Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1051: Candlestick split

If it weren't for her aura, the warriors would even think that this woman was an ordinary person!

But they don't think so. Could it be an ordinary person who can save Ling Tian from Prince Rong?

It looks like this, it must be that the opponent's cultivation base is far beyond the range that they can explore, so it can't be seen through.

However, a group of emperors and nobles gradually slowed down in a brief period of suspicion.

"Pingyang? Is it the princess of Pingyang who went missing with His Majesty Wu Huang three thousand years ago?"

"It must be Her Royal Highness the Long Princess. His name is Prince Rong's Fourth Brother. If he is not Her Royal Highness the Long Princess, who would it be?"

Feeling everyone's gaze, the eldest princess held the fairy sword, scowling, and snorted, a shocking spirit power behind the sky in a moment, soaring straight up!


There was a scream that shook the world, but everyone saw that a huge phoenix wrapped in wind and snow appeared on Yuelong Mountain!

The size of the phoenix almost enveloped the entire Yuelong Mountain, almost the same as the giant palm of Prince Rong just now!

Although this looks like a martial soul, it is much stronger than a martial soul!

"Hi, this is the true soul of the emperor!"

"The symbol of the realm of separation, the soul of the true spirit!"

"A true soul that is one level higher than the power of the primordial spirit, my God!"

"It's the clutch true soul of the Youtian Ice Phoenix, and it is undoubtedly His Royal Highness the Princess!"

"The eldest princess goes back to the court, and she doesn't kneel down to see her!"

Someone yelled, and all of the emperor's relatives and relatives got up and bowed down to the princess.

"Chen, wait, I have seen Princess Pingyang!"

"Meet the eldest princess!"

Following the bows of the royal relatives and relatives, it was like a wave, and everything was compelled by the aura of the Divine Phoenix True Soul, which obscured the sky and overwhelmed the world. One after another, they bowed down to the princess in person.

This is the real powerhouse!

It was the first time for many people present to see the true soul of the emperor in the realm of separation and reunion in the legend!

The power of the panic-stricken awe-inspiring martial arts is so impressive that it can't give birth to any resistance!

"Get up all!"

The voice of the princess resounded through Yuelong Mountain, and everyone who knelt on the ground stood up.

"Pingyang, when did you wake up, why didn't you come to see Brother Si in advance?"

On the VIP table, Prince Rong frowned.

Can't see the color of surprise in his eyes, but the gleam of light in his eyes.

"Hehe, I'm afraid that if I show up sooner, it will be bad if it destroys the fourth brother's plan."

The princess lifted the sword and sneered, and looked at Ling Tian, ​​"Ling Tian, ​​you go first. I see who dares to move you?"

"Wait, Pingyang, what do you mean?" Prince Rong's face sank, "Do you know that this kid is blatantly resisting the decree, and he is punishable by law!"

"I don't care about my will or my will. Don't think about that this will crush me! If you really want to crush me, let the third brother come out to see me!"

The princess snorted coldly, not giving Prince Rong any face at all.

"His Majesty Wu Huang is suffering from a problem with the dragon body now, so it is not suitable to be seen."

"Then stop talking nonsense with me!"

The princess squinted her eyes, and Prince Rong dodged like this, which proved that Emperor Wu had a problem.

"Presumptuous! Pingyang, do you think it was impossible three thousand years ago? Don't rely on the prejudice before, unscrupulous!"

Prince Rong's expression was finally completely gloomy.

"Hehe, so what? Why, you can't do it with me?!"

"Four brother, don't think that those things you do are unknown, don't push me into a hurry, otherwise I will sue the world and ruin you!"

The eldest princess has the handle of Prince Rong and is not afraid at all.

"you dare!"

When Prince Rong saw the opponent's showdown, he was also very fierce.

On the side, Prince Gong's eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking.


At the next moment, a roar of the Shaking Heaven and Earth Shocking Dragon rang out, and the sonic boom caused by that loud noise caused many warriors to vomit blood immediately, almost exploding to death.

A gust of wind swept in, and black clouds rose instantly, filling the entire sky!

After a while, a huge black dragon that was comparable to the eldest princess's swimming ice phoenix appeared in the sky, suppressing the breath of the ice phoenix back.

Two great souls, fight against each other!

Another true soul of the emperor!

For a while, everyone looked at the black wandering dragon that appeared again, all in horror.

The emperors of the two great separation and reconciliation realms are at war, and once they fought, it was definitely them who suffered!

"Hehe, Brother Si, you really have changed! Okay, since you want to fight, don't be afraid of the fairy sword in my hand!"

With that said, the eldest princess drew out the fairy sword from the scabbard, and in a short time, the sword light exploded, illuminating the huge sky that was shaded by the black dragon!

"Xianjian Qingsuo!"

Prince Gong immediately exclaimed!

This sword is as famous as Tai'a, but the Tai'a sword has not been born for thousands of years.

He didn't expect that the Qingsuo sword was in the hands of Princess Pingyang!


Prince Rong gritted his teeth.

Everything is beyond his overall plan!

Ling Tian destroyed Tianjue Mountain, and now the Princess Pingyang appeared again. Not only that, he did not expect that Princess Pingyang would be so strong and possess the Qingsuo Sword!

This is the Immortal Sword, the entire Southern Tang Dynasty, there was only one Tai'a before!

Now, even in his hands, he also has a weapon that can rival Qingsuo.

However, his handle is in the hands of Princess Pingyang, but he does not let her and Ling Tian go out, how can he feel at ease!

Just as Prince Rong was determined to do whatever it takes to fight against the princess, the northern sky suddenly froze with a fiery-red beam of light, breaking through the sky, and heading straight for the stars of Xiaohan!

The height of the beam of light really reaches the sky!

Even the two true souls of the emperor who are now covering the sky can't conceal that light!

Not only that, after the soaring red beam of light broke through the firmament, tens of thousands of meters of beacon smoke rose from the north, accompanied by ten deep and loud sounds like **** horns!

"The candlestick is cracked, with ten horns. This is an enemy attack, an enemy attack that Dazhou is about to fall!"

"The candlestick is in the north. Could it be that Yanzhou is about to fall?"

"No, the direction is wrong, it seems to be Jizhou!"

Suddenly, countless generals on the VIP table were shocked.

Then Li Ke was also dumbfounded.

At this time, Jizhou Hou Shizi Pei Tianqing took out a azure blue in his arms, like a gemstone in the eyes. At this time, the gemstone's light flashed, almost burst, and his face changed drastically, desperately rushing out of Yuelong Mountain and galloping northward. go with!

"Fourth brother, sixth sister! The candlestick reappeared 1,500 years ago. There are ancient precepts. As soon as the candlestick comes out, it is the crisis of life and death in the Southern Tang Prefecture. When all the princes and ministers of the highest rank and above, they immediately went to the Wuhuang Palace. The military aircraft office shall not delay the discussion!"

"Two people, let's put aside the misunderstanding and solve the problem now!"

"Just give me a face!"

Prince Gong flushed anxiously and almost went away.

"Hmph, I have no opinion. Brother Si, as long as you don't embarrass Lingtian, you and I will settle the matter between you and me!"

Ping Yang glanced at the soaring red pillar, and put away Qingsuo Kendo.

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