Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 62: Initial formation of the team

High school students are a group that is easily incited. They have a lot of hormones and nowhere to vent. They are so passionate that others will get mad at them just by saying a word.

These high school students were having a lively discussion on the forum. Looking at this situation, the number of people filling up Jin Baola’s grilled large intestine restaurant was unbelievable.

But most of the people here are very happy, and those who can really go to Jinbaola Barbecue Restaurant are really good.

After all, there are so many people who have appeared in Jin Baola's shop before. Even if they dress up, it will be difficult to disguise them.

Moreover, only those junior students who have just entered school are keen on these things. Most of the senior students are ambiguous partners, and few are even celebrities.

The owner of the Korean sausage shop, Jin Bora, was unaware of the approaching conspiracy. The waitress Shi Lin came towards her with her mobile phone.

"President Nim, I received a long-distance sales order, and the other party sent it via text message. You said this would be a prank by some students."

Jinbaola took the phone and started checking the text messages on it.

[Hello, this is Room 1502, Green Home. Please give us a grilled large intestine set meal, two grilled small intestines, and four fried rice. Thank you! 】

"The tone sounds like a prank, but the distance is really far. It takes nearly three hours to go back and forth."

"Wait a moment." Jin Baola picked up her personal mobile phone and dialed the number in the text message.

"Hello, are you the owner of 놆Green Home 1502?"

Soon a brisk man's voice came from the opposite side: "Yes, let me ask you..."

"You are the proprietress of the grilled large intestine restaurant. I am the first customer you welcomed at your store yesterday. My name is Jin Dazhong."

Hearing Kim Dae Jung's self-identification, Kim Bo Ra turned around, touched the tip of her nose with her fingers, and said with a smile: "놆You."

"Did we agree yesterday? I treated you two to a large intestine, but why did you pay for it in the end? Shi Lin must clean it carefully, and we didn't even notice the money you put under the plate."

"How is it possible for the landlady to give up profits for no reason? Yes, please call me specifically this time. Our delivery range is too far."

The person on the other end of the phone, Jin Dazhong, thought about it for a moment and became acutely aware of the reason why Jin Baola called.

"Be sure to keep the distance. We are afraid of getting into mischief, so I called to confirm. Since we are familiar with each other, it's no problem. Don't worry, I will send someone to deliver it to you as soon as possible."

"That's good, boss lady, how is your business today?"

Jin Baola took a look at the store. Although yesterday's clown murder incident affected the customer flow in this area and there were fewer customers of older ages, more trend-seeking young people came here to join in the fun.

Therefore, compared with before, the customer flow in the store has not declined significantly.

"It's okay. That's it for now. I'll have someone make it for you right away. I'll deliver it to you later."

"Okay, then I'll wait for the boss lady's 늌 to come to my door and hang it up."


After hanging up the phone, Jin Dazhong explained to the three people in the room: "The proprietress of the grilled large intestine shop, because our delivery distance is too far, so she called specifically to confirm."

Piao Shili asked nervously: "What should we do?"

Yoon Ji-soo and Lee Eun-hyo understood Park Se-ri's character, and only realized that Park Se-ri asked the question about the delivery being too far, but Kim Dae-jung knew that Park Se-ri also asked another question.

People with timid temperaments are like this. Once they encounter a problem, they will first have self-doubt and have negative thoughts about the decisions they have made before.

Kim Dae-jung held Park Se-ri's hand and comforted her: "I'm worried, I will pay double the delivery fee then, and I do it for the boss's sake. After all, expanding the customer base is good for her."

"You're right, Se-ri?"

"Yes." Piao Shili nodded gently, suppressing her inner peace. They put a stumbling block on Jin Baola's shop, so that everyone could be safe, and it was an 'evil deed' out of good intentions.

For Kim Dae-jung and Pak Se-ri, who are constantly spreading dog food, Lee Eun-hyo and Yoon Ji-soo have achieved an iron wall of defense.

"If the government can believe it, what should we do? Those violent murderers have inexplicable special powers like the Joker?"

Yoon Ji Soo ignored the show of affection between Kim Dae Jung and Park Se Ri and asked.

"Yes, it would indeed be dangerous if we were all alone, but we still have a few friends in this building, such as Mr. Zheng Zaixian and Han Dou whom you have never met."

"Yes, one recently moved into the building..." Jin Dazhong scratched his head and finally squeezed out a description of "a man with a burned face."

"Have you met him, Li Eunyou?" Kim Dae Jung turned to Li Eunyou and asked.

"Me, why should I meet him?" Li Enyou pointed at himself and argued.

In fact, what she was thinking in her mind was "Can you tell me about that gangster Azashi who likes to smoke?"

【Am I disrupting the meeting between the two of them? 】

Jin Dazhong shrugged his shoulders and said it didn't matter. He continued: "He lives on the 13th floor. He is a reliable person. Besides, two friends will move here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"I will check it out later and rent them a larger room on the 14th or 15th floor."

"These people are trustworthy. No matter what happens in the future, we can face it together."

[It is necessary to let a few people make an impression in advance to accelerate the trust between each other. After all, with the infiltration of the zombie detective world, no one knows what unknown changes will happen in this world. 】

The existence of friends can indeed dissolve the fear in the hearts of many people. With the four people talking one after another, Jin Dazhong's material warehouse began to restock.

"I am very interested in this. You can discuss it later. Send the brand, model, etc. to Shili. When I agree to place an order, I will do it."

[How much do I have to buy? You should buy it from different stores, otherwise others will have inexplicable curiosity. Yes, there is also toilet paper. If you calculate it this way, I still need to buy a delivery truck just in case. 】

An hour and twenty minutes later, the sausage from the Korean sausage shop finally arrived.

Because the sausage had been kept in the incubator, the temperature of the food did not drop too much.

After paying, Kim Dae-jung took the sausage back to his room.

He took out the sausage and put it on the table. Without the cover of the packaging, the aroma of oil immediately filled the air, instantly making the four people forget all the trivial matters.

As the proverb on the peninsula says, "The scenery after eating at Mount Kumgang".

Although the half-heated grilled sausage was not as delicious as the one in the shop, it was very delicious for the four people who were already hungry.

[Unfortunately, after today, there will be no more Korean sausage in the world. ]

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