Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 60 The battle for Yuan!

Seeing that everyone was waiting to see Su Mu's joke, the four girls of Tian Yuyue began to sweat nervously, and Wei Zhuo stared at Su Mu. He had never been so nervous in his life. It is not only about Sumu Mu’s own honor, but also about the honor of everyone in the Fifth Academy!

"Su Mu, whether everyone in the Fifth Academy can raise their heads and behave in the future depends entirely on you!"

"Su Mu, please!"

Even Kong Qing was nervous. He still remembered how embarrassed he was at the last freshman dinner.

"Brother Mu, either, or..." he said to Su Mu with great struggle, or give up the test. At least giving up would not be so embarrassing.

"What else?" Su Mu glanced at him and strode towards the high platform.

"Tsk... I'm so brave." Seeing Su Mu approaching, everyone sneered and gave way generously.

Tian Yuyue and others looked at Su Mu standing in front of Fei Hongzhu, their hearts were in their throats, and even sweat broke out on their nervous foreheads.

"Test it, take the test quickly!" Seeing Su Mu standing in front of Fei Hongzhu without moving for a long time, all the old and new students began to shout, thinking that Su Mu didn't dare.

"It took me a long time, and I quickly tested it!"

"Like a girl, I don't know if you have a seed or not. You might as well castrate yourself and become a eunuch!"

Amid the shouting of the crowd, Su Mu looked down at the five fingers of his left hand. At first glance, there was nothing there, but when he looked carefully at the tip of his middle finger, he could see a trace of white thread jumping on the fingertip!

If Ma Yongfan and the others dared to look closer, they would definitely be scared to death!

The vitality controlled by the freshmen tested before was clearly visible, even the thinnest ones were as thick as twine, but Su Mu's wisp of vitality was so thin that it was almost invisible!

"I have the Exquisite Heart with Seven Apertures, and I can always control my vitality as I please, but if I put such a fine amount of vitality into the Feihong Pearl, I'm afraid I won't be able to test it out." Su Mu thought to himself, if he rashly punched this ray of vitality in, he might be An embarrassing scene like the fortune-telling palace appears.

Those people will definitely not admit it at that time, and will directly kick him out, and the medicine will never be obtained.

"Take it thicker." With a move of his finger, the strand of vitality became clearly visible, probably with hair.

One third of the thickness of silk.

"This should be enough to reach the tenth level." He had seen the test process of those people. There is absolutely no problem in reaching the tenth level at this level!

But after taking a look at the three-story pagoda, he continued to thicken the energy until it was thick enough to hold twine!

"Coward, if you don't dare to test, just get out of here!"

Everyone was still cursing, and Ma Yongfan's sneer continued unabated, but when he glanced at the vitality as thick as twine on Su Mu's fingers, all the expressions instantly froze on his face!

"This, how is this possible!" He quickly rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but he could no longer see the ray of vitality. Su Mu had already poured the vitality into the Feihong Pearl!

"Gulu!" Ma Yongfan looked at Fei Hongzhu, swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and had an unpleasant idea in his heart.


The Feihong Pearl began to shine, and everyone stopped laughing when they saw it, and instead looked at this scene with a sneer.

"Definitely below the fifth grade!"

"Eight, that is the eight character!"

As soon as they finished speaking, a horoscope appeared on the Feihong Pearl, like a loud slap in the face!

Looking at that horoscope, it was so dazzling, and all their sneers, disdain, and ridicule were all frozen on their faces!

"Eighth, eighth grade!"

"He, didn't he understand the sword's intention? How come he still has such strong control!"

The most unacceptable thing among those present was that Zhang An and Wang Ding, two eighth-level controllers, were evenly matched by a loser in the Life Palace!

"How could this be? How could he be the eighth grade!"

"This is false. He is a piece of rubbish. How can he be equal to me?"

Both of them roared hysterically, this was their great shame!

"Eighth level, haha... Tutor, have you seen it? Brother, he has eighth level control!" Huang Yiyun was shocked when he saw that horoscope.

, and then he jumped up with joy, tears even appeared in his eyes, and he hugged Tian Yuyue happily.

The three girls of Tian Yuyue were all shocked. It was not until Huang Yiyun's joy and joy that they came to their senses and couldn't help but smile on their faces.

"Yes, your brother is so strong." Tian Yuyue smiled and praised Su Mu from the bottom of her heart. Both Guan Yifei and Guan Yifei nodded in affirmation.

"I knew you could do it!" Wei Zhuo waved his fist fiercely and looked at Su Mu raising his head and taking a deep breath. He was so proud!

"It's amazing, it's so amazing!" Kong Qing was full of surprise and couldn't help but look down at himself. At that time, he understood the sword energy and was only one step away from the sword light, but he couldn't control the vitality. Now he is close to understanding the sword energy. I also feel that I can't control my vitality accurately.

But Su Mu, who also understood the sword intention, was able to control his vitality so well, it was simply miraculous!

"Is this the difference between me and the teacher?" Kong Qing murmured, looking at Su Mu, his eyes gradually became firmer, his pursuit was right!

"Evian, why are you still crying?" Tian Yuyue over there was happy and found tears falling from the corners of Huang Yiyun's eyes, and couldn't help but ask.

"Are you crying? No." Huang Yiyun hurriedly wiped her tears and turned to look at Su Mu. Her nose was actually red at this moment.

The three Tianyuyue girls looked at each other in astonishment, then smiled slightly, maybe crying with joy.

They didn't know that Huang Yiyun felt sorry for Su Mu. Ever since Su Mu's accident, he had been stigmatized. Whether he raped a good woman or was a trash man, Su Mu never bowed his head or gave in. He was slapped in the face with actual proof time and time again. Everyone!

It seemed like she was getting angry every time, but she felt heartbroken every time. Why would a person who perseveres be treated like this every time? This shouldn't be the case, it doesn't make sense!

"It's fake, it's definitely fake. There must be something wrong with Fei Hongzhu!" Zhang An couldn't accept it anymore and rushed to question Fei Hongzhu, almost saying that Su Mu cheated.

"Go down, don't mess around!" Ma Yongfan quickly came back to his senses and scolded him, winking, and questioning Fei Hongzhu's behavior.

Are you questioning whether Wufu knows?

Seeing Ma Yongfan's warning look, Zhang An had no choice but to grit his teeth, cut Su Mu unwillingly, and turned around.

"Su Mu, eighth level control!" Then Ma Yongfan announced Su Mu's results indifferently, without congratulations or any emotional fluctuations.

Everyone felt uncomfortable hearing this, but they all had to accept this fact.

Su Mu glanced at everyone, his eyes stayed on Zhang An and Wang Ding for a while, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Is this unacceptable? This is just the beginning!

"Now, the show officially begins!"

After Su Mu went down, Ma Yongfan said loudly, and at the same time took away the Feihong Beads, took out three beads with a metallic luster and placed them on the booth. Two staff members came up to separate the booth into three areas.

"The program is very simple, it's about competing for vitality!"

"This is the Suo Yuan Pearl. There is a large amount of vitality locked in it. The two of them extract the vitality from the Suo Yuan Pearl at the same time. Then they only use the extracted vitality to attack each other. The winner wins!"

After listening to the rules, the freshman gradually recovered from Su Mu's shock and was secretly speechless.

"The more vitality you fight for, the greater your chance of winning!"

"Not necessarily. Having more energy does not mean winning. If you have high skills in controlling energy, you can win even if you have less energy!"

Everyone was talking, this battle was still full of suspense!

"Before the show starts, I would like to remind everyone that no one is allowed to use any cultivation or vitality after the competition starts. Once used, they will be eliminated directly!" Ma Yongfan glanced at him and warned loudly.

"Now, the war for the Yuan Dynasty officially begins!"

"Everyone can choose their opponent at will. The challenger can reject it twice, but everyone has only one chance to fail!"

As soon as Ma Yongfan finished speaking, the eyes of the freshmen all fell on Su Mu. The one they wanted to challenge the most was Su Mu!

The person who wants to be eliminated the most is Su Mu!

The shame they want to wash away the most is Su Mu!

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