Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 44 No, no

"Su Mu, you bastard!"

"Ah, I and you are at odds with each other!"

"I can't even pick a single purple orchid, you heartless thing!"

After the purple orchids were picked, those people had no choice but to come down. After they came down, they pointed at Su Mu's back and yelled curses. They all wanted to curse Su Mu to death.

Su Mu was holding the purple orchid and was about to leave, thinking that it would be a bit unsightly to not break the 100 mark. When he heard the abuse behind him, he paused and his eyes became cold.

"Am I too kind?" Turning around to look at those people, he made more than a hundred people lose their welfare qualifications. How dare you poke him in the back and scold him, thinking he is a good person?

Seeing Su Mu's cold gaze, those people immediately shut up and couldn't help but retreat.

"Su Mu, what do you want to do?"

"You robbed our purple orchid, do you still want to attack us?" Several people dared to curse.

"Everyone picks purple orchids based on their ability. If you can't pick purple orchids, you can only blame your incompetence." Su Mu laughed angrily at this. Can you blame him for your own incompetence?

"If I were not strong enough today, let alone picking purple orchids, I might not even be qualified to stand here."

Everyone was speechless. If Su Mu didn't have the strength to defeat more than a hundred people, he would never even have a chance to look at the purple orchid!

"Robbing? Don't you just want to snatch all the purple orchids from our fifth hospital?" Su Mu continued to speak, while approaching those people, who backed away again when they saw it.

"You guys reminded me of the welfare rules. It seems that if there are no rules, you can't rob them." Su Mu grinned, showing a row of white teeth.

However, in the eyes of the new students, his smile was like a devil showing his fangs!

"You, are you trying to snatch the purple orchid from our hands?" The freshmen who picked the purple orchid hurriedly hugged the purple orchid in their hands, but the eight freshmen who didn't pick the purple orchid got it easy. If Su Mu dared Rob

If so, they are not targets.

Su Mu didn't speak, but kept walking. Was he joking?

"What does he want to do?"

"After picking so much, he still dares to rob it?"

"Rebellion, he dares to rob the Martial Mansion, and there will be no place for him to stand!"

The instructors from the first four colleges jumped up in shock when they saw Su Mu's actions, and then they started to curse, almost going crazy.

Those freshmen didn't pick many purple orchids to begin with, and if they were robbed, they would lose all their money!

"Hey, you are allowed to rob us, but we are not allowed to rob you?" Guan Yifei's voice sounded at the right time, and all the tutors from the first four colleges turned to stare at her. Are you so keen on going against them?

"When did we take it from you?" a tutor from the first hospital yelled unfairly.

"You haven't snatched it? What a joke!" Guan Yifei raised her head and smiled angrily, "Weren't you just robbing me before? If you want the freshmen of my fifth house not to even see the purple orchid, is that not robbing?"

The instructor of that college was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

"He has not yet gained a foothold. Do you think our Fifth Academy is just a decoration?" Guan Yifei was unreasonable and continued, "Besides, what rules did Su Mu violate? Is there any rule that says he can't rob it?"

The tutors of the first four houses all turned pale after being told that this rule was originally beneficial to them. It was absolutely impossible for the small fifth house to win over them. Naturally, they had not thought about changing this rule.

But he never expected that with the emergence of this weirdo Su Mu, all the freshmen in their four departments would be in trouble!


They had no choice but to turn their attention to the four deans. If they let it go, the fifth dean would be the one this time.

The biggest winner of freshman welfare, if not stopped, the fifth house will rise!

"Dean, we have to be on guard!"

"Dean, think of a way."

They wailed and prayed and looked at the four deans, but all four deans said nothing. The rules were like this. They were only deans and were not qualified to change the rules. They could only propose changes to the master of the palace in the future, but By then it was too late.

"He really dares to rob!"

"It's unreasonable that he must fight against our first four courts to the end!"

When all the old students saw that Su Mu really dared to grab the purple orchid, they were so angry that they jumped to their feet and cursed. They had ignored it before, but now they were just stepping on the heads of the four departments and shitting on them!

What's more, there are relatives and friends among those people, how can we bear it!

"Damn it, I'm going to kill that beast!" Some old men were so angry that they gritted their teeth and wanted to rush forward and kill Su Mu!

But they don't have the courage. As long as they dare to take a step up the back mountain, they will be expelled from the Wu Mansion immediately!

Forget about the internal competition among the freshmen, it is absolutely impossible for Wu Mansion to let others interfere!

"Son of a bitch!"

"Su Mu, you will be punished!"

More than 20 people were knocked upside down by Su Mu's beating in one fell swoop. They all slumped on the ground and kept wailing as they watched the purple orchids being snatched away.

But when Su Mu's eyes widened, they immediately shut their mouths. They wanted to live more than being robbed of the purple orchid.

"One hundred and forty-one flowers!" Su Mu hugged the cluster of flowers that he could hardly hold, and left with a grin. Today he will definitely get rich overnight!

In the corner, eight people who had not picked even one looked at Su Mu and shivered. They survived because they found nothing, but Su Mu seemed to be a devil in their eyes!

"Well done!"


Ha ha! "

Guan Yifei watched Su Mu leave holding the purple orchid, and jumped up happily and clapped her hands. She had never been as happy as today since she became a tutor in the Fifth Academy!

If it weren't for the inappropriate occasion, she would have wanted to show off.

Tian Yuyue and Gu Siqing unknowingly straightened their waists. Su Mu's grab immediately straightened the waists of the entire fifth courtyard!

The tutors of the former four colleges looked at Su Mu, gritting their teeth with hatred and helplessness at the same time. Among all the freshmen, no one could suppress Su Mu. The only thing they could hope for was to end it soon, otherwise there would be more The new students will suffer!

"You, what else do you want to do?" At the foot of the cliff, Su Mu suddenly left and came back, frightening the thirty or so people. They had all taken away the purple orchids, what else did you want to do?

Su Mu walked straight towards a fat man, looked him up and down, and nodded with satisfaction. The fat man's heart went crazy when he was stared at, and he hugged himself defensively. Could this guy have any special hobbies?

"Ah, no, no..." Seeing Su Mu extending his claws towards him, the fat man immediately shook his head and screamed. He was still young, he hadn't...

"Hiss, hiss!"

Su Mu took off a piece of the fat man's clothes and made it into a baggage. He put all the purple orchids in it and carried it on his back. He suddenly felt much lighter.

Su Mu looked at the fat man curled up in a ball, curled his lips, turned and left.

The fat man watched Su Mu leave with lingering fear and secretly wiped his tears. He almost lost his innocence. Fortunately, he only took a fancy to his clothes.

"Uh..." Guan Yifei twitched the corner of her mouth after seeing Su Mu's actions, and then shuddered. Fortunately, it was not what she thought, otherwise it would be really disgusting.

"Sister Guan, Su Mu, seems to be number one." Suddenly, Gu Siqing's weak reminder sounded in her ears, and Guan Yifei's expression froze in an instant!

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