Kim Byung-il said to Kim Hyeon: "Brother, I usually respect you so much, but I didn't expect you to treat me like this."

"Well, I'll give you some ham later."


After the settlement, Lee Eun-hyuk and Kim Byung-il walked out of the green supermarket carrying four bags of food.

As soon as they stepped out of the supermarket, Kim Hyeon sealed the supermarket door again, and also moved a cabinet and put it behind the door.

In the nursery, everyone ate snacks.

After burying the body of the deceased, Seo Yi-kyung returned to the nursery.

She took a chocolate and sat next to Li Enhe: "You did the right thing, but what will happen in the future? After all, money will run out eventually."

"Do you think the country can handle this incident?"

"What do you mean?"

"If the country handles it and we don't get help, will these banknotes still be valuable?" Li Enhe took a bite of bread and replied expressionlessly.

Xu Yijing stared at the young man beside her for a while. To her, this man was very calm and thoughtful, but a little bit dark.

She looked in the direction of the snack bag, and finally admitted that in this situation, a man like Li Enhe might be able to protect more people.

"It will be fine, of course, it will be fine." The man with glasses said to himself while staring at the phone and eating a sandwich.

The mysterious look of the soldier attracted the attention of Kim Byung-il and Sun Hye-il. Both of them looked at him with confusion in their eyes.

"What's going on?" Kim Byung-il looked at the man with glasses in confusion, and he couldn't help but whisper.

He turned his head and saw the soldier squatting next to the pillar. Kim Byung-il stretched out his hand from a distance and greeted him: "Hey, loyalty (the word used in the army salute)."

Seeing the soldier's confused face, Kim Byung-il smiled and said: "What, did we meet in the elevator last time?"

"Yes, I am Lee Soo-woong." Lee Soo-woong put down the Samdosu in his mouth, stood up and answered Kim Byung-il.

"You live in 1305, right?" Sun Hui-woong looked at Li Xiuxiong and said while feeding the pet with ham, "And you live in 308, right?"

"I live in room 1009, I'm Sun Hui-woong."

Kim Byung-il stuffed his mouth with food and said with a smile, "Nice to meet you."

The young man who had encouraged going upstairs before saw the lively atmosphere and introduced himself, "I'm Liu Zai-hwan, by the way, do you have sunscreen?"

Li Xiuxiong raised his head and said, "I'll look for it, I should have it."

Looking at Li Xiuxiong rummaging through his bag to find sunscreen, Liu Zai-hwan replied, "Okay."

For him, wanting to go back upstairs was to be able to comfortably care for his skin and take a shower, but these plans were completely destroyed by a sound of "protein".

"What are you looking for? You're too polite. Anyway, I'm Kim Byung-il." Kim Byung-il said happily. For me, being able to eat food is very happy.

"We are neighbors, but we have never had the opportunity to know each other." I turned my head to the girl who bumped into me in the supermarket before and asked, "Wait a minute, what did you say?"


"She is Kim Ji-eun, she doesn't talk much, so don't ask her." Putting Xiaochun on the ground, Sun Hui took the initiative to answer for Kim Ji-eun.

"Wow, grandma, you really know everything." Kim Byung-il sighed.

Sun Hui rolled her eyes and greeted, "I'm grandma, your uncle is really."

"What? I'm uncle."

Kim Byung-il walked to the snack bag and picked up two bags of bread. As for the ham in his trouser pocket, he planned to save it for the last minute. It was his spare supplies.


Not all of them had the awareness of preparing food in advance, not all of them could stay in the supermarket.

In a room on the ninth floor, two friends who lived together didn't have much food in stock. Without takeout, they immediately fell into a food shortage.

Both of them were track and field athletes, but one of them was injured in the leg due to a car accident and slowly withdrew from the competition, while the other came from behind and repeatedly achieved good results and became the rookie of the team.

Faced with the dilemma of food shortage, the conflicts that had been accumulated for a long time broke out completely.

Because Kim knocked off the medal on the table, Park, who was easy to walk, yelled at his friend Kim: "You useless person, are you trying to attract monsters?"

"I'm sorry."

Kim lowered his head and apologized, clenching his fists tightly, his nails digging into his flesh, and it was obvious that Kim was very angry.

12th floor, room 1202.

Liu, who raised his son alone, reluctantly admitted to his son that his family was out of food.

Their family was out of food not because of the disaster, but because they really had no money. Even if a disaster happened, they would have to go without food every day.

After Liu's husband passed away, the family lost their pillar and lived in poverty, often going from one meal to the next.

Liu touched her son's head and said, "Mom will go out to find you something to eat later. You can't find other food in this situation."


"If...if mom comes back late, you hide in the cabinet and wait for mom to come back."

"Just like when we play hide-and-seek?"

Liu forced a smile and replied, "Yes, remember that except mom, everyone else is bad, you have to hide well, and never let them find you."

"Okay, Mom, I know."

After hiding her son in the closet, Liu cautiously opened the door a little and looked around.

After confirming that there was nothing outside the door, she walked out.

Liu put down the bag she was holding temporarily, and just as she closed the door and turned around, a tentacles shot out and suddenly pierced through her mouth.

A huge tearing feeling came from her chest, and the pain of being disemboweled made Liu almost faint. She leaned against the door and slowly collapsed on the ground.

In order to make a sound, she put the bag in her mouth and bit it, trying to divert her attention by the pain on her bag.

"Section Chief Han, go to hell." A monster that looked a bit like a half-beast appeared at the corner and approached Liu step by step.

Liu's mouth trembled slightly, tears kept falling, she looked at the second attack, and just pressed the other hand against the door.

The half-beast's tentacles went straight through Liu's head, but she didn't make a sound until the last moment.

"Hahaha, Chief Han is dead." The half-beast grabbed Liu's body from the door and threw it aside casually.

He opened the door and walked in, but found nothing in the room.

After a short observation of one minute, the half-beast walked away from the room.

In the closet, a little boy covered his mouth, crying silently, muttering in his heart: "See me, see me..."

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