Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

$ Chapter 64 Jiang Minhao joins

An hour later, Kong Shanzhi accompanied Jin Baola back to Daehan Sausage. At this time, there were only four employees left in the store.

Shi Lin saw Jin Baola sitting on the nearest bench and hurried over: "What's going on, President Nim?"

Jin Baola shook her head absentmindedly and did not reply. Kong Shanzhi, who was beside her, stroked Kong Shanzhi's arm and said: "Shi Lin, why don't we do this today? The store will be closed for two months..."

"Two months?" A-Zu Ma, who was helping to clean the large intestine in the kitchen, covered her mouth and screamed: "If it's two months..."

Although A-Zu Ma didn't finish her words, her meaning was very clear. After all, this large intestine store was not hers. If it was closed for two months, these employees would have to find a new job.

Jin Baola, who was awakened by A-Zu Ma's scream, wiped the corners of her eyes and smiled at Kong Shanzhi.

She stood up, clapped her hands and said, "That's it for today. Everyone come tomorrow morning to collect the unpaid wages."

"The sausage shop will be closed for two months. I can't hinder you from finding new jobs. If I can open it again later, I welcome you back at any time."

"Yes." The kitchen grandma glanced at Jin Baola and hurried out of the shop.

She has been in the catering industry for so many years and has seen many restaurants closed for entertaining underage people drinking. She naturally knows how severe the punishment can be.

Therefore, her surprised behavior just now was deliberately performed for Jin Baola to see, in order to throw the words of disbanding to Jin Baola and remind Jin Baola to pay wages in time.

Since the purpose has been achieved, she no longer stays and hurriedly leaves the shop to contact the store manager who has an appointment in the afternoon.

With someone taking the lead, the other two employees said goodbye to Jin Baola one after another and left the sausage shop one after another.

After all, everyone is an adult. Even if they are reluctant, they can't take their work lightly. The closure was so sudden that they had to find the next job as soon as possible.

In the end, Shi Lin was the only employee left in the store. She walked up and hugged Jin Baola.

"President nim?"

Shi Lin was a little sad. She wiped her eyes and cried.

After all, Jin Baola, the president, treated employees very well and never delayed their wages. Every employee can get a portion of the day's large intestine when they get off work every day. Such a boss is really rare.

"It's okay. I'll just treat it as paying tuition. I'm already very sad. Do you still want me to comfort you? You should go back early."

Jin Baola took Shi Lin's hands and said goodbye to her pretending to be strong.

Seeing that Shi Lin was so sentimental, Kong Shanzhi hugged her and said goodbye. She whispered in Shi Lin's ear: "If you encounter any strange problems in the future, go to Green Home to find me."

Shi Lin tilted her head, a little confused, and her original sentimental emotions were somewhat dispelled, but she still nodded and left the Korean Sausage Shop, looking back every few steps.

After Shi Lin left, only Kong Shanzhi and Kim Bo-ra were left in the deserted shop.

"Wow, Shanzhi, why am I so unlucky." Kim Bo-ra couldn't hold back her tears anymore and completely took off her disguise.

Listening to Kim Bo-ra's words, Kong Shanzhi had a bitter face, and the words of comfort were stuck in her throat. For a while, she couldn't say a word, so she could only wipe away Kim Bo-ra's tears with a tissue.


After dawn on the second day, Kong Sun-ji had spent the whole night with Kim Bora, so she couldn't move in the morning. Kong Sun-ji sent a text message to Kang Min-ho to postpone the moving time to the afternoon.

At around 3 pm, Kong Sun-ji and Kang Min-ho arrived at Green Home in the delivery truck of the moving company.

Kim Dae-woo, who had been waiting for her downstairs, greeted her with a smile.

"This place is really a bit... not quite suitable for your status?" Kong Sun-ji said to Kim Dae-woo.

"We'll talk about it later. There are no big rooms here, so I rented two adjacent rooms for you two, on the 14th floor, one 1405 and one 1406, on the same floor as Se-ri's room, she lives in 1411."

"Let's go, I'll take you two upstairs to have a look." Kim Dae-woo led Kong Sun-ji and Kang Min-ho into Green Home. He also nodded to the security guard, but the latter obviously had a very average attitude towards him.

[It seems that the security guard has entered his prime, alas. ]

After entering the elevator, Jin Dae-woo lowered his voice and said, "That security guard may have a problem, try to stay away from him."

"What do you mean?" Kong Sun-ji asked without knowing why.

"Well, that is to say, you'd better stay close to Jiang Min-ho."

Kong Sun-ji smiled and glanced at Jiang Min-ho secretly, and stopped asking questions.

Layout of the 14th floor After walking out of the elevator, there is a row of rooms. Two steps to the left is the new home of Jiang Min-ho and Kong Sun-ji.

While pressing the password to open the two rooms, Jin Dae-woo introduced, "Because you two didn't come this morning, I specially hired a cleaning service to come to the door and clean it for you two. It really deserves the saying of moving in with a bag."

Walking into the room, the room is generally empty, but very clean.

Jin Dae-woo walked to the inner wall and pointed at it, saying, "This can be connected. In this way, I can rent you a large apartment in disguise."

"Hey, don't bother with that. Don't worry about Kong Sun-ji. You should really worry about others." Jiang Min-ho smiled, touching the back of his head.

"It really doesn't matter. It's up to you two to decide. But I suggest that you still get through it. This way it is equivalent to having one more escape exit. If I hadn't rented the room long ago, I would rent one in Shili Adjacent rooms.”

"Since there are movers 그놇, 껩 doesn't need me anymore. I've sent the password to your mobile phone. If you need anything, call or go directly upstairs to my room 놇1502."

"Yeah." Jiang Minhao nodded.

After watching Jin Da꿗 leave the room, Jiang Minhao walked to the window and looked into the distance.

"By the way, I forgot to mention it." Jin Da꿗 walked to the door and turned back. He pointed at the door and said, "Don't go out at night. I will take you two to meet the old man next door."

"Mr. Han Douli is a heroic captain with a good personality. Let's go to his place for a meal together in the evening."

Kong Shanzhi looked at Jiang Minhao who was standing in front of the window and replied for him: "Okay, we understand."

"President Nim, what are you looking at?"

"It seems a little strange here, but I can't say what's strange about it. Forget it, let's help you move first."


괗그 walked out of the room directly and took the elevator down.

"By the way, how is Paula?" Jiang Minhao asked casually, putting his hands in his trouser pockets and staring at the crack of the elevator door.

"What else can I do? I'm still unhappy. I paid the employees' wages in the morning on her behalf. After all, the shutdown is not her fault at all. Wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and I'll ask her to come over and relax. "

"Well, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Don't blame yourself too much."

"President Nim, you seem to trust Jin Da꿗?"

Jiang Minhao put on a standard silly smile on his face and replied: "Jin Da꿗 is a very interesting person. Apart from me, he is the only person worthy of your trust in this green home."

【A sneeze! Ah sneeze! 】

After Jin Da꿗놇 walked into his room, he sneezed twice unexpectedly.

[Did Lee Eun-you 꺗놇 secretly "greet" me? 】

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