Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 732: Does she have this face?

"But it is absolutely not allowed... to be taken away by someone like you and dirty our things!" He Ning's voice was contemptuous.

Liu Zhenjing suddenly became even more splashy: "He Ning, what is a person like me? What's wrong with a person like me? I'm the niece and niece of Mrs. He, and our family's business is doing a lot! He's like you guys. Home and Shen's are all equally famous! You, a junior, trample on my face?"

"Ms. Liu, you sent your face to me and stepped on it yourself. Before the evening, send things back and everything is easy to say. Otherwise..." He Ning's tone became extremely cold, "I'm afraid you regret it, it's too late. "

"Fart! I think what you can do with me!" Liu Zhenjing was extremely pungent, turned and left.

He Peishan also followed out.

"Miss He wait." He Ning stopped He Peishan.

He Peishan turned to look at He Ning resentfully.

He Ning smiled slightly: "Miss He should know that the business of Ms. Liu's family is inextricably related to the He family. If Miss He does not want the He family to be implicated, please persuade her."

He Peishan rolled his eyes and ignored He Ning at all.

He Ning didn't care, anyway, she had already said what she should remind, and she knew where to go. What they were going to do was their own business.

He Peishan came out and said to Liu Zhenjing, "Auntie, do you want to return that thing?"

"Fuck off! What does her ex-wife care about the things the third master gave?" Liu Zhenjing said amusedly, "I don't care about my identity."

He Peishan asked, "Does the third master really want to see his cousin?"

"Since San Ye has expressed his opinion to give me something, I think he must be satisfied with your cousin." Liu Zhenjing smiled triumphantly, "Shan Shan, I know you like San Ye too. But, what happened before you , There have been many misunderstandings. You should give this opportunity to your cousin."

Liu Zhenjing didn't dare to be so arrogant in front of He Peishan before. It can be said that the gifts from Wu Shuzhen and her aunt dazzled her and made her think that the position of the Shen family's young grandmother was already in her bag.


Liu Zhenjing never even thought about sending things back to He Ning.

She asked herself that she was backed by the He family and that her husband was doing a lot of business. With the support of the third master, He Ning was afraid to do anything to herself.

"Bring me out that watch!" she said, and asked the maid at home to get the watch out.

After taking it out, she put it on her wrist and admired it repeatedly.

"This is what was given to me, and it is mine! Why should I return it to the woman He Ning? She is already pregnant with another man's child, so she dare to claim herself as the young grandmother of the Shen family? Pooh, does she have this face? ?"

She wore her watch ostentatiously, and she was triumphant.

However, before the evening, there was bad news about her husband's business. A total of 30 freighters, weighing thousands of tons of cargo, were inexplicably sunk on the north coast and lost more than 100 million!

She originally thought it was a coincidence, and it was impossible for He Ning to do such a thing.

The Lan family and the Shen family had to be concerned about the face of the presidential palace. On the face of it, they could not directly embarrass the He family.

Who knows that at dinner time, there was even worse news. Several large partners in the company had to ask for the goods in those freighters. If they are not available, they will cancel the cooperation!

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