Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 91 The President is dead!

"Is the president dead?" Jin Shixian grabbed his wig and asked in horror, and he didn't know who he was seeking advice from.

Jin Bingri scratched his head and cursed: "You voted for him, damn it, after the mutation, he even cursed us to die, a beast with a human face!"

The glasses man who lives on the seventh floor, Lu Chengwan, asked in a trembling voice: "The government will come to save us, right?"

"Are you deaf? He said we are all finished, damn it."

After getting confirmation from Jin Shixian again, Lu Chengwan stood up with his head covered and screamed, scaring everyone around him, and everyone avoided him for a distance.

"Ah...ah..." He threw the phone forward fiercely, put away his glasses, and cursed in a common way: "Ah Xi!"

"Wait, what's wrong with you?"


"My daughter..." Che Zhenyu patted his chest, with a crying tone in his voice.

In a few minutes, the nursery was completely filled with despair.

Liu Zaihuan took Lu Chengguan's phone and handed it to Lu Chengguan who was squatting next to the pillar: "Friend in the same building, this is your phone, keep it."

Lu Chengguan took the phone silently without saying anything.

It must be said that the quality of his phone is not bad. It didn't explode on the spot during the throwing process, and there was not even a crack on the screen.

Entering the SMS interface of the mobile phone, Lu Chengguan stared at the two messages on the screen and sobbed.

The message on the 15th was a qualified notice, notifying him that he had obtained the qualification of a public official and asked him to register and confirm it online in time.

This is why he went out yesterday. He wanted to tell his family that he finally passed the national civil servant selection.

The message on the day before notified him that the deadline was approaching and asked him to log in and confirm as soon as possible.

Liu Zaihuan, who was standing by, looked at the two notifications and said with a smile: "Oh, you were admitted, congratulations!"

Lu Chengwan silently said, in this case, what is the use of qualified admission now?

He tore off the phone case and took out the protective amulet sandwiched inside.

While tearing off several protective amulets, he said: "My mother gave me these things, but in the end they were useless. I worked hard for five years to study and take the exam for five years. I finally passed the exam, but the world is about to be destroyed."

There are countless candidates in Korea who have lived in the examination hall for several consecutive years to prepare for various exams.

Five years is not such a shameful time. For these candidates and their families, as long as they can pass the exam, all these years of achievement are worth it.

"If the president dies, will the world be destroyed?" Liu Zaihuan asked himself with his head raised, "That's for sure. Don't be too hasty to draw conclusions."

Listening to Liu Zaihuan's comfort, Lu Chengwan, who had no opinion, silently collected several pieces of the amulet and put them back into the phone case.

"The safety of the people... Damn it..."

On the other side, Sun Huiren was playing the screen recording video on her phone. She likes to record her life.

When she first saw the monster, she didn't forget to record the video when she was taking refuge in the nursery.

"You'll all die... You'll all be finished!"

"Auntie! Please turn it off! It's disgusting."

Liu Zaihuan said to Sun Huiren. In his opinion, everyone had been desperate enough, and Sun Huiren was still playing the president's "curse declaration". She was really an auntie without any sense of tact.

"Auntie! What's wrong with you?" Sun Huiren rolled her eyes at Liu Zaihuan and walked away with the puppy Xiaochun.

"Was she crazy? This auntie, really..."

It seems that the president's emergency statement has brought a little anger to the residents of the apartment, and everyone has lost their patience.

Indeed, they finally waited for the official statement, but they didn't expect a death ultimatum.

However, Kim Dae-jung and his group on the 14th floor were not lucky enough to receive the "curse". Most of them knew that the president of this country was dead.

Because there were many young people in the rooms where they stayed, they mostly used computers to get information.

The only TV in Room 1408 was temporarily turned off, so they naturally could not receive the latest TV information.

For the first time, the TV defeated mobile phones and computers at home and successfully won back a victory.

After looting and killing on the 13th floor, the orc turned his pointed head and walked towards the 14th floor.

In the stairwell, he ran his fingers across the wall, listened to the pleasant war song, and stood on the platform in front of the last staircase on the 14th floor.

This staircase was wrapped with dense ropes, and there were countless large bells on the ropes.

Further back was the last layer of defense facilities. Several large wardrobes piled up at the entrance of the stairs completely blocked the entrance and exit of the 14th floor.

"Oh," the orc tilted his head and muttered to himself, "A bell."

[Ding! Ding! ]

The orc used both hands to perform the Wood Release: Great Forest Technique, pulling off several ropes, and the bells also rang uncontrollably.

[Ding! Ding! ]

"A intruder!" Jiang Minhao quickly stood up and said in room 1405.

He woke up several people around him and said, "Quick, A intruder, quickly notify others, let the logistics team take shelter, and the weapons team members follow you out."

"Is it true, President Kim?" Li Chenglu rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked half-opened.

"It's impossible to be wrong."

Sure enough, a night watchman ran into Room 1405, panting and saying, "This...intruder, this...ugly monster, his arms are long enough to attack people."

"Is this a bit tricky?"

Jiang Minhao listened to the night watchman's words and felt a little troubled. Years of security experience told him that the next battle would be a tough one.

"Those with shields should bring shields and Molotov cocktails. Those without shields should go to Mr. Han Douli to inform Jin Dazhong and bring more Molotov cocktails."

"Molotov cocktails? There are wooden cabinets everywhere in the corridor. Will they burn us?"

Li Chenglu's sensitivity to saving his life made him subconsciously ask this question.

"It depends on whether the fire protection of this apartment meets the standard."

"Meet the standard..." Li Chenglu repeated dramatically.

"No time to explain, everyone, take action, and perform your duties according to the previous drill."

Jiang Minhao could already hear the sound of the monster hitting the wardrobe, he waved his windbreaker and strode towards the room.

There were bells arranged between several rooms, and under the current conditions, the sound of bells has also become a new means of communication.

Because the safety hazards on the 14th and 15th floors have been solved, most people have also been given more spacious space to rest and move around.

They are distributed in seven rooms from 1405 to 1411, and Che Xianxiu and Ren Shu, who have already developed the characteristics of nosebleeds, have to stay together in room 1410 and be observed in turn.

Of course, only Jin Dazhong and Jiang Minhao knew about this matter, and most people were not aware of it.

Under the warning of the bell, everyone in the room was soon awakened.

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