Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 274: You are the most beautiful

He Lianxi began to gloat and asked Gu Jinyan: "Gu Jinyan, do you mean that Shen Jiaxin just wanted to make a film of Qi Bai?"

"That's right. Those people probably didn't think of it! Qi Bai didn't pick Shen Jiaxin who danced, but fancy the knowledge of playing the flute." Gu Jinyan held his lips evilly, although he refused Qi Bai, However, Shen Jiaxin couldn't make it.

However, he can only dance. This kind of appearance is just ordinary in the entertainment industry, and there is no acting skills. Why would he think that Qi Bai would use her?

Even if it is used, it will only give a chance to audition.

"Deserve it." Helianchi was in a bad mood because of the previous results. But now, it seemed as if the dark clouds were lifted away, and the sun became brighter.

"Look." Gu Jinyan opened Weibo and found that today's national wind race has been hot searched.

In addition, their Gu Gu Xi is also upheld, and many friends are upset for them.

Then Sister Fairy appeared again.

Lu Xingzhi was sent to Hot Search by them again. A photo of a flute playing jade was beautiful like a picture of a lady.

Mine your cuteness: I don't care whatsoever, it has been saved, this will be my screen saver in the future. How can it be like this.

The orange melon of the stars: Ah! !! Where is this? If you know it well, if I knew it earlier, I would be able to cheer for the fairy.

Of the stars: I will not tell you, I will be on the scene today. The beauty of the fairy came to the face, the shocked beauty can only be felt by the scene talents.

I ate a big watermelon: Is it interesting to take a photo of beauty? If I add beauty and make-up, I will also be a peerless beauty.

Angel of Justice: Pay attention to these messy people all day, what fairies, pay more attention to your family! My mother is a fairy.

"Okay, you see, a lot of people at the scene tweeted today and said it was unfair." He Lianxi brushed Weibo with interest. "Look, people still praise me for being good-looking!" Although I do n’t know much, I do n’t know a lot. ”

"Yes, yes, you are the most beautiful." Gu Jinyan said as if he was disgusting, but was spoiled.

"Cut! I don't know what vision, so many people say that you are handsome." He Lian angered his lips and expressed doubts about the vision of these friends.

"I'm handsome already! Don't you think?" Gu Jinyan's face enlarged in front of Helian Xi, "You take a good look, as long as you are not blind, you will think I look good."

"Well, I'll go back first!" Lu Xingzhi didn't want to disturb them, but she thought it was better for her to leave first.

Gu Jinyan hurriedly arranged a car for her to be returned by the driver.

When he got home, Lu Xingzhi quickly washed himself.

When I came downstairs, I saw Huo Jinchen just coming back from the outside.

"You're back." Lu Xingzhi ran to him, and Huo Jinchen took hold of her waist.

"Are you going well today? Are you happy?" Huo Jinchen asked.

"Well, we didn't get the number one. However, I'm quite happy." Occasionally wearing such a costume once, it really feels like crossing the ancient times, it's quite wonderful.

"It doesn't matter, just be happy." Huo Jinchen smelled in her hair, "just shampooed?"

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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