Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3530: You are not married

Xiao eleven slammed into Shen Ye's arms, groaning in pain.

"Xiao eleven, uncle's health is not good yet. Come down quickly." Xia Jiu really has a headache for her naughty.

Shen Ye already hugged her: "It's okay, I can handle the weight of Xiao Eleven."

Shen Fengshan happily took Sihan and Xiaoshi's hands: "Grandpa takes you to play in the backyard."

Sihan followed along with him sensibly.

Xiao Shi waved his hands and rushed forward: "I'll go and see what's fun!"

Xia Jiu accompanied Ding Qinen to make dumplings.

Ding Qinen likes to cook for her family to eat. Seeing the children happily eats, she is happier than she eats.

I like to make a lot of dumplings every weekend. Sometimes Xia Jiu can't come, so she sends them to Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu sat down and took a dumpling wrapper, which was very obedient in Ding Qin'en's hands. One action turned into a big round dumpling. In Xia Jiu's hands, he appeared extremely disobedient. wrong.

Ding Qinen has wrapped dozens of them, and she hasn't finished one yet. After finally finishing one, she went to wrap the second one. The first one broke and spread out on the plate without knowing why. .

Xia Jiu touched his forehead with shame.

Ding Qinen smiled and said: "You go find them to play, I will do it myself."

Xia Jiu was too embarrassed to continue to show his ugliness, and went to find Xiaoshi.

At noon, steaming dumplings were on the table, and Xia Jiu took the little buns to wash their hands, and then gathered around.

Xiao Shi reached out and took the dumplings and stuffed them directly into his mouth.

Xia Jiu put the chopsticks in his hand: "Take it!"

The whole family was turned over by his look like a leather monkey.


Chen Qi and Fengying's car drove directly towards the Shen family mansion.

"How should we describe the young master's injury?" Feng Ying asked.

Chen Qi said: "You can't say that it's too light. Miss Xia will definitely not go. But it can't be said that it's too heavy. Saying that it's too heavy will scare the elderly."

"According to me, I just want to scare Xia Jiu, who made her marry other people?" Feng Ying complained.

"Are you going now for this?" Chen Qi said, "Don't make any mess."

Feng Ying said: "Yes, I know what to say, you wait, I'll talk."

He arrived at the door of the Shen family mansion and walked inside.

I heard that it was Shen Muhan's person, but the Shen family didn't stop him at all, and took him in directly.

Chen Qi saw him actively passing by, so she had to sit in the driver's seat and wait for him.

The whole family was still eating, and when they saw Feng Ying, they recognized him as the person next to Shen Muhan.

He walked over and said, "Old lady, Mrs. Shen, Madam, our young master is injured and is in the hospital."

Seeing that Mrs. Shen was about to faint, he immediately added: "It's not particularly serious, so you don't need to worry too much."

A few children couldn't help but stand up, and Xia Jiu also stood up, unwilling to eat anymore and wanted to go to the hospital.

"What the **** is going on?" Ding Qinen asked worriedly.

"You'll know when you go," Feng Ying said. He saw that Xia Jiu was also going there, and Youyou added, "It's the young master's wife who is taking care of the young master over there, so there must be no problem."

Xia Jiu's eagerness stopped before he realized it, and now Shen Muhan is married.

There are other people around him, and the past will only increase the inconvenience.

Putting yourself in for that girl, she certainly didn't want to see herself.

She lowered her eyes and said, "Grandma, go over, I'll take Sihan and them back first."

"I want to see Daddy." Si Han said softly.

When Xiao Eleven heard that Sihan was about to go, he immediately shouted: "I want to be with Brother Sihan!"

Xiao Shi heard that Xiao Eleven was going, and said, "Me too!"

Xiao Eleven Bai glanced at him, it was terrible to have no culture, and he could only talk to people.

The old lady Shen was worried, and she didn't think much about it, so she said, "Then I will bring Sihan them over."

Since Xia Jiu didn't want to go, the elders couldn't force her.

Everyone went out together, only Xia Jiu drove in different directions.

She was confused and worried, and soon the car stopped in front of the company.

When she got off the car, she didn't expect to meet Fang Minghao.

Three years have passed, Fang Minghao has been very different from before, and his temperament has become much more stable.

The Fang family had experienced Xia Ruomeng last time, and learned from the pain that he divorced Xia Ruomeng, and then invested in other industries in one fell swoop. Now the performance is booming, and it is already richer than before.

Fang Minghao also heard that Xia Jiu was back, so he came to try his luck.

Naturally, he knew that it had been a while since she came back, but before he had no face to see her, he dragged on for some time until now.

"Xia Jiu!" Fang Minghao's eyes showed joy at the sight of Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu had taken lightly from the past and responded casually.

"Are you working overtime on weekends?"

"No." Thinking of Shen Muhan's injury and not knowing what the problem was, she was upset and didn't even bother to pay attention to Fang Minghao.

"Xia Jiu, let's talk a few words." Fang Minghao was unwilling to give up this opportunity.

After a few years, he thought for a long time and talked about girlfriends several times, but no one could bring him such a strong feeling of love like Xia Jiu.

He knew that he had met Xia Jiu, and could no longer retreat to second place.

Even the parents agreed to pursue Xia Jiu again this time.

Xia Jiu is talented and beautiful, and he can match him.

Xia Jiu walked into the company deafly, Fang Minghao followed.

"Xia Jiu!"

He also wants to keep working hard.

Xia Jiudun stopped and looked back at him: "Master Fang, I am already a mother of three children."

"But you are not married!" Fang Minghao has already inquired clearly, "I don't need to mind the child's affairs!"

Especially since the child belongs to Shen Muhan, Fang's family felt that they had met someone like Xia Ruomeng anyway, so why couldn't Xia Jiu accept it?

Maybe you can take this as an opportunity to look for opportunities to cooperate with Shen Muhan.

"But I mind!" Xia Jiu waved his hand and left.

Fang Minghao wanted to chase him, Qin Zheng came out to stop him: "Master Fang, I'm afraid you are not welcome here!"

Fang Minghao stopped angrily.

Qin Zheng walked to Xia Jiu's office.

Xia Jiu was calling the hospital to ask about Shen Muhan's condition.

She didn't call the Shen family, but directly called the nurse's office.

"Mr. Shen Muhan's condition? What is your identity...?"

"I am his friend. I can't come to visit at the moment. I just want to know if he is good or not. Isn't this a disclosure of the patient's privacy?"

After thinking about Xia Jiu's words over there, he replied: "He is in a stable situation now and there is nothing serious about him."

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