Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 215 Three Tests

"Teacher, joining the Blade Team will have a bonus effect on sword intent. As long as you can barely pass the assessment and your sword intent is strong enough, you can join the Blade Team." Kong Qing introduced the rules to Su Mu as he walked.

"The assessment mainly tests tactics, investigation and combat capabilities. Come on, teacher, I will take you to register first."

After walking into the main hall, Kong Qing took Su Mu and Yuan Jie to sign up.

"Su Mu?" When the person who registered heard Su Mu announce his name, he sneered disdainfully but didn't say anything. After registering, he handed a token to Su Mu with the word "Su Mu" engraved on it.

Yuan Jie also signed up. After registering and getting the token, he followed Su Mu and the others and left.

After walking through the main hall, my eyes suddenly opened up. Behind the main hall is a martial arts arena that is no worse than the square outside. The martial arts arena is full of people, all fighting, as if fighting, everyone is trying their best!

"If you strike harder, haven't you eaten?"

"If your legs are broken and your hands are chopped off here, someone will help you immediately, but on the battlefield, all these will kill you!"

"Don't hold anything back. If you don't act ruthlessly today, you will die in the hands of gangsters tomorrow!"

On the martial arts field, a young man was patrolling in the middle of the fighting team, and he kept shouting with a sullen face.

"Teacher, he is Yi Caixin, who is in charge of the assessment." Kong Qing pointed at the young man who was drinking violently.

Su Mu looked at Yi Caixin, with a strange light flashing in his eyes. No wonder he was admired so much by Li Kang. He was indeed quite capable. His cultivation level had reached the third level of Mingfu Realm. He had also become an assessor. In addition, he was now a training instructor. Already far ahead of his peers.

After Kong Qing winked at Su Mu, he trotted up to Yi Caixin, cupped his fists and said, "Senior Yi, I have two friends who came to take the assessment and want to join the Blade Team."

"Your friends? Let them come." Yi Caixin nodded happily. He admired Kong Qing very much, and even believed that Kong Qing would not lose to him in the future, and Kong Qing's friends would not be any weaker.

"Eh? Kong Qing, have you achieved the sword body?" Yi Caixin noticed the sharp aura that Kong Qing unconsciously revealed, and said with surprise on his face.

"Kong Qing, you are truly a genius in swordsmanship. You really give our Captain Sharp Blade face!" After Kong Qing nodded, Yi Caixin laughed happily and patted Kong Qing on the shoulder.

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