei Ling Tian.

The second weight of the eighteen palms of the Shenlong that the old beggar left him is now perfect.

Among them, among all the martial arts supernatural powers, the Sanskrit sound stick technique was Ling Tian's first practice to the last level.

After the Vajra Wuxiang, the Brahma Sutra had eight killings, killing endless, when Ling Tian realized this trick successfully, he was driven out by Tao Yaoyao.

The killing range and power of this move are astonishing and terrifying. Ling Tian didn't know what a devastating blow it would be when it was displayed. Only when the demon witch clan army arrived, he gave it a try. .

As for the final pure yang finger, Ling Tian tried to break through to the five fingers countless times, but in the end they all failed.

The pure Yang fingers are too mysterious, especially the fifth level of the five fingers. So far, Ling Tian has no clue and has to give up.

In the end, only one day before the grand meeting, Ling Tian took out the treasure that Master Fan had found.

Mei Hai Yuanjing!

This is what Ling Tian had asked Master Yifan to use the contacts of the Tiandi Chamber of Commerce to look for.

According to Master Yifan, he collected this object from an adventure team half a year ago, and that adventure team claimed to have encountered it by accident under a trench in the East China Sea.

They didn't even encounter a powerful sea monster, so they took the stone out of the rock easily, but they didn't understand what this thing was. After they came back, they came to the Tiandi Chamber of Commerce and wanted to auction it off.

Master Yifan didn't even know the thing when he saw it, he knew it was extraordinary, and it was probably what Ling Tian was looking for, so he took it at a high price.

When he saw this spar, Ling Tian almost roared in excitement.

He really didn't expect that the third piece of the Five Elements Origin Crystal would appear in front of his eyes like this.

This Maehai Origin Crystal was obtained from the East China Sea, which made Ling Tian unavoidably surprised.

You know, this place where the treasures appear must be a beautiful place, and the previous wood source crystal and the flame source crystal are all from the secret store.

Holding Mie Hai Yuan Jing, Ling Tian had decided in his heart that if he had time, he would really want to look for the East Sea carefully. Maybe the appearance of this Mie Hai Yuan Jing was related to the so-called East Sea Dragon Palace.

The temptation of Dragon Palace and Dinghai Shenzhen to Ling Tian was not small.

On the Dragon Yuan sword body, above the seven inlaid holes, there are already two holes embedded in the source crystal. Now, you only need to embed this sea source crystal in it, and the three-star Dragon Yuan sword can truly become a fairy sword.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian suspended the sword body, and Fen Tu Prison Flame wrapped the Mahai Origin Crystal and embedded it on the sword body little by little.


As soon as this sea source crystal infiltrated the sword body of the Dragon Yuan sword, Xiao Lei made a trembling dragon roar, resounding throughout Taoyuan!

If this is in the outside world, it will inevitably alarm the entire Eastern Region!

At this time, on Long Yuan’s sword body, the three dragon patterns were all lit up. That sharp sword aura permeated the entire sword body, almost visible to the naked eye. Three five-element source crystals blessed the sword body and let Long Yuan. The blades seem to be undergoing qualitative changes.

The Xiao Lei within it broke free of the sword body and hovered above it. The Xiao Lei, who originally possessed the Soul Cultivation of the Sword Artifact Soul, became more and more condensed, and even his body was already covered with a layer of water mist at this time. From a distance, it looks like a dragon returns to the sea, extremely sacred.

"Xiao Lei, this is not the time when you were born."

"But don't worry, that day is coming."

"I want the Demon Witch Clan to witness your birth."


With a crisp sound, Ling Tian suppressed the excitement in his heart and sheathed the Long Yuan sword.

At this time in Taoyuan, it is possible to isolate the way of heaven. Although the Long Yuanjian has the body of a fairy sword, it still cannot trigger the heavens.

"Ling Tian, ​​sister Jiuyou is awake."

This is, Qin Mingyue's voice sounded from the bottom of the mountain.

Ling Tian lifted his sword and turned around, and he found the black-clothed, graceful figure standing between Qin Mingyue and Liu Yiyi, with a cold magic mist rising all over his body, and the dark Wuhuang glow on his back, the glow of the glow flowing. It looks like the gate of Yin Ming, suspended behind it, extremely shocking.

It's not Ji Jiuyou, who is it?

"You finally woke up."

The light and shadow of Ling Tian on the top of the mountain flickered, and the next moment was before the third woman.

Ji Jiuyou's pretty face, which has always been cold as dark as dark, suddenly rose up in front of Ling Tian, ​​and it was very intoxicating with a bright red color.

"Well, fortunately, I woke up in time and didn't miss the opportunity to help you."

Ji Jiuyou was a little ashamed.

"Thanks for your hard work. You brought the Demon Sect army to support me in Nantang before. I haven't had time to thank you."

Ling Tian pulled Ji Jiuyou's hand over and held it in his palm, "Unexpectedly, you, like them, jumped through the perfect patio. Don't you know how dangerous it is?"

"I never thought, they all jumped, and naturally I can't fall, I... I want to follow you wherever you are."

Ji Jiuyou lowered her head, her chin was about to be buried in her chest. This was probably the most explicit love story she had ever said in her life.

"Fools, you are all fools."

Ling Tian hugged Ji Jiuyou into his arms without stopping, but with one hand, he also pulled in the left and right Qin Mingyue and Liu Yiyi.

For a time, the three beauties were in his arms, Ling Tian couldn't help sighing.

The chest is still not wide enough.

Under the peach tree, Tao Yaoyao curled his lips and looked at Tantai Jinzhu, who was envious next to him, and said, "Have you seen? Tsk tsk, this is the big pig's hoof!"

"Men, they are all big pig hooves, you can't be like them."

"You have to stand with me, we two are in the same group."

Tantai Jinzhu: "Hmm..."

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