Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1397: Xiaoqing's life experience Qin Shaoyang is here?

There are four strokes in the stick method. The first is to suppress the evil spirits in the world, and the second is to exorcise demons and expel the demons in the world.

The third trick is that the Vajra has no form, to cleanse everything with the Buddhist formlessness.

The last rod of Brahma kills eight times, destroying the heavens and the earth with power, and is extremely tyrannical.

This stick method should be inherited from ancient Buddhism, and it is full of traces of Buddhism practice, and the pure and yang breath is extremely obvious.

The so-called four strokes are all extremely powerful and terrifying killer moves. If they were cast using the cross-e stick method, Ling Tian could not imagine how terrifying it would be.

Putting away the exercises, Ling Tian rejoiced in his heart.

In this way, he finally solved a heart disease in his heart.

Otherwise, he couldn't bear to hand over the evil stick day by day.

Next to him, Qin Mingzhu was fascinated by the swordsmanship of Haoyue and the palm of the moon, and kept watching.

"the host……"

At this time, Xiaoying stood outside the hall.

"Oh, Xiaoying, come in quickly."

Ling Tian recruited him and found that Xiao Ying now had a completely different aura from before.

It seems that the blood of his Phantom Fei Xiao has already undergone mutation.

Originally, he was the bloodline of the overlord level monster race. Now that he has swallowed the crystal core of the Sky Covering Flame Sparrow, he should have inherited the bloodline of the ancient fairy beast.

But no matter what, Xiaoying is now the Tier 4 Demon Emperor, and his combat power is strong enough to contend with the Tier 4 top Demon Emperor.

"Well, this one is for you."

There was still no expression on Xiaoying's face, but she stretched out her hand to push something on the table.

Those turned out to be the crystal nucleus, double mace, wolf teeth and natal fur of Aoyue Silver Wolf.

"Hehe, you haven't forgotten."

Ling Tian picked up the crystal core. The energy of this demon crystal was not trivial, and it could offset a lot of resources. Next, he wanted to hit the Yuanshen late stage perfection and needed a lot of resource supply. This demon crystal energy is exactly He desperately needed.

Of course, the soul within the demon crystal is still intact, this thing is the best weapon soul for forging a weapon, and it is of great use. Ling Tian pulled it out for collection.

In addition, the double mace of the wolf king, called Havoc, is also quite good. Among the quasi-celestial soldiers, it belongs to the upper middle and the inner soul is intact, but the wolf king can't really exert its power. .

Looking at the double mace, Ling Tian suddenly thought of Qin Shaoyang's second person.

However, Ling Tian's heart suddenly moved.

Now, he already knows that Ji Jiuyou jumped to the absolute patio and followed him, then is it possible for Qin Shaoyang...

Although Ling Tian is not sure, he believes that Qin Shaoyang's feelings for his sister Qin Mingyue are nine out of ten. This second person has jumped.

I just don't know where this guy is.

No matter, put it away first, and save the time when the two men open their mouths and ask for weapons.

Ling Tian put away that catastrophic double mace.

The remaining wolf teeth and fur are also excellent materials for refining.

After cleaning up all the gains, Ran Min and others also returned to the main hall.

Seeing the joy that everyone can hardly hide, Ling Tian knew that their gains must also be very impressive.

"Ling Tian, ​​this Moon Palace is worthy of the secrets of Shanhaizong. The second floor is the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. I found a superb magical power technique in it!"

"me too!"

"There are many kinds of best practices in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. This time I really made a fortune!"

Zhang Jing Liu Min and others said excitedly.

"Well, let everyone not be chaotic. According to the rank of combat power, choose the exercises and resources one by one. Each person can only choose one."

Ling Tian nodded.

Although this Moon Palace has abundant resources, there are more than two thousand people who have come up.

"Don't worry, we have been organized long ago, and it will never be messy."

Zhen Moran's face was a little lonely, she came up and said, "Then what are we going to do in the future?"

"When will the Five Elements Realm be opened?"

Ling Tian asked back.

"At this time period, all major regions should be looking for or competing for top spirit treasures, and the end time is not necessarily. Our Kun character domain should be the first to end. After the storm, the warriors will also be allowed to rest. So the opening of the Five Elements Realm will be at least one year later."

"By then, there will be only one year left before the Hundred Sects Competition."

Ran Min replied.

"A year? That's enough time."

Ling Tian paced in the hall, and then turned around, "The order goes on, everyone, with the Shanhaizong as the main city, rests on the spot. During this period, they can form a team on their own and continue to look for opportunities in the Moonlight Land. But if it is. I have to summon, and I must return immediately."

"It's not a problem, but it's too much trouble to cross the big lake outside of Shanhaizong."

Ran Min frowned.

"Haha, this is easy, I have a way."

Qin Mingzhu suddenly stood up, holding a bottle of mountain and sea in her hand, and after the voice fell, she sacrificed a magical judgment, and immediately shot a direct beam of ice-cold light from the bottle, rushing into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Well, the big lake outside has been frozen by me, you can walk freely."

Qin Mingzhu put away the bottle of Shanhai and clapped his hands.

Ling Tian: "...you are so strong..."

In the following time, the entire Kun character domain fell silent. After Ling Tian unified the Kun character domain, the warriors were prohibited from fighting.

Ling Tian and Qin Mingzhu returned to Taoyuan and continued to retreat.

Perhaps it was to avoid Qin Mingzhu, Zhen Moran never entered Taoyuan again, but teamed up with Ran Min and others to torture the Demon Emperor in the land of Yueyin.

Time hurries by like flowing water.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed.

In Taoyuan, Ling Tian leaned on the crossing stick in his hand, looked at the mountain range that he destroyed in front of him, and couldn't help nodding.

Now, by refining all the spirit pills in Danhe, together with the demon crystals of the demon emperor, he finally broke through to the final stage of the Yuanshen Xiaoyuan realm, equalizing the cultivation level of Yelu Chuxie.

And this level of cultivation is also the standard of the top Tianjiao in the Tianwai Secret Store.

In addition, Ling Tian practiced the Sanskrit soundless stick method frantically almost every day. After a long period of comprehension and repeated training, Ling Tian finally practiced the first two moves.

Naturally, there is no more power than to say, Ling Tian really wants to find an opponent to try his power, but in this Kun character domain, he is already invincible.

"Laohou, I have always wanted to ask you, do you know Xiaoqing's life experience?"

Ling Tian suddenly looked at Lao Hou, who was standing beside him holding his hand.


Ling Tian waved his hand to interrupt Lao Hou, "You don't need to go around me, just say, you know or don't know."

"Ok, I know."

Lao Hou opened his mouth and sighed.

"But I can't tell, can I?"

"It's not that I don't say it, it's this matter, it has nothing to do with you, and it is also something you can't mix with you now." Lao Hou shook his head, "I can only tell you that the guy has a great origin. , And a catastrophe involving the Underworld, involving the Three Realms, the Emperor of Heaven has no way to deal with it. Xiaoqing's strength is not comparable to the Dragon Clan, at least the current Dragon Clan lord, no way."

"How does that compare with you?" Ling Tian asked suddenly.

"With me?" Lao Hou was startled, "Hehe, the two of us... one is inside and the other is outside. Although it's not far away, I haven't seen it a few times."

"Also, I'm just a janitor."

Lao Hou shook his head and laughed at himself.

"Well, don't worry, I will help you go back."

Ling Tian patted Lao Hou on the shoulder.

"Ling Tian!"

At this time, Qin Mingzhu flew up from the bottom of the mountain.

"what's happenin?"

Ling Tian frowned, Qin Mingzhu should be in retreat at this time.

"Look at your stardial, it's strange, why there is another red dot, I thought it was you!"

When Ling Tian heard the words, his heart was shocked, and he opened the stardial, and he saw that in addition to the red dots on him and Qin Mingzhu, another lighted up in the distance.

"This second item is really hidden away in the sky!"

Ling Tian was angry and laughed.

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