Sword Emperor of Chaos

Chapter 1572 Dayan Sutra

"Why, how could this happen!"

Laowang was pinned to the ground by an inexplicable powerful force and was completely unable to move. If he continued to be pressed like this, he would be crushed into a pulp sooner or later!

The power that suppresses it is none other than the divine power of Lord Houtu!

At the same time, it was not only it that was suppressed, but also Su Mu.

On the second floor of the pagoda, Su Mu was suppressed by a khaki-colored spirit as soon as he entered. He was suppressed and unable to move without even seeing what the opponent looked like.

"Creak, creak..."

But compared to Lao Wang who was lying directly on the ground, Su Mu was obviously much better. He just couldn't move at the moment and kept clenching his teeth to resist the suppression of Lord Houtu.

"Crazy Immortal Emperor, you have chosen a good junior." A middle-aged man in coarse linen clothes looked at Su Mu and was so crushed that his soul and body almost collapsed, but his legs did not bend even a little. Can't help but admire.

"It's not bad." The Crazy Immortal Emperor said expressionlessly, but when he looked at the Lord Houtu opposite, there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Compared with the other souls in the Pagoda, Lord Houtu came in voluntarily and was suppressed by him, but among all the souls, he hated Lord Houtu the most!

More than 100,000 years ago, he was still one step away from the Divine Lord. Because he broke a conspiracy against him, he offended the Houtu Divine Lord. The Houtu Divine Lord ordered all his relatives and friends to be killed. He gathered strength to prepare. He wanted to take revenge, but the Lord Houtu directly destroyed his small world!

If he hadn't torn apart the space in time and left, I'm afraid there wouldn't be such a person as the Crazy Immortal Emperor in this world.

But later when he came to the Lord Houtu, Lord Houtu looked at the scene of rivers of blood and mountains of corpses, but he took the initiative to repent of his mistakes, left his body, and voluntarily entered the pagoda to atone for his sins.

He didn't even explain that he was deceived by a villain, and he dared to act like this. The madman and the Immortal Emperor admired such people, but no matter what, they couldn't wash away the unforgettable hatred!

"Crazy Immortal Emperor, do you still hate me?" Lord Houtu said with a smile.

"You are not worthy of my hatred." The Crazy Immortal Emperor said calmly.

Lord Houtu smiled and nodded, without saying anything. He turned to look at Su Mu, whose legs had not been bent at all. His eyes suddenly sharpened, and his pressure doubled again!

"Humph." Su Mu couldn't help but groan. He felt like a piece of earth was burying him at this moment. He was only half a step away from death!

It’s only half a step away from being buried on earth!

The earth is thick and buries everything;

The earth is calm and suppresses everything;

The earth is the foundation, immovable as a mountain, blocking everything!

During the suppression, the soul power is consumed rapidly, but the advantage is the continuous understanding of the power of the earth attribute, which is equivalent to a god-level figure helping you to understand. In addition, Su Mu has the seven-aperture exquisite heart that can comprehend thousands of wonderful methods in the world. It’s easier to understand.

But in a moment, wisps of khaki spiritual power were born in the dark veins of his left leg!

Did you realize the earth attribute spiritual power so quickly? Lord Houtu looked at Su Mu with a strange look in his eyes, and continued to increase the power of suppression!

The Madman Immortal Emperor was a little anxious when he saw this. Lord Houtu was one of the strongest beings among the gods. Even a strong man in the Holy Realm could not do anything to him during his lifetime. If he hadn't been so powerful, he would have asked Su Mu to devour Lord Houtu first. of spirit.

Even though Su Mu's soul power has increased several times now, he is still worried that he will be suppressed by Lord Houtu until his soul collapses.


Su Mu groaned again. Under the increasing pressure, the earth attribute spiritual power in the dark veins of his left leg increased crazily. At the same time, the spiritual power surged and entwined with each other, and a round Yuan Dan continued to take shape.

The fifth virtual pill!

There is a virtual elixir that has been formed in the sword veins, water veins, fire veins and wind veins. It is just a short step away from becoming a real real elixir!

No one could resist the temptation of condensing five virtual pills into real pills, but Su Mu resisted it for a while, while still frantically comprehending the power of the five elements.

"Crazy Immortal Emperor, you have chosen a good person, and you will not waste my inheritance." Lord Houtu withdrew his suppressive power and said to the Crazy Immortal Emperor with a faint smile.

Now that you have entered the pagoda, there is only one end, and you will be swallowed up.

He did not resist more than 100,000 years ago, and now he will not make a meaningless struggle.

The Crazy Immortal Emperor just nodded slightly and looked at Lord Houtu being devoured by Su Mu with a smile. His expression gradually turned gloomy. This meant that the grudge was completely over.

After devouring the soul of Lord Houtu, Su Mu's soul body immediately returned to his original body, and a powerful force was poured into his left leg. It was so satisfying that he opened his eyes and gasped wildly.


After the pressure on his body was lifted, Lao Wang quickly got up, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked around with lingering fear.

"God, the power of the divine king!"

After experiencing the terrifying pressure for so long, he finally understood who that pressure came from, but how could a divine king appear here?

It is impossible for the royal family to have a strong divine king, not even a divine king's inheritance. If there were, it would be impossible to keep an eye on Su Mu's heavenly inheritance.

Tianzun inheritance?

An idea flashed in Lao Wang's mind, and he turned back to look at Su Mu, his mouth open and unable to close.

"Brother, you...you have the inheritance of the Divine Lord?"

Since there is no one else, the divine pressure just now must have come from Su Mu!

But don’t those people say that Su Mu has the inheritance of Tianzun? How come it has become the inheritance of the Divine Lord!

"Yeah." Su Mu replied to Lao Wang with a nasal sound and continued practicing.

Lao Wang looked at Su Mu blankly, and it took him a long time to figure it out.

"Big brother not only has the inheritance of the Heavenly Lord, but also the inheritance of the Divine Lord!"

"I'm rich!"


After figuring it out, Lao Wang jumped up for joy. For others, having just one inheritance would be of endless use, but Su Mu had two major inheritances. If it followed Su Mu, it would be a meteoric rise!

Not to mention those wolf sisters, even the wolf saint can get it!

"Huh..." Su Mu stabilized the earth vein and breathed a long sigh of relief. He couldn't help but smile. The earth vein is currently the most powerful among the dark veins, and it provides him with the most powerful power!

Having the power of earth attribute makes him invincible!

"Dayan Sutra!"

His mind was shaken, and a vast and mysterious technique emerged. Su Mu was just about to check the Dayan Sutra when a huge amount of information suddenly came in one after another.

Su Mu was stunned for a moment, unable to control his body. His mind and soul were all used to accept the sudden and huge information.

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