Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1087: Aster seal bitter flower

Two days later, Pingyang City was shrouded by a general trend, and all the warriors in Pingyang City felt the terrifying coercion that suppressed the entire city, all of them were horrified and inexplicable.

The brave warrior flew out and saw a group of warriors standing in the air on the peak of the Zhao family mountain that had been burned to ruins.

And the head, dressed in a black gold python robe, his face was extremely gloomy.

The moment the warriors saw that figure, they were shocked, because that person was the head of the Zhao family in southern Hebei, Zhao Wueng who was known as one of the three heroes of the Zhao family!

Although this person's cultivation is not as good as his two younger brothers, Zhao Wuliang and Zao Wou-ki, he is still much more powerful than that of Ou Dexuan!

It's just that he has been in retreat for many years, and he hasn't appeared for hundreds of years. Unexpectedly, he has arrived in Pingyang City today!

"Who is it, who killed me, Wen Xuan, my son! I want him to be broken into pieces!"

A moment later, when he scanned the entire Zhao family and found that there was not a living thing left, he couldn't help but roar up to the sky, the mountains shook, and cracks broke apart between the mountains and rivers.

The primordial spirit is angry, terrifying!


Pingyao City.

Here, it is not far away from the mountains and rivers of northern Hebei.

Even standing on the city wall of Pingyao Mountain, one can see the deep smoke of the mountains and rivers one after another.

That was the wolf smoke from various city passes in northern Hebei under the jurisdiction of Jizhouhou. It can be seen that the war in northern Hebei has indeed reached a moment of extreme crisis.

However, Pingyao City, which is only separated by mountains and rivers, is no different from the past.

This is the junction between the north and the south of Jizhou. In ordinary days, it is extremely prosperous and lively. Many warriors from the north and south will come here to do business and trade. Therefore, although the area of ​​Pingyao City is small, it is one of the few rich people in southern Hebei. place.

Because of this, one of the troops of the southern Hebei coalition is stationed in a large camp thousands of miles away from Pingyao City, and is responsible for defending Pingyao City.

Today, although the war in the north of Jizhou is still in crisis, it has not affected the prosperity of Pingyao.

Here, there are still a lot of chariots and warriors.

Standing under the city, Ling Tian and Zixuan couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

Nowadays, in the north of Jizhou, countless soldiers are fighting to the death with the Hungarians, but here, there is the appearance of singing and dancing, and the bustling and lively people are chilling.

Ling Tian also inquired along the way. Although various passes in northern Hebei had been asking for help again and again, but Zhao Wuliang's army was still recruiting soldiers and raising food and grass, and there was no rescue at all.

This made Ling Tian furious, but he was helpless!

He has no soldiers in his hand, and relying on himself, no matter how terrifying the combat power is, it is still a drop in the bucket.

"Aster, the bitter spirit flower you mentioned is really hard to find. If there is no more here, I can't continue to search for it with you."

Ling Tian turned around, looked at the aster wrapped in a black cloak behind him, and said softly.

"I know, Brother Ling Tian, ​​Aster has already troubled you a lot, and Aster is not in a hurry. If you can't find it, you can wait."

Aster nodded, without any disappointment.

She has been with Ling Tian for so many days.

Although Ling Tian had changed back to his ordinary appearance at this time, those deep eyes still made Zixuan's heart beat all the time.


Ling Tian nodded, and then took Aster into Pingyao City.

As for the bitter spirit flower, Ling Tian also learned from Aster after leaving the Zhao family.

Because of this flower, Aster rushed from Yunzhou to Jizhou not far away.

According to Aster, she is the body of the spirit medicine, this kind of physique is naturally close to the spirit medicine.

But the parents of aster, after learning about the physique of aster, they sealed their physique by secret method.

Because of this physique, he is born with an extremely precious medicinal material blindly, even if he is met by the great power of the soul, he will have a covetous heart.

For so many years, Aster has been looking for ways to unlock his parents' seal step by step.

Because as long as there is this seal, her appearance cannot be restored, and her martial arts can hardly be advanced.

Originally, Aster didn't care about this.

But since I met Ling Tian.

Aster takes this seriously.

She wants to have a perfect look and a martial arts talent that is enough to match Ling Tian.

Therefore, the seal of aster was lifted a little bit, and the appearance and cultivation level also changed a lot.

However, the last medicinal material needed for the seal is Kulinghua.

But it took Aster for a year to search all places in Yunzhou and even Yangzhou, but I didn't get any news.

Finally, not long ago, she learned from an inter-state medicinal material merchant in Jizhou that there had been traces of Kulinghua in Jizhou.

Therefore, this came to Jizhou.

Ling Tian also knew everything afterwards.

After leaving Zhao's house, Ling Tian asked Tao Yaoyao to help find it, but still found nothing.

Kulinghua is an extremely rare medicinal material in the sixth rank.

Even the treasure house of the Yanlong clan was numerous, and Ling Tian didn't find it either.

For a while, he became curious about this medicinal material.

As for the medicinal spirit body of aster, Tao Yaoyao is even more interested.

Had it not been for Ling Tian's stop, Tao Yaoyao would have wanted Zi Yu to enter Taoyuan to help her manage the herbs.

No way, Aster is naturally close to the elixir, making Tao Yaoyao feel good.

However, Ling Tian finally did not agree.

Taoyuan was extraordinary, and Ling Tian was entangled in his heart for aster.

Perhaps that is not fair to aster.

After all, he knew that he couldn't give Aster what he wanted.

Now, he has been on the road for several days, and Ling Tian has nothing to do if he can't find Ku Linghua in Pingyao City.

When the two entered the city, they headed straight for the largest trading house in the city.

Rarely, the largest firm in Pingyao City is not Genting.

It is a business called Sanhetang, which is said to have been run by the Zhao family.

As expected, Jinan has been in the North Zhao family for thousands of years and will definitely not give it to Genting.

"Guest, what do you need, little one, take you to find?"

As soon as Ling Tian entered the gate of the firm, a small servant came forward.

The attitude is fair.

After all, Ling Tian's cultivation base was suppressed at the peak of the late golden body.

This level of cultivation may not be a big deal in Zhongzhou, but here, in front of this young man, it is still quite impressive.

Therefore, the other party did not dare to neglect.

"I want an elixir named Ku Linghua, you can check it out."

Ling Tian then threw a middle-grade spirit coin to the young man.

Xiao Si's eyes lit up, the middle-grade spirit coin, it is extremely rare to have such a generous shot, but the next moment, his brows frowned.

"The son is also aware of our auction, so did you come here?"

Ling Tian and Zixuan looked at each other, shook their heads and said, "I don't know, why, do you really have a bitter spirit flower?"

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