Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1453: Critical situation

"Qin Mingzhu..."

When the voice fell, Qin Mingyue's shadow, which was like a fairy in the moon palace, was already suspended above Xu Zaidao and the others, facing Mo Gu away.

Today, although she has recovered her memory, she still wants to show her as Qin Mingzhu.

However, Mo Ku frowned slightly at this time.

He also found out that the highest ranking of the Water Realm was a warrior in the Great Desolate State after he walked out of the relics of a sect in the late days of the Tianwai Secret Store. Moreover, he was still a person he never expected.

It was not until later that Mo Ku heard of the relationship between Qin Mingzhu and Ling Tian.

But for Qin Mingzhu's combat power, he didn't care much at all.

It was only the twentieth in the overall ranking. Now that he was in the beginning with a martial spirit, he could completely crush it.

But the fact is that his own blow was blocked by Qin Mingyue.

Not only that, at this moment, he was holding Tie Chu's hand, and he was still trembling, that Qin Mingzhu's sword was extremely powerful.

How can he accept this?

You know, he has the blessing of Wuhun from the beginning.

"Hehe, Ling Tian can't get out, but let you fight me with a woman. It's a joke."

Mo Ku shredded the sword intent in his body and sneered up his head.

"Hehe, you don't deserve to let Ling Tian take the shot, I'm alone, that's enough."

The corner of Qin Mingyue's mouth raised under her visor.

"Arrogant, do you really think you are my Mo Gu's opponent?"

"Just now, I just used 50% of my combat power."

Mo Gu’s ferocious face twitched suddenly, and his blood-red aura bloomed. A martial soul resembling a giant crocodile in the form of a bone rose from behind. This martial soul is more like the martial soul he had been in the wild state before. completely different.

Obviously, Mo Gu also got the Martial Soul seed, and then was able to upgrade the Martial Soul.

At the beginning, the word nightmare turned into a dark red halo, like a fiercely burning blood-colored flame, wrapping the martial arts soul, under this heavy blessing, Mo Gu's combat power skyrocketed again.


Tie Chu swept down again, but this time, it was wrapped in Mo Gu's tyrannical domain power, turning into a sky full of light and shadow, with a terrifying aura.

"Haha, little bugs."

Qin Mingyue is not afraid. The five-element long bible runs inside his body. The powerful vitality is boiling, and the light of the moon is blooming. The bright moon hangs behind him. The power of the sword domain of the consummation realm is wrapped in the moon sword, directly with a sword. The light was cut down.


The two shocked for the second time and ended again in the explosion, but this time, although Qin Mingyue blocked Mo Gu's blow, it was shocked back.


Qin Mingyue gave a light cough, Mo Gu's current technique is not bad, although the weapon can't be compared with the Benyue Sword, it still cannot be underestimated with the blessing of the early Wuhun.


However, Mo Gu couldn't accept this result.

This time, he had already used ten percent of his combat power, but he still couldn't help Qin Mingyue.

This is not the most terrifying thing, what made Mo Gu couldn't believe is that after the blow just now, the iron rod in his hand was already full of cracks!

Had it not been for the blessing of the Wuhun energy from the beginning, I am afraid that Qin Mingyue's sword just now would be enough to crush his quasi-immortal soldier.

Could it be that the middle-grade quasi-immortal soldiers failed?

A fiery color flashed in Mo Gu's eyes, the middle-rank quasi-celestial soldier, until now, only Jiang Hao and You Qianshang are the only ones with such weapons in the Tianwai Secret Store.

Thinking of this, when Qin Mingyue's figure was not steady, Mo Gu Tiezhu waved, and a dark puppet that looked like a giant ape suddenly appeared behind Qin Mingyue. He roared to the sky, and then roared and killed him. Xiang Qin Mingyue.


The sudden appearance of the puppet shocked Qin Mingyue, but she could only turn around and hold the sword to block it. With a blast, Qin Mingyue shook the sky again.

Clang clang clang!

However, the puppet was in hot pursuit, even though it was about to shatter under Qin Mingyue's sword, it still attacked frantically.

"Damn it, it's still hard to deal with!"

It wasn't until Qin Mingyue smashed the puppet to pieces, Mo Gu's expression became grim, "Originally I wanted to use it when I was fighting for the top three in the overall rankings, but now, since you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you! "

The sound fell, and the spirit behind Mo Gu roared. The next moment, black lights shot out, turning into a black puppet in the air. It looked like the puppet that Qin Mingyue chopped up before!

But the number of puppets that appeared at this time was as many as four!

One made Qin Mingyue tired of parrying, and four besieged at the same time, Qin Mingyue's situation suddenly became crisis.

"Hehe, my Mogu puppet technique is far from what you can imagine."

The power of divine consciousness on Mo Gu was burning. Although the four puppets were tyrannical, the consumption of divine consciousness on him was huge.

He must kill Qin Mingyue in the shortest time.


Below, Qin Shaoyang saw that Qin Mingyue was besieged, and even his clothes had been stained with blood, and he was immediately furious, swept over a dozen Tianjiao in the Heavenly Battle Hall, and soared into the sky.

"Hehe, waste away, get out of here!"

However, Na Mogu looked down in the cold summer and slapped Qin Shaoyang's body with a palm, and the latter suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and was shaken down.

Without the early Wuhun blessing, the gap between him and Mo Gu is really too big.

On the other hand, Yu Weiyang also entangled Wukong, both of them have the blessing of Wukong from the beginning, but if you compare the background, including the exercises, martial skills, and even the weapon, Wukong will be at a disadvantage. In a short time , There is no way to tell the winner.

Although Zhang Jingzhen Mo Ran is brave, after all, it is impossible to estimate how long he can last with less to more.

Moreover, on the Jiucang Mountain, the number one arrogant of the Southern Territory, Jiang Hao hadn't taken a shot.

"Black and white, you two, also go to help Mo Gu."

At this moment, You Qiandan, who was flying towards the top of the mountain, suddenly stopped.

"Remember, you are trying to suppress the warriors of the Western Regions, but you must miss a lot and hurt Yan Hanfei..."

You Qiandan's voice was hoarse, he took a deep look at the two black and white ghosts, and then continued to fly towards the top of the mountain.

"Hehe, of course we won't miss it."

"But if it happens, there is nothing we can do!"

The black and white ghost envoys looked at each other, and even turned into two black and white smoke clouds, swept down on the Jiucang Mountain, and went straight to kill the warriors of the Western Regions.

As a result, the joining of the black and white ghost envoys increased the pressure on the warriors of the Western Regions. Their number was already extremely small. Seeing that, they would not be able to sustain it.

The black and white ghost ambassadors came down, and the two shot at the same time, and a hundred and two palm prints fell, which shocked many Western Region martial artists. Those warriors, their bones shattered, and blood was spewed out one by one.

Even if it is immortal, the martial arts is completely abolished.

The black and white ghosts showed cruel smiles on their faces, and they still did not let them go. The black and white air waves invaded their bodies. The next moment, these warriors all wailed and their flesh and blood were corroded rapidly, but in a moment, they became one. Pile of bones, falling from the air.

"Hehe, it's too weak, it's better that all these wastes are dead!"

The laughter of the black and white ghosts resounded under the Jiucang Mountain, which made people shudder.

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