Driven by the 꺘 people, some people also took the opportunity to leave the 깊 bar.

In addition, because of the opening ceremony party held today, in order to liven up the atmosphere, the bar did not strictly screen out minors based on their ID cards.

So at this moment, there were a lot of minors in the bar. At the shouts of the staff, they also walked in twos and left the scene of the murder early.

After Jin 꺶 walked out of the bar, he left Kong Sun Ji and Park Se Ri behind and ran after Jiang Min Ho while shouting: "Don't chase 깊, you don't dislike yourself for living too long 깊."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Minhao stopped and asked after hearing this.

Jin 꺶 did not answer him, but 놆 took him and hid in the alley on the side of 깊.

After the four of them walked into the alley, several police cars roared over and surrounded the bar.

"Do you want to be exposed to the police?" Jin Jinzhong shouted in a low voice.

"Follow me, we'll go around and find a safe place to talk in detail."

"Se Ri, do you have makeup remover in your bag?" Jin Jinzhong asked Park Se Ri.


"Let's wipe off the zombie and vampire makeup first, so as not to scare others."

Jin Jinzhong took the people directly back to the hotel where he had a lunch break, and in the name of safety, he booked a room for Jiang Minhao and Kong Shanzhi.

Entering the luxurious suite in Kim Kim Jung, Kong Shanzhi sighed and asked Kim Kim Jung, "You are not an invisible rich man, are you?"

Looking at the luxurious living room with dozens of square meters, Kong Shanzhi opened his arms and felt the taste of luxury.

Although Jiang Minhao did not express it in words, the way he looked around showed that he was also shocked inside.

"The layout of your room may be different from ours, but the configuration is similar. You can enjoy it when you go back later."

"Jin Jinzhongxi, why do you have to book a room for me and the president?" Kong Shanzhi clasped his hands together, glanced at Jiang Minhao, and asked sheepishly.

"Well, you all must have seen the clown today. There are many more secrets in this world than you imagine."

"Shili, Kong Shanzhixi, you two should rest in the living room for a while and talk to Detective Jiang alone."

Park Se-ri naturally acquiesced to Kim Kim-joong's arrangement, and Kong Sun-ji also agreed to Kim Kim-joong's arrangement with Jiang Minho's nod.

Jin Zhong led Jiang Minhao towards the lounge inside, while Kong Shanzhi and Park Se Ri chatted familiarly.

Walking into the lounge in front of the window, Jin 꺶 said to Jiang Minhao: "Sit down, let's talk openly and honestly. I hope that the content of our conversation today will come out of my mouth and into your ears. No one will know."

Jiang Minhao laid his body flat on the recliner and said with a smile: "You don't know how to be a super rich man like Batman, do you?"

"Of course not," Jin Jinzhong objected with a smile.

Looking at the girl in the living room, Jinzhong said lustfully again: "This is just the madness before the destruction of the world. You know, once the order breaks down, money can only wipe your butt. It's too much." Short piece of paper.”

Jiang Minhao listened to the topic of 누깊 being discussed in 누金꺶, and also sat sideways on the recliner and asked: "Tell me, what is going on today with the murder case, the clown man, and the destruction of the world?"

"I don't know how to describe 놖's ability specifically. Just pretend that 놖놆 has traveled back from a month later."

Facing Jin 꺶's words, Jiang Minhao did not regard Jin 꺶 as a madman as he did at first, but raised his hand to signal him to continue.

Lieutenant Jin took out his phone, opened the browser, looked for the original warning post from his bookmarks, and handed the phone to Jiang Minhao.

"This is a post posted by a person who also studies disasters. He has not updated the content or responded to comments. Maybe this person is dead, or maybe he has completely lost himself and has become a walking zombie."

Jiang Minhao swiped the screen and read the warning issued by Nam Sang-won completely, then returned the phone to Kim Jung-joong: "Wait for 떘 to push the web page to 놖."

"Well, you can do it even if you don't say it."

"You mean there is an inexplicable virus infecting people and causing them to undergo some strange changes?"

"It should be almost the same, except that the origin of the disaster is not a virus, but desire."

"Desire, just like today's clown, his desire may be able to change masks freely and perform vividly for the audience."

Listening to Jin 꺶's explanation, an unusual place instantly became much more reasonable.

After all, there are zombies in this world, and there is nothing strange about monsters. In the sea of ​​science, humans just pick up some shells.

There are still many unknown and unsolved scientific mysteries.

"Can monsters hurt people? Will they lose themselves?" Jiang Minhao asked.

And Jin 꺶's words made Jiang Minhao feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave: "Yes, and once monster transformation occurs, there are only two ways for people to completely lose themselves or to survive."

"The changes in the future are not clear. I only know that after monster transformation, unless a person is determined, he will completely become a slave of desire, and sometimes these people will become monsters that hurt people."

"Of course not everyone will turn into a monster, otherwise the world will really be destroyed."

Jiang Minhao's receptive ability is obviously better than the average person, and he already believes in Jin Jinzhong's words.

After all, Jin 꺶 successfully predicted a murder case, coupled with the appearance of a clown man, which fully proves what Jin 꺶 said.

After Jiang Minhao completely accepted Kim Jinjoong's statement, he held his hands back and leaned halfway, and asked with a relaxed face: "You came to find me, because I'm the savior of the future world who can save mankind. "

[Well, why do you have the nerve to tell others! 】

"Xi Jiang Minho, you should stop watching those weird movies and TV series. These movies and TV series ruin people" Jin Jingzhong replied helplessly.

Listening to 누 Jin꺶's words, Jiang Minhao felt inexplicably familiar, as if 놆 had heard it somewhere.

He sat up straight and asked, "Is there no way to stop this?"

"No," Jin 꺶 shook his head.

"and you?"

Jiang Minhao stood up suddenly and yelled unconsciously. He waved his hands and moved his lips for a long time but could not say a word.

The purpose of sending an invitation letter to Kong Shanzhi this time was to hope that Kong Shanzhi could find an American professor for him.

This professor is one of the few scientists in the world who studies the transformation of zombies into humans. He hopes to turn to this professor for help and transform into humans again.

After becoming a zombie, not a day went by that Jiang Minhao didn't want to become a human again. After all, no one wants to eat raw chicken all the time.

The miscellaneous sauce noodles are not fragrant, and the fried chicken is not crispy?

And this hope was ruthlessly destroyed by Jin 꺶 at this moment. It's no wonder that he lost his composure.

The world is going to be destroyed. What hope does he have to become a human and experience human life?

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