Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1450: Dragon Abyss Sword Chapter

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​I advise you to give up, you can't hurt Master Xianzun at all!"

"In front of the ancestor, you are an ant!"

On the back of the dragon, Lin Jingyu sneered.

"Hehe, isn't it?"

"How about Xianzun?"

"In this world, he is a dragon, so he has to hold it for me!"

"It's been a long time since I slashed a sword happily. Waiting for this day, Xiao Lei and I have really waited too long!"

Ling Tian held the Long Yuan sword, and Xiao Lei also roared out at this time, coiling around the sword.

Today's Dragon Abyss Sword is completely different from before.

On the body of the sword, there are two cyan and red spar stones inlaid with seven dragon patterns, two of which have now been lighted up.

Above the flawless sword body, it has already turned into two colors of blue and red, not only that, at this time, blue thunder is enveloped around the sword body.

This is exactly what Lei Yinming drilled.

With heavy blessings, the Long Yuan sword at this time has already surpassed the middle-rank quasi-xian soldiers and became the top-ranking.

Even if it's a real fairy soldier, it's not far away.

"What kind of weapon is this?!"

On the back of the dragon, Lin Jingyu saw the fairy light above the sword in Ling Tian's hand. He was shocked and surprised, but it was more fiery.

Such a magic weapon is what any warrior can dream of.

"Ling Tian! If you keep inking for a while, the dragon will escape! The tripod will not restrain him for long!"

In the distance, Lao Hou roared.


Ling Tian nodded, the dantian Qi Hai, the various rays of light surrounding the road foundation, suddenly condensed into four primitive seal characters.

War, god, killing, heaven!

A whole set of Wuhun of the Beginning, ever since Ling Tian came to this world, it has been dormant.

At this moment, he was finally activated by Ling Tian again.

The four primordial spirits manifested, and then condensed into a phantom sitting cross-legged on the road foundation.

The phantom's hands were fiery red, holding a golden sword in his hand, and above his brows, there was this azure blue light spot, a sacred and noble aura that immediately swept across Ling Tian as the center.

Ling Tianfei leaped up, shaking his whole body, and the heavenly divine shadow broke out directly, manifesting in the space.

That figure is like a **** of the upper realm, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, there is a sacred light.

"This...is this the soul of the ancient heavenly emperor?!"

Jilong also sensed this breath, three heads looked over, and the six eyes were full of horror!

In the next moment, his three pairs of wings trembled crazily, and forcibly broke away from the shackles of the blue and black cauldron below.

"Hehe, leave it to me!"

Ling Tian held the sword in one hand, stretched out one hand, three fingers close together, and the eighteenth layer of Massacre Prison Flame burst out.

The vortex condenses, and the power of crazy energy and fire floods into it.

"Not enough!"

Ling Tian gritted his teeth and directly swallowed a grain of longevity spirit valley, directly offering the power of a hundred years of life.


The next moment, the vortex suddenly skyrocketed, and even the black evil aura in the entire space was wiped out.

"No...no! What martial arts technique is this!"

Above the dragon's back, Lin Jingyu was inexplicably horrified, and his voice changed.

The aura that erupted from Ling Tian's body was far beyond his expectation. Even if this aura is comparable to Sanxian, isn't it?

"Jilong, I don't care what Upper Realm Immortal Venerable you are, today, you have to take my sword first!"

"The Supreme Imperial Sword, Broken Stars!"

"Sword and finger, oneness!"

The energy had been accumulated to the limit state, and on Ling Tian's arm, the glazed battle body had already shown signs of cracking, unable to withstand such a terrifying energy impact.

Ling Tian held both hands on the hilt of the sword, the Long Yuan sword was blessed by this, and Xiao Lei roared out directly.


A sword swept down, the sword light swept the sky, like the essence of the sky-reaching sword aura, it slashed at the thing under the crotch of the dragon.

Where the sword light passed, all the black evil storms and spaces collapsed, and even the entire Five Elements Realm seemed to collapse.

"Do not!"

At this moment, Ji Long finally roared in horror, flapping his wings, completely free from the shackles of the blue and black cauldron, and galloped upwards.


However, how can it be faster than Ling Tian's sword and fingers?

The sword light swept down and shook directly under the crotch of the dragon. Almost instantaneously, the body of the remnant soul of the dragon was cut to pieces, torn apart and rotten, like a broken bamboo.


The sword light penetrated through the entire body of the dragon, and the latter collapsed into three dragon-shaped spirits, running wildly in the space.

"Ling Tian, ​​Jilong is already dead, and quickly put away the breath of the remnant soul, this is a big tonic!" Lao Hou roared again.

How could Ling Tian know?

Immediately let Tao Yaoyao use the power of Taoyuan to madly absorb the shattered soul breath of the dragon, but in the end, only collected a dragon shape.

The other two disappeared and disappeared.

"No, the Five Elements Realm is about to collapse!"

Ling Tian's eyes rolled, his gaze fell on the blue and black cauldron below.

Originally thought it was the town demon tower that Lao Hou said, but now it has become a tripod.

But before he had time to think about it, Ling Tian pulled up the blue and black cauldron and got involved in Taoyuan, then took the fairy puppets, broke through the debris that fell from the sky, and rushed to the sky.


Southern Territory, the vast battle hall, Jiucang Mountain.

Here is the final battle of the Hundred Sects Competition.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of warriors from all over the continent had gathered inside and outside Jiucang Mountain.

Their purpose is to wait for the final battle of these Hundred Sects.

The final decisive match system of the Baizong Grand Competition is somewhat similar to the previous Wubi in the Great Desolate State.

The entire Jiucang Mountain is an arena.

The above are densely packed, all large and small arenas.

And these arenas correspond to their respective rankings.

No less than 30,000 seats.

Among them, there are ten huge golden arenas on the top of the mountain, just like the ten scorching suns above the mountain, which is particularly eye-catching.

And these ten arenas will be the top ten of the 100 competitions.

These top ten are the absolute arrogant leaders of this 100 Sects Competition. In the future, they will be able to enter the Four Great Dengxiantai, become core disciples, and continue to practice.

In the past, the top ten disciples of Tianjiao all came from the overlord-level sect forces of the four major states, with few exceptions.

At this time, the Thousand Corpse Sect, You Demon Sect, and Demon Sword Gate in the Northern Region, as well as the Jialuo Temple in the Western Region, and the Heavenly Battle Hall Crimson Villa in the Southern Region, had already occupied the surrounding areas of Jiucang Mountain. Mountain Peak, as the resident of the sect, awaited their disciples from afar.

However, there were only five sects in the Great Desolate State, including Taihua Sect, Xuanyuan Palace, Wan Puppet Sect, Piaoxiang Valley, and Master Yifan from the Tiandi Chamber of Commerce.

Although they also occupied the mountain, they only got one, and it was rather low and shabby.

And the sect warriors who influence other states are also very disdainful, and even unwilling to communicate with them.

"Sect Master, I don't know what happened to Ling Tian Mingzhu and the others.?

Next to Sect Master Taihua, Feng Zhiruo frowned as he watched the brilliance circulating under the Jiucang Mountain.

"I think they will be fine, don't ask them to get any ranking, as long as they can return safely."

Sovereign Taihua is still dignified and majestic, sitting on the throne of the mountain.


Feng Zhiruo just wanted to speak, but under the Jiucang Mountain, there was a trembling, and it suddenly sounded.

The entire mountain range, at this moment, shook slightly.

Sect Master Taihua stood up suddenly, his dignity was no longer anymore, his face was full of excitement and anxiety.

"The formation is open, they are coming out!"

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