Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1446: Mo Kuxian

At this time, Wukong and others had already killed in.

Wukong, who possessed the blessing of Wukong from the beginning, seemed to be a different person. Yes, the quasi-celestial soldier in his hand fell, carrying a burst of tyrannical Buddhism coercion, and with a bang, the mysterious snake flew out.


The Wuyun rosary flew out and bound half of the mysterious snake's body, and Qin Shaoyang and others began to bombard it indiscriminately.

"never mind."

Seeing this, Ling Tian also let go of Yan Hanfei's arm.

"Han Fei, are you okay?"

Zhen Moran rushed over from the tide of beasts, and saw Yan Hanfei's injury, which made him feel even more distressed.

"I'm fine, it's just a bit of a waste."

When the crisis was resolved, Yan Hanfei directly sat down cross-legged, swallowed a bottle of recovery medicine, and began to heal his injuries.

"Ahem, hum, I'm with Shen Beifeng, so I definitely won't let you wait to take the Martial Soul of the Beginning!"

At this time, Shen Beifeng, who was flying out by Ling Tianzhen, did not know when he had already appeared on the altar.

At this time, there was the Wuhun of the primordial beginning ups and downs, and in the ball of light, it was the word'Night'!

What made everyone stunned was that Shen Beifeng grinned, grinned sternly, stretched out the blood-filled hand, and grabbed the primordial martial arts soul in his hand as he stretched out the **** hand. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Zhang Jing Ranmin and the others glanced at each other. Although it was not feeling in their hearts, after all, this was Yan Hanfei's site, and they were indeed not here to grab the Wuhun of the Beginning, so they all pursed their lips and didn't speak.

"Be careful!"

However, a cold light suddenly flashed in Ling Tian's eyes, and his figure was like the wind, and he swept towards Shen Beifeng.

"Haha, Ling Tian! He also said that you didn't come for the beginning!"

"But, you never want to succeed, this primordial martial soul is mine, Shen Beifeng!"

"With the Martial Spirit of the Beginning, I can become a top arrogant, enter the ghost valley and become a true disciple, Han Fei will not look down on me."


Shen Beifeng laughed while holding the Wuhun of the Beginning, and wanted to integrate it into his body.


But at this moment, a blood-stained white bone claw suddenly penetrated Shen Beifeng's chest.

"Ahem... uh... it's... who is..."

Shen Beifeng looked at the half-exposed bone claws on his chest, his eyes full of unwillingness.

But the vitality inside his body was passing fast, and he wanted to look back at the person who attacked him, but he couldn't do it.

"Just this kind of stuff like you is also worthy of being the Demon Dao Tianjiao above the general list? Trash!"

A sneer sounded, the bone claw was suddenly pulled out, and Shen Beifeng collapsed to the ground, but behind him, a warrior in a dark red robe appeared.

This warrior's exposed face has a series of hideous lines, which looks very evil.

"Mo Gu!?"

In the crowd, Xu Zaidao and Li Jingjing almost screamed in unison.

This sneak attack killed Shen Beifeng, it turned out to be a warrior who also came from the Great Desolate State, Mo Gu!

Soon after entering the Secret Vault of the Sky, this guy disappeared, but he didn't expect to appear now, but he was already so powerful.

Although it was a sneak attack, being able to kill Shen Beifeng with one move was not what the ordinary Tianjiao could do.

"Hehe, can't you think of it? I, Mo Ku, never left!"

"I will save your life, but this is too early, it belongs to me Mogu!"

After all, in the sneer, Na Mo Gu turned around to leave.

"Huh, delusion!"

However, Ling Tian had already arrived at this time.

The crossing stick was like an arrow, directly shot out by Ling Tian.


With a blast, Mo Gu's figure was directly shattered by a shock of a stick.

But there was no trace of Wuhun from the beginning.


"Puppet Art!"

Ling Tian frowned, but his spirit had lost Mo Gu's breath.

"Hehehehe, Ling Tian, ​​when I was in Wubi in the Wilderness State, I couldn't beat you, but the relationship between you and me is not over yet, I am waiting for you outside, hahaha!"

In the distance, a black incense burner emerged, and the primordial martial arts soul had been swallowed by that incense burner, and then Mo Gu's figure appeared, the incense burner above his head, amidst laughter, fled away.

"Damn, just like this was how Wuhun was robbed in the early days?"

Here, Qin Shaoyang and the others had already killed the profound snake and the beast tide faded, but the spirit of the early days could not chase it back.

"Oh, yes."

Ling Tian withdrew the crossing stick, and suddenly laughed at himself.

Unexpectedly, this Mo Gu could actually steal that primordial martial arts spirit under his own eyelids.

The incense burner is very familiar, like the top spirit treasure that once appeared in the Fenglei City Trade Fair, but I don't know whether this Mo Gu went to Jiang Hao or You Qianhan to get this top spirit treasure.

"Miss Yan, I'm sorry."

Back in front of Yan Hanfei, Ling Tian pursed his lips.

"The son must not blame himself, Han Fei knows that his strength is not yet worthy to protect the Wuhun of the early days, and that Wuhun was stolen because of Shen Beifeng's carelessness."

Yan Hanfei's face was already ruddy at this time, but he didn't show any disappointment because of the martial arts spirit being stolen from the beginning.

Ling Tian secretly praised, this state of mind is rare.

"Girl, don't worry, Ling Tian will help you get the things that belong to you."

Ling Tian would not let Mo Gu off.


However, at this moment, within the space, the earth shook suddenly.

It seemed that something terrifying underground was turning over, a breath that made one's heart palpitating, and the blood was cold.


However, at the next moment, another golden beam of light pierced through the sky, shining from above the sky, breaking through the space.

The beam of light penetrated into the core of the five sects, but in mid-air, it condensed into a golden platform full of array totems.

"You tianjiao, all the martial spirits of the early days have already recognized their masters. Please go to the Central Jintai immediately and leave the Tianwai Secret Store without delay!"

A voice sounded, it was the owner of the Tianyuxian Island that had appeared before!

"It seems that we are leaving."

Zhang Jing looked at the rotating golden platform with emotion.

Everyone is also hard to hide their excitement.

The three years in the Tianwai Secret Store are like dreams.

It is enough to be proud of being able to go out now.

However, Ling Tian's face was extremely gloomy at this time.

Because in Taoyuan, Tao Yaoyao had already told him that the five primordial spirits were the five eyes of this small Zhoutian star formation. Now they have all been taken down by the human race, and the formation has no effect.

The thing that was suppressed underground has awakened!

That thing may be born at any time!

"Ling Tian, ​​is there any problem?"

Qin Mingyue saw the gloom on Ling Tian's face.

"Mingyue, you take them up first."

Ling Tian glanced at Qin Mingyue.

"But, what about you?" The latter frowned.

"It's too late, I'm going to the underground to see what the **** is going on."

The earth was still buzzing, and countless streams of light shot up into the sky and went straight to the platform.

"Go, you guys get out of here quickly!"

Ling Tian shouted in a low voice, but it turned into a silver light and galloped away into the darkness at the core.

"Old sister, my god, this is..."

Qin Shaoyang and the others were a little embarrassed, they were about to go out, but Ling Tian left.

"Don't worry about him, let's go!"

Qin Mingyue pursed her mouth, and led the crowd to the sky, and flew to the golden platform in mid-air.

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