Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1042: I'm here to kill you

I saw that figure suddenly stretched out a hand, and the sky full of clouds condensed in an instant, the billowing vitality evaporated vigorously, and it condensed into a huge palm that reached a thousand feet, suspended in the sky.

"What does Ling Tian want to do? Is it possible to do it directly?"

"He has the guts? Unless he is mad and spoils Big Bi!"

In the midst of everyone sucking in cold air, on top of Ling Tian's vitality hand, three huge monster beast corpses suddenly appeared!

The corpses of the three monster beasts vary in size, and although they are in a corpse state, they are still extremely shocking!

"Hey, they are all Tier 6 monsters!"

"Besides, when you shoot, there are three?"

"That seems to be the dragon ape, the giant bear and the dragon python, they are all Tier 6 monsters, stronger than the dragon head golden lion!"

"Are these all killed by Ling Tian? My God, what did he do when he entered Tian Jue Mountain? Is Ling Tian so powerful?"

At this moment, Ling Tian's feat of capturing the demon corpse together completely shocked everyone!

In the sky, Ling Tian's vitality hand held the corpses of the three giant beasts tightly, like the hands of the **** of war, shockingly shocking.

That billowing blood and coercion swept across Yuelong Mountain, making everyone unable to abandon their gazes.


But at this moment, Ling Tian's big hand suddenly used force, and the corpse of the monster beast that was clamped in his hand, there was a loud bang, which exploded into a cloud of blood, covering the entire Yuelong Mountain!

"Open the formation, don't let the blood of the beast contaminate Yuelong Mountain!"

"Ling Tian is crazy!"

Those masters who maintained the order of the Big Bi took action one after another, the barrier was opened, and the blood rain was stopped!

But the blood of the three behemoths is so grand, although not all fall, this spectacular scene is destined to be hard to forget.

Ling Tian's move today is much more grander than Shen Tian's refining his spear and picking up tigers and dragons three years ago!

No one can match this way of playing.

Obviously, Ling Tian was demonstrating with Shen Tianlian.

"Hmph, everyone, I'm sorry, in Xia Lingtian, I'm late!"

Ling Tian's figure resounded in the rain of blood, and the next moment, from high in the sky, his figure slowly flew down, and finally stood on the king's battle platform.

At this moment, everyone finally saw that Ling Tian was dressed in a mottled black armor. It seemed that there was no momentum, and the whole body was just shrouded in a faint light of vitality.

No mountain or dew.

However, Ling Tian's white hair gleaming with silver light made people unable to help but focus on the past.

This is perhaps the biggest difference for Ling Tian this half a month ago.

Although Ling Tian's hair had turned white, it seemed that it had a lot of indifference and solemnity.

Faint and palpitating.

However, judging from the situation where Ling Tian had dropped the corpses of six monster beasts just now, Ling Tian became even more invisible now.

Those who bet on Shen Tianlian couldn't help but start to shake.

"Hehe, Ling Tian has started. Let's see how he performed today, but don't come up and kill Shen Tianlian directly. That would be boring."

Zhang Kaifeng hugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Oh? It's not enough to kill Shen Tianlian when you come up. Why don't you see Ling Tian's cultivation base?"

Nalanjun frowned.

"Hehe, we just wait and see, this guy is never absent, and he will never lose when he comes."

Ye Fan also smiled.

In the VIP table, Concubine Yi, supported by Zhang Lianzi and Li Shishi, sat down very low-key.

Looking at the familiar figure Ling Tian in the audience, Master Li and Zhang Lianzi's expressions were extremely complicated.

On the one hand, they didn't want to see Ling Tian injured or dead in Shen Tianlian's hands. But if he wins, Ling Tian must follow the order to marry the princess...

"Hehe, Ling Tian, ​​I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

However, just when Ling Tian stepped down the battle platform, let the light be quiet.

On the battle platform, Shen Tianlian suddenly sneered, and then his whole body suddenly exploded, his vitality swept away like a storm. The momentum burst into thunder, attracting the attention of the audience again.

At this moment, Shen Tianlian directly exploded his vitality cultivation base.

At this time, everyone also exclaimed again and again.

Because Shen Tianlian's cultivation level has reached the middle stage of Faxiang!

This is extremely scary!

Shen Tianlian is a freshman this year, and his cultivation has already surpassed all freshmen by a large margin.

You know, even the last freshmen three years ago, there are only a handful of people who have achieved Dhamma, and even in the middle of Dhamma, there are not more than three people.

But today's Shen Tianlian, his cultivation level has soared to the middle stage of the law!

This is absolutely crushed in terms of cultivation.

At this moment, everyone once again realized that Shen Tianlian was still the real overlord of this session.

The strongest evildoer in Kunwu Academy is the legend of the new generation of Nantang in the past three years, like a mythical character.

Shen Tianlian was still too strong, his martial arts talent topped the entire Nantang generation, and his name was like thunder, almost no one knew.

Three years ago, when he came out of Tianjue Mountain, he directly advanced to the Dharma Formation, with red cloud wings on his back. No one is his all-in-one.

Even, no one knows how much strength he possesses.

It is hard to imagine how strong he has become after three years.

The moment he appeared, countless eyes gathered on him, and Shen Tianlian was enveloped in the light of fire. But there is a kind of invisible magic power that brings everyone's sights together, eclipsing the sharpness of other Tianjiao leaders.

Even Shen Tianlian gave people an illusion, as if when he stood there, the result of the finals of the Longmen Grand Competition was self-evident. This was the stage on which he performed!

"Hehe, I see how Ling Tian escaped and ascended to heaven this time!"

Li Yu sneered.

The entire Yuelong Mountain's gaze was also condensed on the growing imposing Shen Tianlian at this time, and the latter raised his head, staring at Ling Tian coldly with his indifferent gaze.

Ling Tian looked at the powerful and fiery Shen Tianlian in front of him. His body was gradually tightening. From the latter's body, he could detect a smell of danger.

Shen Tianlian still had some strength.

But that's it.

"Ling Tian, ​​half a month ago, I reminded you that if you don't want to die, give up. Now, I'm giving you one last chance!" Shen Tianlian's icy gaze stayed on Ling Tian's body, the corners of his lips seemed to be It was a icy arc that slowly set off, he was threatening, and he wanted to directly overwhelm Ling Tian with this aura.

Accompanied by Shen Tianlian's threatening voice, everyone could feel that an astonishing killing intent quietly filled Shen Tianlian's body.

Shen Tianlian at this time was indeed too terrifying.

A white-haired Ling Tian stood upright like a strong pine in front of Shen Tianlian's vigorous wind.

White hair flying, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, staring at Shen Tianlian extremely indifferently, and then a smile appeared on the young face: "I also said that, this time, I am here to kill you too!"

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