Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 62 Let’s compete?

"If you can't beat me, just accuse my brother of cheating. How shameless!" Huang Yiyun saw so many people shouting and stamped his feet in anger. He wanted to go up and argue with those people directly, but Tian Yuyue pulled him back.

"Mentor!" Huang Yiyun looked at Tian Yuyue in confusion. At this critical moment, they needed to speak up!

Tian Yuyue shook her head. There were only five of them in total. Their voices alone could not cover those people, and it was useless to go up and argue.

"Evian, we have another way."

After hearing this, Huang Yiyun calmed down.

"Where's the evidence?" Faced with the clamor and slander from everyone, Su Mu spoke indifferently, glanced at everyone, and looked at them with contempt!

"You bastard, how dare you look at us like that!" Su Mu's contemptuous eyes directly stimulated the self-esteem of those old and new students. Anyone can despise them, but you, a loser, can't! ??

"What you can't do means that others can't do it? You are incompetent, so you ask others to be as useless as you?" Su Mu continued to speak, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, wanting to use this dinner to insult him, his relatives and friends, and If he has the entire Fifth Academy, then he doesn't mind trampling all your dignity under his feet!

It is disrespectful to come and not go!

"If you can show evidence, I will step down myself. If you can't show it, it's just the clamor of a group of incompetent people." Su Mu spoke slowly, causing those people's self-esteem to explode on the spot!

The people in the audience were so angry that their faces were ferocious and their eyes were red. How dare a loser dare to humiliate them like this!

"That's enough!" Ma Yongfan shouted and walked out, glaring at Su Mu fiercely, "You are so arrogant even if you have some ability. Are you proud of a garbage palace?"

Su Mu turned to look at Ma Yongfan and frowned. He thought that Ma Yongfan, as the person in charge of the overall situation, always wanted to save face, but he didn't expect that he also had a shameless face and didn't think about how to uphold justice, but instead came to blame him.

"Whether I am arrogant or not is my own business. If you don't accept it, then we can compare!" A cold light flashed in Su Mu's eyes. If you can use the dinner to deal with him, so can he.

I will trample you under my feet through the dinner party!

"You!" Ma Yongfan choked directly, looking at Su Mu's expression stiff.

There was a quick silence in the audience, and everyone looked at Su Mu in disbelief.

"He, he was challenging Senior Ma just now?"

"How dare he challenge Senior Ma, who is at the Life Palace Realm and is about to reach the peak of the Reborn Realm?"

"Ha, haha... This is the biggest joke I have ever seen in my life!"

Everyone turned from anger to ridicule, laughing at Su Mu's overestimation of his abilities.

"Senior Ma, fight him!"

"There's no need to worry that he's a loser!"

"Just winning a fight has made him so arrogant, Senior Ma, let him see what it means to be a man of heaven and earth!"

Everyone kept encouraging Ma Yongfan to deal with Su Mu, but little did they know that the person involved almost hated them!

"A bunch of idiots!" Ma Yongfan was so angry that his teeth almost broke. He knew very well whether Su Mu had used his sword intention just now. His control had only reached the seventh level. If he really wanted to compare with Su Mu, the result would probably be no better than the previous one. How many!

If he is really defeated by Su Mu, he will lose all his face in this life!

The most important thing is what happens if he wins? Su Mu is just a new student, and even if he, an old student, wins, it can only be said to be a weak victory, and it will not cause any harm to Su Mu!

And this is probably the greatest confidence that Su Mu dares to challenge him!

"Quiet!" After struggling for a while in his heart, he raised his hand and shouted loudly. The scene fell silent instantly. Everyone looked at him expectantly, hoping that he could torture Su Mu well.

"Look, look at your dad!" Ma Yongfan was almost pissed off by those looks, and even wanted to gouge out all those eyes.

Come on, do you have to let him be ruined?

"As the host of the dinner, how can I take action? I am an old student, how can I bully a new student..."

"No bullying, fair fight."

Before Ma Yongfan finished speaking, Su Mu's words made his liver tremble with anger. He gritted his teeth and pretended not to hear, and continued, "So don't make noises. The program still values ​​peace!"

Hearing this, everyone was disappointed, and then they all glared at Su Mu.

"Good luck to you!"

"If it weren't for Senior Ma Renyi, you would have to crawl today!"

"Senior Ma, what about his cheating..." A freshman jumped up and said, everyone was shocked, yes, they almost forgot about the cheating.

"He didn't cheat!" Ma Yongfan sullenly hurriedly defended Su Mu. When he said this, he felt extremely tormented. He clearly wanted to deal with Su Mu, but instead he became his defender. This feeling was simply uncomfortable.

But he didn't dare to slander Su Mu. What if Su Mu wanted to compete with him again to prove his innocence?

"No cheating? It's impossible..."

No one questioned Ma Yongfan's words, but they were all unacceptable.

"Is his control really that strong?"

"Then I'm afraid only Zhang An and Wang Ding can defeat him!"

"Is it possible that he must be the third one?"

Everyone gritted their teeth. They came to see Su Mu laugh, not to see Su Mu majesticly take away the prize!

"It's a bit of a shame." Seeing Ma Yongfan clear Su Mu's innocence, Tian Yuyue and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and then gradually became excited. Su Mu will definitely get the top three this time!

"Top three?" Kong Qing turned to look at them and looked at Su Mu with a slight smile on his lips. How could his teacher stop at third place!

Even those bunch of chickens and dogs are not worthy to be his teacher's opponents!

"The battle for the Yuan Dynasty continues!" With Ma Yongfan's announcement, other freshmen began to come on stage, but they did not challenge Su Mu anymore, but fought with each other.

They understood that challenging Su Mu was asking for death, and Su Mu was too cruel!

No one wants to go home after a good dinner and have to go to class tomorrow.


"A bunch of useless things!"

Seeing that no one dared to challenge Su Mu, Zhang An and Wang Ding were so angry that they gritted their teeth. Are they going to let that good-for-nothing Su Mu sit firmly in third place? They are all a bunch of useless things!

The winner of the round was soon decided. Zhang An and Wang Ding both started to take action. After jumping onto the high platform together, their eyes rested on Su Mu for a moment. Then they turned around and walked to other booths to challenge Su Mu. They did not dare to challenge Su Mu.

They are all geniuses with eighth-level control. They dare not gamble with their dignity and easy-to-get prizes. They will not start a war. After all, they only have one chance to lose. They can only win in the decisive battle for the first place. stage!

Everyone under the high platform was full of expectations when they saw the two people going up, but when they saw the two people walking to other booths separately and not fighting with Su Mu at all, their eyes were filled with disappointment.

"Both of them don't dare. Su Mu is guaranteed third place."

"Humph, that's just the third place." Someone snorted in displeasure, but when these disdainful words fell in other people's ears, they felt extremely uncomfortable. That is, just the third place, and that's it?


"Back off!"

Su Mu stood in front of the booth, bored and watching the fierce fight between the booths on both sides. No one came to challenge him from beginning to end.

The total number of freshmen who could come to the dinner was only fifty or sixty, especially after Zhang An and Wang decided to take the stage, which made the program end faster.

Everyone in the audience gradually lost interest in watching. Anyway, Zhang An and Wang Ding were the two who won, so why not look forward to the final duel between Su and Mu!

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