Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1100: Open

For a time, there was no fighting spirit, as if the Huns were invincible.

"General, why do we want to rush to Xiaoyan Pass? Can't we stick to southern Hebei?"

Xing Feiyang said.

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The Xiaoyan Pass is dangerous and easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is the last barrier in the north of Pingyao. If it is lost, the Hungarians will be able to drive straight into Pingchuan. By then, Pingyao will be even more unable to defend it."

At this moment, Ling Tian sat there and couldn't help but said lightly.

He just spoke subconsciously, but forgot the occasion.

"Hehe, you are a rural warrior, what do you know about lip and tooth cold? The general hasn't spoken yet, how can you speak?"

Xing Feiyang blushed and shouted in a low voice.

Ling Tian pursed his lips, shook his head and said nothing.

Zhong Li also frowned and glanced at Ling Tian, ​​"Little Wild Goose Pass is just a pass, not the last barrier. We have to send troops to help Xiaoyan Pass because the northern Hebei army has repeatedly asked for help."

"Therefore, the military order cannot be violated. Our 200,000 army will lead the way and help."

Chongfeng frowned and said, "When will we send troops?"

"Tonight, send troops immediately!" Zhong Li said lightly.

"What? Tonight? Isn't this too anxious?" Xing Feiyang stood up in shock.

"The soldiers are very fast. The general asked me to wait for five days to arrive at Xiaoyan Pass. We could have arrived in four days."

Zhong Li was mysterious, playing with the hilt of his waist and said: "However, I think we must let a pioneer go ahead and reach Xiaoyan Pass before our army arrives. In this tough battle, Zhong Li must beat that. Wu Yunzhao, so I want to send a general to lead the front."

"Oh, what the general meant is that tonight, let the 20,000 recruits go to Xiaoyanguan first, and then we will set off?" Chongfeng breathed a sigh of relief.


"Then, who to send?" Xing Feiyang coughed and leaned back on the big chair.

His eyes didn't look at Zhong Li.

The other generals also kept their mouths shut, watching their noses with their eyes.

Everyone knows that 20,000 Pioneers are no different from sending them to death.

Who knows what the fighting situation is in Yanshan.

Twenty thousand people may not even be able to lift water splashes.

"Is there any general who took the initiative to ask for it? If not, then I will arrange it myself."

Zhong Li looked over, but his eyes stayed on Ling Tian.

The others didn't speak, and the corners of Zhong Li's mouth could not help but raised slightly, "General Huo, it is up to you to lead an army of 20,000, as a pioneer, to help Xiaoyanguan first, how about?"

"General, is this wrong? General Huo is now seriously injured. He should heal his wounds. How can he be the vanguard and send troops immediately?"

Yi Zhongtian stood up and said in shock.

"Yi Zhongtian, sit down! It's not your turn to speak now!"

Xing Feiyang yelled, and then looked at Ling Tian; "Hehe, Huo Nai is the most powerful of our new army generals. This vanguard is the responsibility of him!"

"The final general also felt that General Huo was the most suitable candidate."

Advocating with a turn of his eyes, he also echoes the Tao.

"you guys!"

Yi Zhongtian's eyes were wide and he gritted his teeth.

This group of people is too shameless.

"Hehe, since the general trusts so much, that's good, the last general will take his orders!"

Unexpectedly, Ling Tian suddenly got up and took his orders directly.

This was unexpected to others.

This is obviously aimed at him.

"Brother Huo, are you crazy?" Yi Zhongtian frowned, looking at Zhong Li, "General, let Brother Huo heal his wounds, I will take the 20,000 new army as the vanguard!"

"Yi Zhongtian, sit down, I am your general, here, you are not qualified to speak!"

Ling Tian got up, folded his hands and looked at Zhong Li, "Huo Qubing is willing to be a pioneer and help Xiaoyanguan!"

"Hehe, okay, General Huo's spirit, let Zhong admire, in this case, you immediately call on your troops and prepare to set off!"

Zhong Li stood up and smiled with his hands in his hands.


Ling Tian turned around and gave Yi Zhongtian a wink, and the two of them went into a big account.

Xing Feiyang and the others looked at each other and couldn't help but sneer.

"General, are we going to fight with the Huns this time?" Chongfeng asked suddenly.

"Fight? Can you beat a Hungarian warrior?"

Zhong Li asked back, Chong Fong was speechless.

"Now, before it's time to send troops to help, it's just a gesture. Want to kill the enemy and do meritorious services?"

Zhong Li shook his head, "You guys think too much."

"The 20,000 recruits of Huo Qubing..."

"Someone wants him to die."


"They want you to die, Brother Huo, are you stupid? Do you dare to take your orders?"

After leaving the Chinese army camp, Yi Zhongtian grabbed Ling Tian, ​​anxiously caught fire.

"Otherwise, I said, I'm not dead, they won't let it go."

"Instead of being greedy for life and fearing death, it is better to take the lead and be a pioneer. Anyway, I am not afraid."

"Are you afraid of death? You can stay if you are afraid of death."

Ling Tian shook his head.

"What are you talking about? I am afraid of death? I am not afraid of death. I am not afraid of death. Isn't I the Hungarian? I wanted to kill them a long time ago. It's your injury, I'm very worried."

Yi Zhongtian looked at Ling Tian's pale face, worried.

"I, don't worry about me."

"I will disappoint them. You are waiting to kill the enemy."

Ling Tian turned around, patted Yi Zhongtian's shoulder, the weak aura on his body was instantly swept away, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in front of his eyes.

"Brother Huo...you...are you okay?"


New army camp.

Ling Tian's 20,000 troops were stationed on the edge of promise.

He stood in front of the camp, looking at this group of no fighting spirit, even looking at himself, with some resentful eyes, and he shook his head helplessly.

These people can't help much.

The entire army in southern Hebei is terrible.

It's a pity that there are more than 20,000 golden martial artists.

"Everyone, I know that you have grievances in your heart, and they are assigned to my Huo Qubing account."

"Today, as a pioneer, we will be able to reach Xiaoyan Pass in four days. In the eyes of others, we are bound to die."

"But you have to believe me, believe me Huo Qubing, you want you to obey me, order and prohibit."

"I promise you will be safe and sound, and triumphantly."

Ling Tian shouted with his spear.

The voice spread all over the camp.

The soldiers looked at each other. Although they didn't believe it in their hearts, they were also quite settled. It seemed that Ling Tian's voice had a sense of war.

People's hearts are faintly boiling.

"Hey, it's ridiculous, he Huo Qubing, where is the confidence? Triumph?"

In the distance, Wu Yunzhao, Zhong Li and Zhao Wenzhuo stood together, watching Ling Tian led the army, soaring into the sky, not only sneered.

"Frogs at the bottom of the well. When they see the Huns, they will be slaughtered. Let's go and drink. Four days later, you will wait for the body to be collected."

Zhao Wenzhuo shrugged.


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