"..." Bian Shangyu stared at the cigarette butt at his feet in a daze until the cigarette butt was completely extinguished. The only light in the room was gone, and his eyes also lost their luster. The whole person felt a sense of nothingness.

After sitting quietly in the dark for a long time, Bian Shangyu slowly got up and prepared to go out.

Now he has an idea in his mind, that is, to find Runya's body. No matter what, he must carry out this commission to the end. This is his biggest motivation to live at the moment.

"Dead pervert... Mom..."

On the 14th floor of the apartment, after checking the rooms on the 14th floor near the elevator entrance, Jin Dazhong and others came to Li Enyou.

Seeing Li Enyou coming with Jiang Minhao, Jin Dazhong sighed and asked: "Does your brother not want to come?"

"Well, he said he believes in the government more..." Li Enyou curled her lips. She wanted to continue talking, but was stopped by Jin Dazhong.

"Don't worry, there are many people downstairs, and they will be safe in the short term if they seal the door successfully."

"Here, as for us," Kim Dae-jung glanced in the direction of Room 1410, and then said, "There is a boy who is on the verge of mutation and is in a coma. It is unpredictable for us, and you know this boy."

"It's the boy who was about to jump off the building. I asked Ji-soo and Jae-heon to help take care of him. If you..."

After temporarily settling down, Lee Eun-woo remembered that The silly guy, she asked: "Azashi, how do you know he's going to mutate?"

"He had a nosebleed all over the floor, I couldn't help but see it."

"By the way, did you see the trending searches on Naver?"

"No, the internet signal at home is a bit poor, I didn't see it much."

"Then you can go to Room 1410, there is also a computer there, you can stay with Jisoo and the others tonight, I'll bring you some blankets."

Li Enyou nodded, carrying his backpack and walked towards Room 1411.

"How was it, did you encounter any strange guys along the way?"

Jiang Minghao shook his head and replied: "No, it was very safe along the way. Not to mention monsters, even people were not seen."

[It shouldn't be, I remember that the lotus root monster that can perform wood escape should have mutated at this time...]

"Although bells and roadblocks are set up in the stairwell and elevator entrance, we still have to arrange people to guard the night. When the sun rises tomorrow, we will first check the remaining areas."

"Okay. Then I will guard the night tonight. You know my body."

Jiang Minhao smiled and raised his head. For technical work such as night guard, he is the most suitable candidate. Whether it is endurance or force, he is the best one among this group of people.

"Well, I won't say much, but you have to remember to replenish food in time. There are foods you want to eat in the refrigerator and freezer of Room 1509 on the first floor. The password is '0987'."


Later, Kim Dae-jung walked into Room 1410 with three blankets.

In the room, Che Hyun-soo lost consciousness and lay quietly at the head of the bed, Li Enyou sat cross-legged beside him and browsed the news, while Yoon Ji-soo and Zheng Zaixian sat together to discuss the current situation.

"It may be a bit cold tonight, or Ji-soo, you can go to the first floor to get two more quilts, or you can squeeze in with Li and the others tonight."

Even if you have made a lot of plans and preparations in advance, it is impossible to be perfect when the time comes.

For example, at present, except for Kong Sun-ji and Park Li's room, which have two electric heaters, Kim Dae-jung and his group generally have no heating facilities in their rooms.

In August, the weather on the peninsula has turned cold. The long night, cold hands and feet are the first challenge that Kim Dae-jung's team faces after the group.

Yin Zhixiu waved her hand quickly and said, "No, I'm not that delicate."

She glanced at Li Enyou who was sitting in front of the computer desk and changed her words: "Or I'll go get two quilts."

"Okay, you two go together when the time comes, bring some things for self-defense. Although there are not many residents on the 15th floor, you still have to be vigilant." Kim Dae-jung pointed at Zheng Zaixian and said.

"Let's stay together tonight, and continue to clean up these two floors tomorrow to see if there are any other survivors."

Kim Dae-jung approached Che Hyun-soo and reached out to touch the latter's nose and forehead respectively: "He seems to have a low fever, you stay away from him tonight. If anything happens, remember to call for help as soon as possible. Jiang Minhao is in the corridor."

"Okay (um)."

Kim Dae-jung glanced at Li Enyou, who shrugged and replied: "If he mutates, I will blow his head off as soon as possible. What can he become as a punching bag..."

[I haven't heard your sharp tongue for a long time. I really feel uncomfortable all over. Now I feel comfortable. 】

On the first floor, Xu Yijing and the returning soldier moved the bodies of the victims to a utility room together.

Xu Yijing has a military background, so she naturally has a natural liking for soldiers, especially since this soldier is the only one who stood up to help her carry the body.

After the threat was temporarily lifted, the residents in the lobby on the first floor began to be active and let the victim's body lie aside.

When Xu Yijing was a firefighter, he had seen a lot of these numb people.

"Thank you for your help." Xu Yijing looked at the name tag on the soldier's chest and called him affectionately: "Xiuxiong."

"Someone has to do this."

Xu Yijing felt very cordial about this official-like reply, and she nodded with relief.

Looking at the body on the stretcher, Xu Yijing thought of her fiancé, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

She walked to the victim's body, squatted down, fumbled around the victim's body, and then took out a mobile phone from his jacket pocket.

"Isn't the call not connected?" Li Xiuxiong asked puzzledly as he looked at Xu Yijing holding the victim's phone.

"I want to see his family's contact information, and then inform his family."

Xu Yijing unlocked the phone without a password, and the background of the homepage was a photo of a family of three. She clicked on the camera and took pictures of the dead body.

"What are you doing now?" Li Xiuxiong exclaimed as Xu Yijing took pictures of the dead man's shrunken appearance.

In his opinion, Xu Yijing's behavior was a bit excessive and disturbed the deceased's peace after death.

"His family will definitely not be able to see him in person, so I have to take at least two photos for them."

"I think it's better not to let his family see him like this."

"No, no, you don't understand." Xu Yijing's eyes were filled with tears, and she gritted her teeth to stabilize her emotions: "For his family, no matter what he looks like, they are all a family, no matter how terrible he was when he left, these photos are precious to his family."

Xu Yijing took two photos in a row, then put away the phone and put it in his pocket.

In the lobby on the first floor, after the short-term threat was lifted, a new controversy emerged.

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