Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 543 Tit for tat!

"It's really Su Mu's!"

"When did he prescribe Sanliang Essence!"

"This, when did this happen!"

Everyone was filled with disbelief. Even if they were already certain, they still rubbed their eyes vigorously, fearing that what they saw was an illusion!

"Two liang, another two liang of essence!"

"Master Li has prescribed a total of four taels of essence!"

But the people who should pay attention to Master Li should only pay attention to him. Seeing Master Li once again prescribed two liang of essence, those people shouted excitedly again!

"This piece, open!"

At this time, Su Mu had also picked out the fourth piece of ore. Because he picked it out right after Master Li, it attracted more people's attention.

"He just picked out a piece of ore? Isn't this too slow?"

"How fast can a five-page jade book be? You don't really think that his stone gambling skills are very strong, right?"

"He seems to have mined the ore."

Suddenly a voice sounded, causing an area to become silent.

"Already open?"

"So what if it's opened, he can open it, open..."

"What the hell!?"

"Three, three two!"

When they saw the weight of the essence that Su Mu fired, they were all stunned. They jumped up in shock, rubbing their eyes in disbelief, and their eyes almost popped out!

"He he he he...when did he prescribe Sanliang Yuan Marrow!"

"We are only one ounce away from Master Li!"

Everyone murmured and suddenly shut up. Now we are one or two behind, but the next piece of ore will be mined soon. By then, we don’t know how far behind we are, and we may even surpass Master Li!

"Impossible, how could he overtake Master Li!"

"Absolutely impossible. Those three or two must be luck. In terms of stone gambling ability, can he compare to Master Li?"

"It's not open... it's open..."

The field was silent again for an instant!

I saw a piece of essence marrow falling out from Su Mu's stone-opening machine, three or three ounces!


A total of six taels of essence!

Two ounces more than Master Li!

"Really, really surpassed Master Li!"

"Hiss, he exceeded so much from the beginning, why is his ability to gamble on stones so strong!"

"Is he really the biggest dark horse today?"

Now, everyone on the field went crazy!


It was difficult not to pay attention to the seven branch owners on the high platform. After seeing Su Mu's results, they all jumped up in shock!

They all looked at Su Mu in shock.

"Hiss...he can actually produce so many quintessences!" When the second prince and the third princess saw it, their expressions instantly became dull, and then they gasped wildly, their eyes filled with disbelief!

"Just a five-page jade book?"

Anyone who dares to use luck to describe Su Mu now is stupid, but Su Mu used only five pages of the jade book to defeat seven stone gambling masters. Apart from luck, what else can be used to explain this!

"Sir, he, how did he do it?" The beautiful woman sitting in the headmaster's arms covered her mouth in disbelief and asked the headmaster.

The general manager looked at Su Mu with disbelief on his face and said nothing, because he didn't see how Su Mu did it, and he was also the Su Mu who just paid attention to!

No matter how much fuss they make above, it has no effect on Su Mu and the eight people. They only care about finding more marrow ores in the shortest possible time and the ores with the most marrow content. They don't care about anything else!

As two quarters of an hour passed, half of the schedule was over!

"The head librarian."

The middle-aged man on the side reminded the general manager, who suddenly came to his senses, took a deep breath to suppress the shock that had been rolling in his heart, and then waved his hand.


As the sound of the iron chain mechanism sounded, a huge cube boulder fell from the air. After hanging in the air, the lines on the boulder lit up.

From then on, a ranking began to appear, and the number one ranking was none other than Su Mu!

Su Mu's name and the amount of his essence are so dazzling in everyone's eyes at this moment!

In two quarters of an hour, Su Mu had already dispensed three kilograms and six ounces of essence!

He beat Master Li, who was in second place, by a pound and a half!

"The rankings are out!"

When the eight people in Su Mu saw the appearance of the square boulder, they all temporarily stopped gambling and looked up at the rankings.

Among them, Master Li and Master Qian are extremely confident. They have both fired more than two kilograms of Yuan Marrow. The time has only passed half way, and their results are enough to crush the others!

"One pound and five taels of essence."

Seeing Master Tian's five ounces of essence, Master Li and Master Li both had disdain on their lips. Master Tian could compete with them at first, but now he is no longer their opponent.

"How did I end up in third place?" .??.

"I'm actually only ranked second?"

Looking up and counting the rankings, the two of them immediately changed their expressions. Both of them had a record of more than two kilograms, but they were not in the top three!

Especially Master Li, he couldn't accept it at all. He took a few steps back. He wanted to see who had the ability to suppress him!

When he and Master Qian saw the name of the first place, their eyes froze, and when they saw the weight of the essence issued by the first place, their hair almost stood up!

"Su, is Su Mu number one?"

"He prescribed more than three kilograms of Yuan Marrow!"


The two of them took a deep breath and instantly felt their whole bodies become cold!

Then the two of them went crazy!

"Something is definitely wrong!"

"How could he prescribe more than three kilograms of Yuan Marrow!"

"There must be something wrong. Didn't you find the problem?"

The two roared angrily and looked up at the headmaster. Didn't they realize such a big problem?

But then, they discovered the biggest problem!


There were thousands of people, but it was eerily silent at this moment!

Everyone is silent!

It was as if he was silently digesting an astonishing fact!


Master Li and the other two were stunned. Why were they both silent?

But they are not the only ones who cannot accept it, there are also the remaining five stone gambling masters, but they have all begun to accept the facts. After all, the essence of Su Mu's prescription is already there, and it cannot be faked. In addition to believing it, they also What can be done?

Even if Master Li could no longer accept it, they already had confidence in their hearts. They turned to look at the essence under Su Mu's stone-cutting machine, and their Adam's apple rolled with difficulty.

"He, he surpassed me with just five pages of the jade book!"

"Shame, shame!"

The expressions of the two of them became ferocious. Su Mu was the age of their grandson, and his jade record was only half of theirs, but the result of the battle was to crush them. What a shame!

Immediately they continued to bet on stones. They did not believe in this evil. No matter how powerful Su Mu was, they would surpass Su Mu and crush Su Mu!

Not only to be promoted as the head of the museum and get the privileges of Yuanshi Pavilion, but also to regain dignity!

The other five stone gambling masters thought the same thing, and they all started gambling non-stop.

Even if they can't help the branch leader to take the position of the general leader, they must never let themselves be nailed to the pillar of shame!

Absolutely not!

And Su Mu has already taken action. He doesn't care how shocked others will be. He just needs to know that he ranks first!

He wants to draw out more essence, earn more, and break through more realms in the shortest time!


Among the anxious stones, Su Mu's eyes lit up when he saw a piece of ore, and he rushed forward with a sprint. The essence content of this piece of ore was extremely high!


But at the same time, Master Tian rushed over from the other side and also took a fancy to this piece of ore!

The two of them raised their heads and looked at each other with unkind expressions. They both knew that this piece of ore was enough to turn the situation around!

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