Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 579: Don't think about someone bullying her

He said that he was going to roll, but He Lu actually turned somersaults and moved out, embarrassed. The limelight under the skirt was exposed, and everyone expressed irritating eyes!

The others looked at her coldly, and the two words He Ning said are the most suitable He Lu, deserve it!

He Ning smiled and said to everyone: "Everyone has been busy for a long time, so let's go to dinner first. I invite you for lunch."

"Thank you Miss He!" Everyone finished speaking together and left in one file.

He Lu was still tumbling, her hair knotted and her makeup worn out, so ugly that she couldn't bear to look at it.

Young Master Li didn't look at her again, and said to Shen Jingyu: "San Ye, the matter is resolved, then I'll leave. What happened today is offensive, and I will invite San Ye to drink next time."

Shen Jingyu lightly chin, seeing that the third master didn't blame him, he hurriedly left.

Shen Jingyu looked at He Ning, her deep eyes with a hint of interest: "Thank you."

"What?" He Ning didn't know why.

"Your lunch."

"..." Well, He Ning admitted that when he invited everyone, he didn't count him.

He was very conscious and counted himself in it.

Gong Yunxi could see that the third master doesn't care about He Ning anymore, he cares too much!

It seems that outside rumors are simply not credible.

She didn't want to be an electric light bulb, and said hurriedly: "Then Sanye, He Ning, let me take care of something first."

"Eating is bigger than the sky. Eat first." He Ning stopped her, making it clear that she was going to bring her along.

Gong Yunxi glanced at San Ye, secretly begging for mercy with his eyes, San Ye, it's no wonder that I, it was He Ning who had to take me with him.

"Let's go." Shen Jingyu said.

He Ning dragged Gong Yunxi to follow.

Shen Jingyu's attitude is kind, unlike Gong Yunxi's way of seeing him before, always stern.

Gong Yunxi relaxed a lot, and said admiringly: "He Ning, how did you make He Lu make so many mistakes? What kind of magic did you use?"

"Actually, I don't have any magic. It's just that I used to come to the shooting venues a lot, and I learned some experience after seeing more. And she has never had a similar experience, and she doesn't know anything about lighting, positioning, etc. I pressed her down and guided her to run away."

"After all, you are the best." Gong Yunxi admired it very much.

He Ning said sternly: "Yun Xi, you don't have to bear the humiliation for me and the company in the future. People in this world are like this. If you respect him, he doesn't know how to constrain. You hit him on the right cheek, but he stretched his left cheek instead. Come here and let you fight together."

"From now on, as long as you do things according to the rules, even if Da Luo Jinxian comes, don't be afraid."

Gong Yunxi nodded heavily and glanced at Shen Jingyu. Shen Jingyu was supporting He Ning, so what else would he be afraid of?

She didn't know, He Ning hadn't planned to rely on Shen Jingyu long ago.

The child in the belly is her treasure. She has been weak and gentle, but she is strong when she is a mother. From now on, I don't want to be bullied on her!

As long as she thinks of the child, she is full of power!

Shen Jingyu's eyes kept falling on her, as long as she was in his sight, she would feel that her whole body and mind were fulfilled.

After eating, he sent He Ning and Gong Yunxi back, and then left.


After get off work in the afternoon, as soon as He Ning left the company, he saw Chu Zhuohang.

He Ning hasn't seen him for a few days since he resigned.

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