"Jin Da-ji, you are a famous university student, why do you have to compete with this bad society?"

"You have so much money, plus you are a famous university student, no matter where you settle down and live, you must be able to live well."

"Your mother must also hope that you can live well, graduate steadily, change your class, marry and have children, and live happily for the rest of your life."

"It can be seen that once people get stuck in a dead end and their thinking goes into a dead end, they lose their basic rationality."

He sat on a chair, put on headphones, and started using the computer to pass the time.

Chen Weiming suspected that he had to stay here until his body regained consciousness, well, the premise was that his body did not have a serious problem.

Of course, there is another big premise, that is, this is a dream now, and he can still wake up to be moved.

"This is the bad thing about living alone. No one will take care of you if you have any problems?" Chen Weiming comforted himself guiltily.

Even now he still did not give up, Chen Weiming stubbornly believed that this was a reasonable stress dream after watching "Sweet Home".

He slid the mouse boredly, searching for information everywhere, and watching videos.

Although the computer was filled with game icons, Chen Weiming was irritable at the moment and had no idea of ​​playing.

As time passed, it was six o'clock. At this time, Chen Weiming could no longer sit down. He took the fully charged computer and the blue headset hanging on the right side of the computer desk and walked out of the room.

After he walked out of the door, he saw that the door card said 1502. The door was identified by a password lock, which was similar to the configuration of Sweet Home.

Seeing this, Chen Weiming became interested again. He squatted at the door and prepared to make a permutation and combination to try out the password.

Logically speaking, if he really believed that it was a dream, he wouldn't have to do so. How miserable would he be if he still looked ahead and behind in his dream!

[1, 2, 3, 4. ]

"Press the green button again."

[Click. ]

But he didn't expect that the door lock would work after he tried it casually.

"This is a fake one."

He pushed the door gently, and walked slowly towards the elevator while checking the corridor layout diagram.

In his eyes, the facilities in this building were generally shabby, and the lines were exposed along the way, and no one went to tidy them up.

All kinds of sundries were piled up in the corners of the corridor, just like the standard horror scenes in Hong Kong movies.

However, there were also many flower beds on some wooden shelves in the corridors and aisles, with red and green mixed together, indicating that the people living here were still quite interesting in life.

There was no one in the corridor at this moment, and Chen Weiming took the elevator to the first floor alone.

When passing by the door of the security room, Chen Weiming suppressed his thoughts and walked out of the apartment quickly.

After walking out of the apartment, the sun was not very bright at this moment, Chen Weiming stretched hard, and when his body turned, he seemed to smell a faint smell of sweat.

He held his arms, turned his body, and kept stretching.

He stopped until he glanced at the sign "GreenHome" on the door of the apartment, and his face was full of dejection.

"Hey, fuck you..."

At this moment, he had to accept that he had really come to the world of the Korean drama "Sweet Home".

Since the record of Kim Dae-hee's nosebleed, he had this absurd idea.

But for safety reasons, he didn't dare to come down to check until dawn.

"Fuck, fuck." Chen Weiming squatted in front of the apartment door, pulling his head, and blurted out in beautiful Mandarin.

When he heard obvious footsteps behind him, Chen Weiming stood up and walked out.

[If this is the world of Sweet Home, the monster should still be brewing at this moment, unknown to the public. ]

[According to the plan of the public, Cha Hyun-soo to commit suicide on August 25, the monster will have fully erupted at that time. That means I only have one month to live at most. 】

【In the TV series, there is no obvious young man named Jin Dae-woo, which means that in the original series, Jin Dae-woo has either transformed long ago and become a monster in the underground garage or outside the apartment, or the filming has been completed long ago. 】

Chen Weiming, or Jin Dae-woo, looked unkempt at this time, and exuded a faint stench, but he was immersed in thinking, but he didn't know it.

He sat in the convenience store, not caring about the disgust on the cashier's face, eating cup noodles and rice balls while thinking about the current situation.

【I knew it wouldn't be so good. I was given 1.4 billion won, and the world will collapse in more than a month and a half. 】

【I'm so stupid. Ah Xi! 】

Jin Dae-woo bit the rice ball viciously, his eyes rolling non-stop.

Suddenly he threw the fork into the cup noodles and hurriedly took out the phone.

Jin Da thought of a way. Now he has so much money. If converted into RMB, it is at least more than 8 million.

Why is he still tossing around in this peninsula? It is better to take advantage of this period of time and fly to Korea.

With so much money, even in a third-tier city in Korea, it is enough for him to spend for a long time.

[I am really a smart ghost. Buy the plane ticket first, then handle other documents. If it doesn’t work, just pile up money. After all, I am a rich man now. ]

As soon as he said it, Jin Dae used his mobile phone to search for online flight booking methods.

Then, according to the search results, he excitedly opened Gmarket and searched for one-way flights to Korea, but the result showed a gray and white interface and could not be operated.

[Huh? What the hell? ]

Then he searched various airline websites, and in the international air tickets column, the result was still a gray and white interface and could not be operated.

[So I am trapped on this peninsula? ]

Chen Weiming searched for other modes of transportation without giving up, but the result was still a gray and white interface and could not be operated.

[Ah Xi? Me? ]

An hour later, Jin Dae dragged his tired body back to the green home.

At this time, the good-tempered security guard in the apartment stood at the door of the security room. He greeted Jin Da-Woo: "Hello, tenant 1502. I was wondering why you haven't come down for a few days since you moved in. It turns out that you like to get up early."

Faced with the security guard's chattering and familiarity, Jin Da-Woo mechanically replied: "Hello (crazy)".

Then Jin Da-Woo seemed to have suddenly taken a shot of chicken blood, and greeted the security guard intimately: "Hello, Mr. Security. This is the red ginseng juice I just bought, please accept it. You have worked hard, and the security work of Green Home depends on you."

The security guard excitedly took the two bags of red ginseng handed to him by Jin Da-Woo, but before he could express his gratitude, Jin Da-Woo had already walked away.

"What a shy, gentle, enthusiastic and good kid."

As soon as he entered the room, Jin Dazhi lay down on the mattress with his head raised: "This security guard is still a good-tempered and honest man, but he is a little neurotic."

"Forget it, why do you miss him?"

All the way, he kept denying in his heart, and now Jin Dazhi had a sense of determination. Since he couldn't run away, he might as well...

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