Sweet Wife, Pampered Fast

Chapter 142: Bought him a gift

"You ..." Shen Yanzi was going to be furious, gritted her teeth, and her eyes were full of anger and dissatisfaction.

"I have all these clothes. Trouble to cut the tag for me." Lu Xingzhi originally did not want to buy so many clothes, nor did he want to buy so expensive.

However, how to say it is also a foe, let her witness that she spends Huo Jinchen's money, and she can only feel stunned.

More importantly, she thought that these were all caused by Huo Jinchen, so she spent his money to vent her anger.

Lu Xingzhi quickly took the card and looked at Shen Zhezi innocently. "Ms. Shen, it will hurt you to spend your own money. Then you don't buy clothes."

"I spend my money and am happy, at least I don't have to look at the man's face." Shen Yanzi said toughly.

"It's true that you don't need to look at the man's face, after all, you don't have a man." Lu Xing nodded, pulling Helian Xi, "Sorry, let's go!"

Shen Yanzi watched them leave, gritted her teeth, and stared at the clerk fiercely, leaving on high heels.

But I didn't know that the two clerks were behind and mocked her.

This mall is in the name of Huo Jinchen, and often can see many noble ladies and celebrities.

From their conversations, we can all know that Shen Zhuo Zi Ji remembers his fiance. It's just that others despise her.

"Unfortunately, am I too impulsive?" After Lu Xing came out, he felt that he didn't need to buy so many clothes.

"Of course not, you're right. To deal with a woman like Shen Zhezi, you should deal with her like that. Moreover, these clothes are pretty, where is the impulse." He Lianxi didn't think that Lu Xingzhi spent money.

She doesn't spend it, is it left for other women to spend it?

When Huo Jinchen received the consumer text message on his mobile phone, he was quite relieved, and his lip angle naturally rose. His baby was finally getting rid of it?

Lu Xing knows he is willing to spend his money, and Huo Jinchen is really happy.

I was afraid she would not spend it.

Lu Xingzhi was so impulsive that he refused to try clothes again.

Pulling Helian Xi to the men's clothing layer, picked for a long time, and finally bought nothing.

I always feel that these things are not suitable for him.

Too ordinary to be worthy of him.

Helian unfortunately bought a lot, a dozen shopping bags.

In the end, Lu Xingzhi bought a bunch of beads for Huo Jinchen, which is exactly 88,000 yuan. Although not expensive, the moral is very good. I hope he is healthy and healthy.

When the two returned to Huo's house, Helena hadn't left yet, sitting in the lobby and playing with a cell phone.

Hearing footsteps, his eyes fell directly on Lu Xingzhi's body.

The close-knit sweater perfectly outlined her curve, and the waist and limbs exposed outside seemed to be broken by just a pinch.

Those straight legs were white and slender.

His face was hot, and he did not dare to look at it. He uncomfortably looked away, and looked at Heliansi again.

I hate iron and steel. "Why can't you learn to learn and wear clothes properly?"

"What's wrong with me? Besides, I have to learn little knowledge, and I must pass my own conditions! Don't draw a tiger and become an anti-dog." He Lianxi rolled his eyes.

That's fine.

"Unfortunately, you sit for a while, I'll see your third brother." Lu Xingzhi went upstairs with his things.

Huo Jinchen was still in the study, and her eyes brightened when she saw her come in.

Waving at her, "Come here."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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