Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1415: Goku First Battle【Large

"It's more than the first fifty. I think the first ten is about the same." Ye Baoer pouted.

"You can't underestimate others. The geniuses of the other six domains are not vegetarian. They are not comparable to Yelu and Kumarchi."

Zhen Mo Ran said lightly.

"The colors of the names on this list are different. I looked at them. There are five kinds of names. Our names are all blue. They should correspond to the water world. Then Jiang Hao is golden. They should be Assigned to the Golden World..."

"It seems that among the Five Realms, the number of people in each session is almost the same, around 10,000 people."

Zhang Jing frowned: "In addition to our five thousand people in the water world, there are many other forces. Among them are the top talents of the Southern and Northern Territories. They are even ranked in the top 20. We still have to be careful. Up."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry too much. It's undesirable to be humble. You have to eat one bite at a time, and the road has to be walked step by step. We have been conquered for a year, and the combat power may not be weaker than them. There are a total of ten in the water world. The sect of the four evil stars, let's start from here and head towards the center!"

Ling Tian waved his hand to stop everyone's discussion, then turned into a stream of light, and the first one flew out.

Everyone looked at each other, no longer hesitating, followed Ling Tian, ​​and galloped away.

The team of five thousand people is not too small, it is vast and radiant, especially spectacular.

Above the calm sea, Ling Tian and Qin Mingyue stood on Xiao Qing's head, but they were already doing analysis in their hearts.

On the list, the reason why those Tianjiao rank so high is because the Black Fiend Demon King they hunted and the resources they obtained were enough, and their cultivation base was definitely higher than him.

Now, like Qin Mingyue, he is both Yuanshen Xiaoyuan in the late stage. Although these realms are at the top in Kunli domains, it seems that today, the talents on the other rankings should have broken through to a higher level. Realm.

Therefore, within this water realm, Ling Tian wanted to make Qin Mingyue, Qin Shaoyang and others famous in the world above the Hundred Sects Competition. The most urgent task was to continue to improve his cultivation.

And to improve the cultivation base, resources are inevitably needed, that is, the treasures of heaven and earth. It can be the holy pill from the ancients, or the demon emperor and demon crystal... as long as it is a rare treasure, as long as the resources are sufficient, they can do it. The repair base skyrocketed.

Ling Tian naturally needed to improve his cultivation level. Not as good as Emperor Wu, whose combat power couldn't really match Sanxian, so he was still like an ant.

There are so many arrogances in this world, even in the core place, there is already a martial arts spirit from the beginning, so Ling Tian would not be careless.

Although he already has a whole set of primordial martial arts in his body now, the primordial martial arts are powerful, and no one knows better than him. If possible, he wants to hold all the five primordial martial arts in his hands.

If you can't use it by yourself, it's also great for your trusted people.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian suddenly remembered the Moon Character Soul that had been prepared for Qin Mingyue.

That was what Ling Tian had promised to Qin Mingyue.

Now, he hasn't taken it out yet.

"No matter, it is great to give Mingyue a surprise at that time."

Ling Tian thought for a while, and stopped the impulse to hand over the spirit of the moon to Qin Mingyue now. It was not the time when the spirit of the early beginning was born.

And because of the existence of the primordial martial soul, then the dispute must be extremely fierce by then, no one can lower the temptation of the primal martial soul, and the tragic battle is already inevitable.

Now, what Ling Tian can do is to make himself stronger and let the group of people behind him live to the end.

Along the way, Ling Tian's army of warriors continued to encounter the black evil monsters that rushed up from the sea. Although they were not as terrifying as the Tier 4 Demon King, they were so dense and infinite in number.

God knows what has been experienced here, there are still so many black evil monsters.

However, with so many black evil monsters, they thought that there were countless monster crystals, but everyone hoped that these black evil monsters could not be killed completely.

And in the process of traversing the ruins of the sect, they discovered many small islands that had never been established by the sect. On the small islands, there are many treasures of heaven and earth, and they are found by everyone.

The 14 sect relics on the periphery were not difficult for Ling Tian and the others, but in every sect, they found a large number of pills, similar to those found by Lin Tian in the giant spirit tree. There are as many as every sect in almost every sect of the Crystal Pearl Dan River!

The cultivation resources of this scale made everyone stunned.

Along the way, the army of warriors led by Ling Tian marched forward, but within one month, it swept seven of the fourteen sects of the evil star, and the speed was not as fast as normal. On the way, they also naturally encountered warriors from other domains, but the scale was small, but those who were unwilling to submit in everything were eliminated by Ran Min and others.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm back. The sect in front of us, called Zhenhai Sect, is larger than the seven relics of the sects we encountered before!"

"But, there...there is already someone there."

At this time, Qin Shaoyang, Liu Min and others flew over from a distance.

"What about some people? Don't you guys, still can't solve it?" Zhen Moran hugged his shoulders.

"A few of us are really not good, they have more than two thousand people, and, headed by the Northern Territory overlord-level sect Tianjiao, Hou Li!"

Liu Min said solemnly.

"What? Hou Li? Is it Hou Li, the disciple of the Blood Sword Sect in the Northern Territory?"

Zhang Jing frowned.

"Yes, it's him. This guy is the Northern Territory occupying the top of one of the three regions. Now it is ranked 30th in the overall list. We are not opponents."

Liu Min nodded.

"Hehe, after waiting for so long, I finally encountered a force worthy of our attack, Ling Tian, ​​what are we waiting for, let's just kill it."

Ran Min grinned, and in his eyes, the fighting spirit was already burning. "The Northern Territory and the Southern Territory have never looked down upon us Martial Artists of the Western Regions. This time, we have to let them see and see, we are amazing."

Not only Ran Min, but other Tianjiao, are also gearing up at this time.

It seems that the dispute between the three domains has long been deeply rooted in the minds of the warriors.

The Northern Territory and the Southern Territory look down on the Western Regions, so how can they afford to see the Great Wilderness State of the Eastern Regions?

Perhaps, they have already forgotten the Great Desolate State?

"Is it only 30th?"

Ling Tian was a little disappointed. What he wanted to meet was actually the guy in the top twenty.

"Fine, then kill it."

With Ling Tian's permission, everyone immediately boiled with enthusiasm, and one by one they pushed the mounts under them to the extreme speed, like a torrent, breaking through the waves.


When Hou Li had just brought people out of the Zhenhaizong relics, he found that outside the sect, the water that had been surrounded was impenetrable...

More than 5,000 warriors stood in the air, and the scene was not unattractive.

Among them, it is naturally Xiaoqing's huge body, especially forbearing the attention.

"Hehe, who am I, Hou Li, I finally met you."

"But it's okay, it's not the guy from the Southern Territory."

However, after a brief astonishment, Hou Li suddenly laughed.

He was dressed in blood, holding a blood-colored long sword in his arms, and his pupils were dark red. He looked at Ling Tian and the others, and said with disdain: "Why, you **** from the Western Regions, dare you block my way in the Northern Region? "

"Don't think that you are too crowded. In front of me, these wastes of you are nothing but waste!"

"Haha, that's right, Brother Hou Li, they have two top-level spirit treasures in their hands. Unexpectedly, they were let us meet first. If the spirit treasure is snatched, it will be met in the future. That guy, we don't need to be afraid!" A disciple from the Northern Territory laughed behind Hou Li's ear.

"Hehe, that's right!"

Hou Li nodded, looking as if he had already eaten Ling Tian and the others.

"Ling Tian, ​​you have also seen this group of people from the Northern Territory. It's just that there is no one in this picture. You give an order. I will take the people down and kill them without you."

Ran Min's face flushed, already furious.

Ling Tian nodded. Although Hou Li was more powerful than Kuma, it was not worth his and Qin Mingyue's action. However, at this moment, the Wukong monk had stepped forward.

"Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor of Ran Min, this Hou Li is from the Northern Territory Demon Dao people, he, leave it to the poor monk."

Wukong folded his hands together, and he suddenly asked for a fight. This was the first time that such a situation had occurred.

Ling Tian glanced at Wu Kong. Now his cultivation level is also in the later stage of Yuanshen Xiaoyuan, and he has also obtained the quasi-immortal soldier King Kong. Since receiving Ling Tian's favor, he has been thinking about repaying the cause and effect. Now, he has finally suppressed it. Live, I want to do something.

Hou Lizhi is strong enough to prove Wukong's strength at this time.

"In that case, then Hou Li will leave it to Master Wukong, and you will have to choose Ran Min for the rest."


Wukong's expression was happy, and he flew over, "Every donor, poor monk Wukong of Fahua Temple in the Western Regions, if you wait now and give up resistance and submit to me, the poor monk can guarantee that you won't hurt your lives."

"If it doesn't, don't blame the poor monks and others for killing them."

"Hahaha, you old bald donkey, what are you? Even if it's the Kumarama, you have to walk around when you see me, Hou Li!"

However, Hou Li suddenly drew a **** sword and yelled again and again: "Tianjiao of the Northern Territory, follow me and kill all the chickens and dogs in the Western Region, leaving none!"

After all, then Hou Li came to kill with a sword.


He whispered to a Buddha's name, Wukong's face, the color of compassion was put away, and only war intent was left in his eyes. The golden stick in his hand condensed and greeted him.

"Haha, these unscrupulous Northern Territory warriors say that I am a trash, a chicken shingle, do you admit it?"

Ran Min flew down second, raised the quasi-celestial sword in his hand, and roared.


The five thousand warriors behind him share the same hatred.

For many years, they have not been seen by the warriors of the northern and southern regions. How can they not be angry at this time?

"Then join me, Lao Ran, kill these Demon Dao Sects without leaving a piece of armor, kill!"

The crowd roared and shook the sky, and the five thousand warriors raised their swords high, like a torrent, killing them down.

Among them, Zhen Moran, Zhang Jing and others, with wings blooming behind them, looking for the top ranked Tianjiao in the Northern Territory, and began to fight against each other.


But the most dazzling battlefield was the battle between Wukong and Nahouli.

One of the two is the Northern Territory Tianjiao, ranked 30th, and the other is a Buddhist disciple who declares not to be obvious.

But the scene at this time stunned the warriors of the Northern Territory.

I saw that Wukong was holding a golden stick, like an ancient arhat, smashed down with one stick, and the golden thunder that he brought up was condensed into a mountain with extremely terrifying power.

Moreover, Buddhism exercises inherently restrained the magic way, causing Na Hou Li to retreat from being smashed.

"Damn, you bald donkey, dare to deceive me?"

Hou Li was ashamed to the extreme, looking away, seeing his two thousand warriors, one face, there were countless deaths and injuries, the group of Western Region warriors in front of him was not as vulnerable as he imagined!

By now, he knew that if he didn't use his hole cards, he would have to die here.

"This is what you forced me, Soul Slaughter Blade!"

With a low drink, behind Hou Li, a small dark sword flew out suddenly. Above this small sword, a gloomy light bloomed. At the moment it appeared, it set off a powerful Lingbao coercion, which made Wukong unable to resist.

At this moment, Hou Li finally used his top spirit treasure.

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