Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1477: Big Harvest Little Sister

After reading the rubbing carefully, Ling Tian couldn't help frowning.

"Lao Hou, what Qing Xu said is true?"

Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"Qing Xu doesn't need to lie to us, it should be true. However, this thing is really scary, Ling Tian, ​​you don't know how difficult it is to build an imperial palace, and there is a great emperor, four quasi emperors, and nine immortals. , Ha ha, I dare not even think of this kind of combat power."

"Furthermore, the will of these people after their fall, so coincidentally, all fell on Nantang and this world, and they appeared almost at the same time, I am afraid it is...somewhat weird."

Lao Hou groaned and looked at Ling Tian at each other. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but sneered slightly.

"Hehe, it's just will, is it possible to return to the upper realm for revenge?"

"Even so, it should be the Great Emperor Ling Tian, ​​not the Great Emperor Who Killed the Sky!"

Ling Tian shrugged.

"Haha, your kid's ambition is really big."

Lao Hou spread his hands, "However, this sounds really inexplicably exciting, no matter what, I will go back to rest, and you should practice slowly."

Ling Tian put the rubbings together, and now he is probably the only person in this world who knows all the secrets of Wuhun from the beginning.

The so-called Martial Soul of the Beginning is nothing more than the blessing of the will of the quasi-emperor and the immortal, so it is much clearer than before.

"It seems that when the time comes, these martial souls should be brought under their own hands."

With a whisper, Ling Tian returned to the room, raised the formation, and returned to the Taoyuan Four Elephant Pagoda.

The gains from the Tianwai Secret Store this time are not small, and it's time to count them.


The light flashed, and a pair of scrolls was thrown out of the ring by Qing Xu.

"Damn, I don't know who didn't have eyes threw this **** into my body."

Qing Xu's annoyed voice sounded, and then disappeared.


However, Ling Tian was taken aback.

Picking up the scroll that fell on the ground and turning it over, the pupils suddenly shrank!

"The Brahma Five Seals!"

Taking a breath, Ling Tian didn't expect that this scroll was actually the incomplete part of the five Brahma seals that Wen Wan had given him!

Above it is all the records of the remaining four seals!

It turned out that the Brahma Five Seals' exercises were hidden in the Qingxu Cauldron. It was really no effort to get through the iron shoes and find nowhere to be found.

Where are these two fragments together, although they have not been able to use Sword Shadow to continue to upgrade, but this technique is already powerful enough.

Putting away the scroll, Ling Tian thought for a while, and then took out the Flying Treasure Box given by the Hundred Sects.

This thing was given to him by the old beggar.

The rewards of the top 100 contests should not be worse than expected.

Open the treasure box with his backhand, and in an instant, a ray of radiant light was rippling in front of Ling Tian's eyes.

In this box, there are exquisite golden locks!

How could Ling Tian be unfamiliar? This is the Danhe Golden Lock that hides the Danhe!

Moreover, in this treasure box, there are a total of nine!

This means that there are a total of four hundred and fifty Dan Rivers!

In Ling Tian's mind, the scene of bathing in the Dan River had already begun to appear. This was an unimaginable resource for cultivation. When one of the golden locks was opened, it was filled with gleaming, rippling golden elixir, and released it. With the majestic spirit pill breath.

Pure, extreme, without any impurities!

Even in this Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion, so many Dan Rivers are enough to make people tremble, right?

I am afraid that even the top disciples of the sword pavilion may not have so many cultivation resources.

Today, Ling Tian’s cultivation is no more than the late Yuanshen Dacheng, and he is still far from Wuhuang. The resources needed are even more massive. But now, the appearance of these golden locks should be enough to promote him to the peak of the Yuanshen. .

By then, looking for some more resources, you can begin to attack the realm of Emperor Wu.

Putting away the treasure box, Ling Tian took out the storage ring of Jiang Hao and other Tianjiao.

It was found that Danhe and the genius treasures were among them, and the number of them was not bad after counting one side.

After all, most of the resources had been consumed by Jiang Hao and others, but they didn't leave much to Ling Tian.

Suddenly, Ling Tian's eyes were attracted by a jade bottle, which was extremely transparent. The pill inside is radiant, majestic and vigorous, even if it is blocked, it is difficult to conceal it.

"Huh? This is...Boundary Breaking Medicine, Jade Emperor Pill!?"

Ling Tian took the jade bottle over, but he did not open the bottle cap. I carefully held the jade bottle and observed it. The transparent jade bottle was faintly visible. A golden pill was imprinted with countless ancient spiritual patterns. The endless vitality seemed to support the sky and obscure the sky.

"It's really Jade Emperor Pill!"

Ling Tian's eyelids twitched, and this pill was ranked seventh, and it could help the martial artist to break through to the emperor at the peak of the soul.

It is definitely an extremely rare pill.

Unexpectedly, this Jiang Hao would still get such a treasure in the Secret Store of the Sky.

Ling Tian rubbed the Jade Emperor Pill and remembered the method of refining it in his heart.

He estimated that the Jade Emperor Pill he needed to break through the Martial Emperor by then should not be small.

Given his current position in the Nine Heavens Cloud Sea Pavilion, he was afraid that he would not be able to obtain it from the sect, so he had to think of a solution by himself.

After counting all the gains, Ling Tian opened a golden lock and swallowed the Dan River directly in it. The formation in the Four Elephant Pagoda was activated and the cultivation began.

Nowadays, improving cultivation is Ling Tian's primary goal.

Without joining the Emperor Wu, he would not be Sanxian's opponent.

He would never forget the enmity between Qi Ying and Feng Xuan in the reckless battle hall!

"Wait, I will find you!"


In the Four Elephant Pagoda, time was long, and in a blink of an eye, a month passed by outside, Ling Tian had already consumed most of the Dan River in the Golden Lock, and his cultivation level had also skyrocketed to the peak of the soul.


Breathing out a suffocating breath, Ling Tian stopped absorbing Dan River.

Although he was eager to be promoted to Martial Soul, he knew that at this time, he was still in a hurry and needed to stabilize his realm.


However, Ling Tian frowned and his figure flashed before he appeared in the house yard.


Vaguely, Ling Tian heard a cry of crying, and he was nearby.

The figure flew out, and Ling Tian's spiritual thought spread, and soon in a corner outside the courtyard, he found a figure holding his knees and buried his head between his knees, crying.

This is a little girl, it seems, a few years younger than that Li Shishi.

She seemed to feel Ling Tian's breath, the little girl raised her head and was shocked when she saw Ling Tian.

"You...you, who are you! Why are you here?"

Ling Tian couldn't help but smile, this little girl looked immature, her face was round, her big eyes were red with crying, but she was very pitiful.

"Girl, I'm afraid I want to ask you? This is the place of my cultivation. I live in the garden on the mountain."

Ling Tian pointed behind him.

"Eh? You, are you the new disciple of Master?"

The little girl was a little surprised with her mouth open.

"Uh, that's right."

Suddenly, Ling Tian looked like this, this little girl was still his senior sister.

"Little Sister, why are you crying here?"

Ling Tian couldn't help asking.

After all, this little girl is also a true disciple of Qige.

"I, I...oooo!"

Unexpectedly, the little girl choked up again, "The senior brother and sister of Dan Pavilion sent us the weapons to be maintained. The senior brother and others are not there. I can't help but do it myself. I want to change some resources, but who knows, I messed up. Yes, they want me to pay their fairy soldiers!"

"Woo, how can I have a spirit stone to pay for their fairy soldiers!"

Ling Tian shook his head, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "What should I do, don't cry, Junior Brother will settle it for you."

After coming to Yuanhai Pavilion for so long, it's also time to show your face and move your muscles and bones, and you will meet those so-called arrogances.


The little girl stopped crying, her eyes looked at Ling Tian, ​​full of hope.


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