Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3169: Domineering, paranoid, unreasonable, despicable, shameless

"Yes, she likes you and is willing to take the initiative to give birth to you. If she is pregnant with your child, I don't know how happy she is, it's better than letting me reluctantly give birth to you." Xia Jiu stared. he.

Shen Mu snorted coldly, looked down at her white face and soft red lips, "I just want you to give birth."

"Then come here as you please, anyway, the doctor said, now that the fetus is not stable, and if there is a little trouble, it will abort. Anyway, it is the child you care about, not the child I care about. Just listen to it!" Xia Jiu shouted angrily. Tao.

Shen Muhan said indifferently: "I said, it doesn't matter if you have a miscarriage, you just get pregnant again. Or, do you prefer the process of having a baby?"

"You!" Xia Jiu was always eloquent, but was stopped by Shen Muhan's anger.

This man is not only overbearing and paranoid, but also completely disregarding her body and health.

Xia Jiu couldn't help showing a ridiculous smile: "Yes, Han Shao, who can get pregnant with a child in just ten seconds, of course can't appreciate the hardship of a woman's pregnancy. You don't need to spend much time, but it is very difficult for a woman to become pregnant. It takes time."

Shen Muhan had heard about ten seconds from her several times.

He was more hostile, and he lowered his eyes to look at her coldly: "Ten seconds? It seems that some people have forgotten how they cried and begged for mercy."

Xia Jiu pushed him: "Then you'd better try it on Xia Fen. What is it with me? I have no interest and no time."

Shen Muhan squeezed her pretty chin: "I don't know if you have interest and time."

"You let go!" Xia Jiu resisted his movement.

But Shen Muhan's strength was too great, and it didn't take much effort to deal with a little Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu's long hair was scattered on her cheeks in a mess, and she was even more disgusted when she thought that the bed under her was the one where he and Xia Fen had lie down just now.

However, Shen Muhan performed his movements in a leisurely manner.

Xia Jiu couldn't push him away, but he felt that he was going to throw up, and there was pain in his stomach.

"Shen Muhan, I'm going to throw up." Xia Jiu really couldn't stand it.

Shen Muhan remained unmoved, looking at her indifferently, her face changed a little, and her white skin became a little pale.

His eyes condensed slightly.

Xia Jiu covered her mouth uncomfortably: "I really..."

Shen Muhan finally drew away and left. Xia Jiu just got a gap, pushed him away, stumbled into the bathroom, lay on the sink, and retched uncomfortably.

But he didn't vomit anything, but his stomach was still surging with discomfort.

She patted her chest, not knowing whether it was morning sickness or was sickened by Shen Muhan.

He touched her with the hands and mouth of other women, and every touch made her unacceptable.

Shen Muhan leaned on the bathroom door, just looking at her with his eyes sideways.

He was wearing a bath towel just now, and now...

Xia Jiu turned away, "Shen Muhan, can you stop playing hooligans?"

"Can touch, eat, but can't see?" Shen Muhan said with a pursed lips.

Fire quickly ignited on Xia Jiu's face, okay, he was not only domineering, paranoid and unreasonable, but also shameless and shameless.

Moreover, every time he was shameless, his handsome and deep face did not blush at all, as if he was talking about other people's things.

The same is true at the moment, with thin lips stretched, no shame at all, and I don't know where I learned it.

"My morning sickness is very serious, and I have to go back to rest first." Xia Jiu didn't want to continue to struggle with Shen Muhan here.

She would contact Xia Fen when she went back to see Xia Fen's situation. According to Xia Fen's obsession with Shen Muhan, she would definitely not be contraceptive.

At that time, as long as Xia Fen is pregnant with Shen Muhan's child, according to Shen Muhan's temper, I am afraid she will be born, Xia Jiu will be much more relaxed.

Shen Muhan raised his chin and looked at her condescendingly.

He is a head taller than Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu rarely needs to look up at people, but at this moment, he has to look up at Shen Muhan.

She can only look up and look up, so she doesn't need to see his abdominal muscles and his current shame status.

It's better to look at his face. Although it is cold, it is still eye-catching.

If he himself is not that hateful, he is indeed handsome and unparalleled.

"Please get out of Young Master Han first." Xia Jiu felt that the more he stayed, the more dangerous he was. Only leaving first was the best policy.

Shen Muhan snorted lightly, with an overwhelming aura: "Xia Jiu, start the fire, just leave like this?"

"Why don't I go and help Shao Han find a fire extinguisher?" Xia Jiu squinted at him, "Or, let Xia Fen come back again."

Hearing her mention Xia Fen again, Shen Muhan's anger was ignited again, and he sent another woman over and irritated him everywhere. Now he wants to find that woman back?

He reached out and pinched Xia Jiu's chin, "Woman, are you really afraid of death?"

He was already very close, and his aura at the moment was even more cold and compelling.

Xia Jiu was indeed a little scared, afraid that he had touched other women and touched herself like just now.

Although tonight's affairs were indeed arranged by herself, she would never want to be like this.

She gestured and vomited: "I have very severe morning sickness... If it is a miscarriage, I am afraid that it will not be possible to conceive the child again in a short time. At that time, I am afraid that the child will really be buried."

"..." Shen Mu looked at her coldly, as if thinking about the truthfulness of her words.

Xia Jiu lowered his head: "Young Master Han, let me go back first."

"You haven't broken your hand?" Shen Muhan suddenly said.

Xia Jiu was asked by his inexplicable sentence, so he didn't know how to answer it.

Of course her hand is not broken, but what does this mean?

Shen Muhan had already circled her in his arms, and hugged her up.

Xia Jiu let out a scream of fright as his body vacated, and subconsciously stretched out his wrist to hook his neck to stabilize himself from falling.

Xia Jiu was thrown onto the bed, and with Shen Muhan's next move, she understood what it meant to be unbroken.

Means to make her...

Xia Jiu couldn't suffer this humiliation, but he couldn't resist Shen Muhan at all.


Xia Jiu finally woke up early the next morning.

Too tired last night, she has been busy for a long time before finally having a chance to rest.

The man didn't know what he was eating and grew up with. He was so energetic that he tossed Xia Jiu hard.

Her hands were about to be broken, very sore.

As soon as Xia Jiu woke up, she quickly sat up from the bed, turned over and got out of bed, and left the bed.

She felt a discomfort when she thought that the bed she slept in was where Shen Muhan and Xia Fen had slept. She was so tired last night that she ignored this, but now that she is sober, she definitely won't continue to lie here. .

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