Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1164: Early Wuhun Thunder and Shadow

The old man avoided Tao Yaoyao and stared at Ling Tian Blowing Beard.

"Oh? Then tell me, what is your background?"

Ling Tian said with great interest.

"I.... I forgot!"

The old man said embarrassedly.

"Damn, you play us, see if you still owe it!"

Tao Yaoyao stepped forward, still having to do it.

"Don't pierce me, I really can't remember, I just know that my former master is very powerful. But now, I have forgotten!"

The old man was terrified, hiding behind the gourd and said.

"Fine, what's the use of your gourd?"

Ling Tian asked.

"My gourd is a twin of yin and yang, yin can contain endless souls and evil spirits, yang can receive magical powers in the world, and can protect people from death!"

The old man said triumphantly.

"Oh? Is there such a magical effect?"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows. According to what the old man said, this gourd has two functions. One is to collect souls and evil spirits, and the other is to absorb magical powers. The magical powers should refer to attack methods such as martial arts, which indeed have life-saving functions. .

Moreover, this gourd seems to be able to reach the top level of the seventh-order spirit treasure, except for the lack of the spirit of the spirit.

Compared to the eighth-order imperative nail spirit treasure of the royal family, it is still inadequate, but it is definitely much more powerful than the five-color golden bowl of the Pei family.

Moreover, the yin gourd of this gourd is of great use to Ling Tian.

It's still the kind of big use for someone to give a pillow if you want to doze off. You know, Ling Tian is about to enter Mu Cangyuan, a million artifact soul, he doesn't know what the situation is, maybe this dark yin and yang gourd is Mingming Doomed in.

"Hehe, in that case..."

Ling Tian thought for a while, got up and said, "Then you follow me from now on!"

"What, with you? You look weak and ruthless, how could I..."

The old white beard stared and was about to scold him, but when he saw Tao Yaoyao's ferocious look, he shut up immediately.

"I advise you to speak well." Tao Yaoyao said coldly.

"I, how could I not talk to you, right."

The old man hurriedly said with a smile on his face.


Ling Tian was not wordy, and directly cut through his fingers with a weapon, forcing a drop of essence and blood to the old man.

Although the old man with white beard was unwilling, but Tao Yaoyao was in front of him, he had no choice but to incorporate the blood into his body. The next moment, he groaned again and again, surging with blood, and finally merged into the gourd. .

At this time, Ling Tian stretched out his hand to pick up the pair of little gourds, and found that the gourd was as light as nothing.

Divine Sense went deep into the gourd. At this time, there was nothing inside the Lingbao except the old man with white beard, but it was quite clean.

He tied the gourd to his waist, Ling Tian patted it, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

With this Lingbao alone, this trip to the Jiuyou Daochang is already worthwhile.

In addition, there are two stones on the stone platform.

Ling Tian is naturally no stranger to this stone.

Inside, what is hidden is the mysterious primordial martial soul!

Now, in the entire Southern Tang Dynasty, only Emperor Wu has assembled a set of Rock Smiting Heaven.

And he already had three pieces in his hand, the word war and the word killing were one set, and he had saved Ling Tian from times of crisis several times, giving Ling Tian a powerful blessing.

Ling Tian didn't know the meaning of the other cold word, and now he didn't give it away.

Because he didn't incorporate it into his body, Ling Tian couldn't help but know where the other three pieces of this set were.

Now, Ling Tianyou saw two pieces of this Jiuyou Daochang.

"It's a pity, it's not mine."

Ling Tian sighed. When he got the Zhanzi Judgment before, he had already sensed that his remaining two primordial martial arts souls were one in the Xihai and the other in the Equatorial Refining Dojo in Yanzhou.

There is no such Jiuyou.

However, Ling Tian was still very curious about these two pieces. After all, this primordial martial soul, even if it is not a complete set, will give the martial artist's martial soul a powerful increase, and it is the world's most treasure!

I don’t know, what are the two words for the Wuhun of the Beginning in the Jiuyou Daochang!

With curiosity and doubts, Ling Tian picked up the two stones, and his divine spirit infiltrated the first stone with the sword shadow little by little.

This is a thunderous world.

The first piece of ore was penetrated by Ling Tian, ​​but he found that there were dense blue thunders all over his eyes, and the explosion sound buzzed, which was violent to the extreme.

In that thunder, Ling Tian easily saw the word thunder.

Soon he retreated.

Lei Zijue is a bit scary.

In the second piece, Ling Tian's divine thought penetrated deep into it. The difference from the first piece was that this piece was extremely quiet and a dark world, and gradually, Ling Tian could vaguely see a shadow emerging.

This second piece turned out to be a shadow word decision.

Two words can't seem to be connected.

Ling Tian took out the cold stone decisive stone, and found that it could not resonate.

In other words, these three words are not a set.

In the end, there was still no clue.

"Finally, something is better than nothing."

Ling Tian put away the three stones and hid them properly.

Except for Qin Mingyue, he had never talked about this matter of Wuhun in the early days, and the Hanzi Jue Ling Tian originally wanted to give Qin Mingyue, but Qin Mingyue had no feeling for this Hanzi. After being unable to incorporate it into the sea of ​​air several times, Ling Tian gave up.

After carefully inspecting the surrounding area of ​​the Xiashitai, Ling Tian turned around and left after confirming that there was nothing missing.

"Ling Tian, ​​have you checked the walls around this Dongting courtyard?"

"This stuff doesn't seem to be a sculpture, there is no Juntian Taoist temple!"

However, Tao Yaoyao stopped Ling Tian.


Ling Tian turned around and looked in the direction of Tao Yaoyao's fingers, only to find that she was referring to the ‘sculpture’ standing in the four directions of the cave hall.

These sculptures are in the form of weapons.

Before Ling Tian, ​​because of the water of the Styx, Jianying didn't infiltrate it, but only knew that this was the core.

Now, I almost forgot the surroundings.

Ling Tian stepped forward and found that the weapons around the cave hall were clearly two swords, a long bow, and a pair of sledgehammers.

The lava that is wrapped around the weapon is also the kind of lava from the outside world, but the crystallization of the cold air.

Ling Tian waved his big hand and rolled up the sword, and then there was a sudden shock, and the thick black crystals wrapped on it burst into pieces.

The lineup is revealed.

At the moment of Weapon's emergence, Ling Tian couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

The quality of this weapon was somewhat beyond his expectations!

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