Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 646: To be punished more severely

Ye Shu came over early the next morning.

When He Ning came down from the upper floor, she walked quickly to He Ning's side.

He Ning knew what she was worried about and waiting for.

Shen Jingyu simply ate breakfast and said, "Today I will go to the Presidential Palace again and go with Old Man Lan. I will bring him back."

Ye Shu nodded, tearful.

He Ning watched Shen Jingyu leave.

"I don't know what will happen if Yiming is over there..." Ye Shu looked at Shen Jingyu's back away.


In the evening, after a day of waiting.

Shen Jingyu's car finally stopped at the door.

But he didn't come, and it was Qin Zheng who got off the bus.

Ye Shu and He Ning hurriedly asked, "Where is Sanye? How about General He?"

"General He was brought out. The president promised to suspend him for inspection and resolve the problem before reinstatement."

The two breathed a sigh of relief at the same time: "Where are they now."

"I went back to He's house together. I heard that there are some things to be solved, and I'm afraid you are worried, San Ye specially asked me to pick you up and go to He's house together."

He Ning and Ye Shu got on the car without hesitation.

The car went to He's house together.

There are already many people in the He family.

An energetic old man sat in the first place. When he saw He Ning, his gaze caught up.

He is the old man Lan, Lan Xi's father, and He Ning should call him grandpa.

Mrs. He, He Boyuan, He Birong, Lan Xi, and Gu Yunchen are all here.

Even He Peishan, who had not recovered well after the operation, came to the scene.

He Yiming looked a little haggard, but his entire mental outlook was undiminished, his back was straight, and he was dressed in casual clothes, which did not change the temperament of a soldier.

Seeing Ye Shu at a glance, he greeted her and took her by the hand, hinting that she should not worry.

Shen Jingyu pulled Hening to stand beside him.

He Boyuan sat on the main seat and said solemnly: "Yi Ming, as the master, you made such a mistake and caused the death of innocent soldiers. Even if the matter has nothing to do with you, it is because of your lax management and dereliction of duty. Only when the family law deals with you can you be in the army and conquer the people with the He family.

He Yiming nodded: "Dad, I am willing to accept it. As for what the matter is, I will also find out. I will receive the punishment."

He stood up.

Military families like the He family and Shen family have very strict family laws, and often they are consistent with military laws. They have always been punished without mercy after making mistakes.

It's just that He Yiming rarely makes mistakes before, and naturally he won't be punished.

This time, he was convinced.

"Then hit fifty army whips," He Boyuan said, sighing in his tone, but his expression was unusually firm.

Lan Xi's heart shuddered.

He Birong was overjoyed.

The military whip is an upgrade of the horse whip, with iron wire entangled in it, and when hit on the body, it will become skin and flesh, and ten strokes are enough to stun a person.

Fifty hits is really a very heavy number, and most people simply cannot afford it.

Lan Xi couldn't help but pleaded, "Bo Yuan, he came back only after Ming Ming, and he has suffered a lot for this matter. Why not do it less."

"Yes, General He, the person who punishes the most severely in the past is a fine of thirty. Fifty is too much for the general." Liang Yan couldn't help but plead.

"There is no place for you to speak here. The emperor has committed the same crime as the common people. It is precisely because Yiming is my son that the punishment should be heavier." He Boyuan said loudly, with a harsh tone.

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