Sword Master Ling Tian

Chapter 1037: Hun Yuanbao mirror betting storm [Three Thousand Da

"Hehe, with these words from my aunt, then I'm relieved."

Ling Tian smiled.

"Let me **** you for a while. The people around here are Prince Rong's people. Maybe you can't reach Yuelong Mountain."

At this time, Luo Zijun also flashed out, holding a mirror with a smile.

"Do you have a way?!"

Ling Tian frowned and looked at the mirror, he could see that it was a high-grade treasure!

"Hmm, of course, otherwise you think that as the first son of Yanzhou, I can come here with Prince Rong's eyeliner everywhere?"

"This is my Yanzhou Supreme Treasure Mixed Ingot Mirror, which has the effect of covering up the breath and even disturbing a little bit of heaven. With it, we can go to Yuelong Mountain without knowing it."

Luo Zijun shook Bao Jing with a smile.

"Hunyuanbao Mirror? Is it a good thing to disturb the secret? Thank you General Luo."

Ling Tian arched his hands.

"Don't, you don't get close to each other, I can send you there, but it depends on Miss Qin's face, and I also have conditions for you!"

Luo Zijun hugged his arm and said.

"What conditions?"

"I heard that you are very good at refining tools, so let's refine me a superb weapon then. Also, I heard that you are also very good at writing poems. Write me a poem. And, I heard You can also play..."

Luo Zijun was still talking about it, but Ling Tian's face was getting darker and darker.

"General Luo, you want it all, don't you... you should choose one!"

Ling Tian stopped Luo Zijun.

"No, only three!"


"Then choose two!"


"Okay, you forge me a common weapon, and then you're writing a poem. What kind of tune, I will earn your personal affection if I have the opportunity."

Luo Zijun clapped his hands, proudly said.

"Oh, let's go! Let's go quickly!" Ling Tian touched his forehead.

Luo Zijun shrugged and danced the mixed ingot treasure mirror in his hand, and the treasure mirror shot out a ray of light, covering several people.

"Well, now we can sneak out. As long as we are not seen, no one can find our breath."

"Awesome, let's go!"

Ling Tian also took a deep look at the mixed ingot mirror and summoned Xiaoqing to pull up Qin Mingyue and leave.

Behind him, Luo Zijun also summoned a pitch-black war horse and chased after him.

The Tianjue Mountain formation has been chaotic, and the area is so large that even the Prince Rong outside cannot monitor all areas.

Ling Tian found a path and left Tianjue Mountain.

Just as Luo Zijun said, this mixed ingot mirror is really powerful, and no one is bothering them along the way.

And Ling Tian also relaxed, and on the way, he inscribed the battle armor, the prison fire stick and the thundering sword that he had obtained from Tianjue Mountain again with the red cloud pattern crystal.

However, the process is still very tragic.

Seeing the pieces of red cloud pattern crystals shattered, even Ling Tian, ​​his heart trembled.

In the end, Ling Tian generals the prison fire stick, thunder sword, battle armor and mask all inscribed, consuming sixteen red cloud crystals in total!

The success rate has just reached more than 20%.

At this moment, Ling Tian finally understood why he had seen so many great masters of Faxiang, but he had never seen them with such fiery red wings.

It's really too difficult. The value of these sixteen pieces of red cloud pattern crystals, I am afraid, even if it is the background of the Prince Chun's mansion, let alone the five great families and the various marquis.

I'm afraid that only Prince Rong's mansion can get it out.

Therefore, Prince Rong had spent much money on Shen Tian Lian!

"Shen Tianlian, half a month ago, you said you wanted to kill me."

"Now, I will be there soon, I want to see, what can you do!"

On Xiao Qing's back, Ling Tian made a black armor and a silver white hair, under the shining of Yang Guang, gleaming with crystal luster, making Ling Tian Yingwu's face even more handsome and extraordinary!


Half a month's time, like a white horse passing a gap, has already passed unknowingly.

Today, it is the decisive battle of Longmen Grand Competition.

Shen Tianlian, the highly respected Kunwu Academy, will have the ultimate battle with Lingtian, the biggest dark horse of this year!

At the same time, the winner will also become the first consort in the Southern Tang Dynasty and marry the goddess.

Who can be famous in the Southern Tang Dynasty, take the top of the list, and be the best among the arrogances. All the suspense will be revealed today.

The leader of the Dragon Gate, when the ultimate glory, enjoy the full glory.

Everyone is also looking forward to who will become the first arrogant leader among the freshmen this year.

Today, the entire Yuelong Mountain area has long been overcrowded, and the crowds in the onlookers outside the square are several times the usual.

Before dawn, the four places of Yuelong Mountain have gathered, and countless figures of warriors have gathered.

And in this half-month period, the major royal families, aristocratic families, and great sect forces have built temporary pavilions nearby for their own people to rest.

After all, the square on Yuelong Mountain has a limited number of people.

In addition, on the Middle Avenue under Yuelong Mountain, stands a huge pavilion, and in the middle of the pavilion is a huge stone platform.

And this is the final gaming floor newly established by Genting Commercial Bank.

Here, anyone can bet.

Elect the leader of the Longmen you think.

After waiting for the big match, you will know whether you win or lose.

The stone platform is huge, with a swirling light shining in the center. The stone platform is carved with many bird and beast patterns with superb carvings, supplemented by rare and exotic treasures, and it is full of luxury.

And around the stone platform, at this time, it was already full of people, bustling, did you gritted your teeth and threw the spirit coin in your hand into the whirlpool, and then held the ejected sign with excitement.

These are all for betting.

And this scenario has been going on for more than half a month. Within half a month, countless warriors started placing bets through the gaming houses set up by Genting Commercial Bank throughout Zhongzhou.

Although the students of the palace can bet through the identity card in their hands, they are still willing to come here to bet. After all, it is more lively here.

Moreover, those who are rich in their shots can also pretend to be a small match, why not do it.

And this gaming building under Yuelong Mountain is the largest in Zhongzhou. Because it is the closest to Yuelong Mountain and the best location, it has been overcrowded in the past two months. Many prodigious brothers will have climaxes. .

Now, seeing the leader of the finals is about to begin.

There are more people who come to bet, and there are even more people who spend a lot of money. Those big players, at this moment, all really make a move, and they all want to be at the last moment and make a good bet.

"Tsk tusk, it's really interesting. The odds between Ling Tian and Shen Tianlian actually lost nine in one. It seems that this bet is meaningless. Everyone thinks that Shen Tianlian will win. How else to play?"

"Hehe, don't make trouble, these big odds are interesting. You can suppress Lingtian. If Lingtian wins, you can make a lot of money. Then go to Qinhuai to play with her for half a year, how happy! "

"Cut, you don't want to frame me, what you say is nice, why don't you bet on Ling Tian?!"

"In fact, Ling Tian is really strong. He swept all the way half a month ago. After winning streak all the way, many people made a fortune. It is said that Genting Commercial Bank directly lost hundreds of billions of Lingcoins!"

"But this time, it seems that Genting Commercial Bank is still pressing Bao on Shen Tianlian!"

"That is inevitable, you have to know, who is the backing of Genting Commercial Bank! And who is Shen Tianlian? Not to mention, what is Shen Tianlian's current cultivation? The horror of combat power, no one can know its depth , And Ling Tian, ​​although he is tyrannical, but he can only sweep the golden body realm of Tianjiao, if you want to become Shen Tianlian's opponent, Ling Tian must first condense the law!"

"Yes, but Ling Tian is bad because his body is too horrible. With such a horrible body, he cannot co-cultivate inside and outside. It is impossible to condense the Fa, not to mention, in half a month, so everyone Only then would they think that Shen Tianlian would win!"

"That's okay, let's talk about the woolen thread, let's press it down!"

Looking at the odds of Ling Tian and Shen Tianlian on the stone table, everyone was talking about it.

Although the odds of one to nine are very tempting, if one wins, it really goes to heaven, but the facts are there, almost everyone still overwhelms Shen Tianlian.

In this Longmen Grand Competition, Ling Tian can be said to have attracted much attention, earning enough attention, so that all the ordinary martial artists are greatly encouraged, and even he has become a model for the rise of the poor!

Among the twelve colleges, Ling Tian has a very high reputation!


Many people shook their heads and sighed. Unfortunately, the last thing he faced was the impossible Shen Tianlian.

Everything is in vain.

At this moment, a figure squeezed away from the crowd, put a pair of clubs away from the waist, and came to the stone platform, without even wanting to directly take out a lot of spirit coins, all pressed on Ling Tian's body!


The spirit coins merged into the vortex, and they were worth more than one billion lower-grade spirit coins. This was already a huge amount weighing on Ling Tian, ​​and it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Damn, are you stupid? If you have money, you can't spend it? This Lingtian will definitely lose, you can play with it?" Someone looked at this scene and immediately laughed out with a puff and pointed. : "Don't be too greedy, or bet it to Shen Tianlian, at least you can make a profit without losing it!"

"Hey, just you rats are short-sighted, and want to persuade me? Give me a step away from the little master, there are people behind, don't stand in the way!"

This person is Qin Shaoyang who has arrived.

After Ling Tian left Tianjue Mountain, he asked Xiaoying to take the storage ring back to Xiaoyao Academy to report safety, and let them go directly on the road, waiting for him in Yuelong Mountain.

And what Ling Tian especially ordered was this Genting gambling!

Ling Tian let go and let all of them do their best to bet on him.

He wants to let Genting Commercial Bank pay to his death!

"Huh, idiot. Knowing that Ling Tian is your happy person, still want to cheer him up? In the end, these spirit coins are not worthy of us!"

Just at this moment, a cold snort sounded, but two figures were sitting in wheelchairs squeezing through the crowd. It was the abandoned Ma Lie and Liu Xiu!

When the two reached the stone platform, they threw out two storage rings directly, a large amount of spirit coins continuously merged into the whirlpool, and their expressions looking at Qin Shaoyang were full of mockery.

"Thirty billion spirit coins! When the two elders make a move, they will each be 30 billion, which is really generous!"

Their appearance has caused quite a stir.

Thirty billions were all pressed on Shen Tianlian's body, and it was considered a great handwork.

Although they were all abolished by Ling Tian, ​​the financial resources of the two Hou Mansions should not be underestimated.

"Haha, who am I? Isn't this Ma Lie Liu Xiu who was abolished by my brother-in-law like a pig and dog? Why, if you are abolished, you still have to lose some money?"

Qin Shaoyang sneered and sneered.

"Hmph, what are you talking nonsense with us? Get out of here!"

Some killing intent flashed in Ma Lie's eyes, and he cursed.

"Hehe, you guys have a big tone, what are they? Then what are you two rubbish?!"

Just as the two were facing each other, a disdainful voice sounded.

But it was Nalanjun and Ouyang Ke who walked in with a group of free students.

When the voice fell, the two of them threw a ring, the stone platform flickered, and finally stopped above the number of 50 billion spirit coins.

Both of them each gave 50 billion, and they were all crushed by Ling Tian!

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