Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3171: Is Xia Jiu stupid, or are you stupid?

Xia Jiu was surprised when he saw him coming, "What are you doing here?"

"Miss Xia, I came here to give you something according to the young master's instructions." Chen Qi handed over a box. "The young master said, these are all for you, Miss Xia."

Xia Jiu frowned slightly, she wrapped her shawl tightly, and said, "Isn't your young master used to taking money to measure our relationship? You don't need to give away extra things, it's best to give it away every time. The account is clear, so that there will be no disputes later. There is no need to send things."

Chen Qi bowed his head: "Didn't Miss Xia confiscated the check from last night?"

Xia Jiu: "..."

It turned out that she had confiscated the check, so she exchanged something and sent it to her.

Shen Muhan was able to calculate the accounts more clearly than she had imagined.

It seemed that not only she didn't want to have any trouble with him, he didn't want to have anything with her either.

As expected to be a big business, he is really clear about it.

In this case, if Xia Jiu didn't accept it, it seemed that Xia Jiu wanted to continue to have something to do with him.

Xia Jiu reached out and took Chen Qi's box and said, "Then I will accept it. But what happened last night, I hope it won't happen in the future."

"Okay, Miss Xia." Chen Qiying said.

Xia Jiu then remembered that what happened last night was planned by himself, but it was not successful. It really wasn't that Shen Muhan had come to see him on purpose.

So because of this, he felt that he needed to pay 20 million?

Xia Jiu was bored in her heart, and counted, but counted herself in. He was fine before, but now he is looking for trouble.

After Chen Qi left, Xia Jiu opened the box. In the small box inside, a diamond was dazzling after opening. Xia Jiu had seen a lot of good things and knew that this diamond was worth a lot. When she was the eldest daughter, she might not be able to have such a thing casually.

There are also some odds and ends, and two brand-name bags.

Xia Jiu counted it casually, and it was almost 20 million in total.

Very well, it's clear.


Xia Fen was kicked out by Shen Muhan, and she was almost choked to death by Shen Muhan, crying so hard.

Xia Ruomeng passed by her room, heard her cry, walked in and asked, "Fenfen, what happened?"

"It's not Shen Muhan, he actually treated me like that..."

Xia Ruomeng was shocked, what is the relationship between Xia Fen and Shen Muhan? Could it be that you were deceived?

"Where is Shen Muhan from? Who do you think Shen Muhan is and will see you again? Do you know that Dad wanted to do business with him last time, or asked his father to tell his grandmother to see him."

"But Ming Xia Jiu let me see Shen Muhan. I opened the room and she let Shen Muhan come into my room. But, Young Master Han didn't look at me, threw me out, and hurt me like this Look." Xia Fen cried, pointing to the scar on his neck.

Xia Ruomeng said suspiciously: "How could Xia Jiu know Shen Muhan? Last time at the company, she spilled coffee, and Young Master Han left very angrily. Now she refuses to see us again. How could she let Shen Muhan? Come into your room? You, most of them were deceived by Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu just bullied you and deliberately made you ugly."

"But that man is really Shen Muhan, I have seen him, and I am not mistaken. Moreover, he is tall and strong, and he grabbed me in one hand. It must be Shen Muhan. You said that too, Xia Jiu I received a brand-name car, maybe it was given to her by Shao Han."

"Really?" Xia Ruomeng muttered, when did Xia Jiu hook up on Shen Muhan's line?

Although with Xia Jiu's appearance, it is not impossible.

However, with the identity and status of Young Master Han, he may not be worthy of Xia Jiu.

In particular, Xia Jiu is just a poor daughter now, with no net worth at all. The men among the rich are also very realistic. How can he choose a woman casually?

"I can be sure that it is Young Master Han." Xia Fen said surely.

Xia Ruomeng shook her head: "You are stupid, even if Xia Jiu knows Young Master Han, how could she be so screaming that Young Master Han appears in your room? Even if she can scream, is she stupid? I want to introduce Young Master Han to her. Do you know? There is such a good man, she does not hold tightly, why do you want to give it to you? Is it Xia Jiu silly, or are you silly?"

"That's true, why would she help me?" Xia Fen recalled this all at once.

"No matter why, she must be ill-intentioned. I told you, don't go so close to Xia Jiu, you must not listen. But I still prefer that it is not Han Shao, most of it is Xia Jiu to humiliate you. I found someone very similar to Young Master Han to hurt you deliberately. Fortunately, you were not violated and suffered no major losses."

Xia Fen was also terrified after hearing it: "Xia Jiu is really vicious! Thanks to my trust in her, she actually wanted to harm me."

"You take good care of her. Xia Jiu is very scheming. If she wants to harm you, it won't be that simple next time. Also, although she received a luxury car last time, she only drove it once. I never saw her driving again. Later, I drove an ordinary scooter. I guess she just borrowed the car from a friend to save her face, but the borrowed one was borrowed after all. Yes, I must have gone back long ago. If it is really hers, with her high-profile personality, how could it not be on all the time?"

The more Xia Ruomeng said, the more Xia Fen became Xia Jiu.

This Xia Jiu is really too much. She treats her as a decipher and a friend. She actually finds someone to pretend to be Han Shao and humiliate herself.

Xia Jiu, this matter, we are not finished!

Boss Cao’s affairs were not successful, and Xia Ruomeng did not dare to arrange what Xia Jiu did.

What's more, what happened to Boss Cao is not completely unsuccessful. When it comes to Xia Jiu, Boss Cao has a good attitude, but he refuses to meet Xia Jiu again. As for investment matters, he always says that it will be fast. But it just refused to sign the contract.

I don't know what the **** I saw, Xia Ruomeng didn't dare to make an argument lightly, because he was afraid of offending Boss Cao.


Xia Jiu nestled at home for a whole day on Saturday, making up for the lack of sleep during the week.

On Sunday, I went to the mall to make purchases with my credit card.

She hasn't exchanged the one-billion check-it's money to buy the child. Whether the child will be born or not is still unknown. She can't move the money.

But the money on her own card is enough.

The more hate Shen Muhan is hidden in his heart, the more I need to find something to vent.

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