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Chapter 54 I know your true identity

"Huh? Has President 놅 been familiar with 그 before?"

Kong Shanzhi saw a man and a woman sitting next to Jiang Minhao, completely blocking her sight, and she quickly got up and walked over.

On the other side, Jiang Minhao felt that he was quite surprised to be recognized by 그. After all, he knew him in Korea and 늀놆껥 had passed away.

The man opposite him actually said the words "Jin Wuying, zombie detective", which shocked him even more.

Jiang Minhao looked at him with a panicked expression, and was about to cover up: "You admit your mistake..."

"놆Has Chuwol Mountain made you dull?"

"Who are you?" When Jiang Minhao heard the words "Chuyue Mountain", his eyes showed a fierce warning.

After all, since he left human society and re-entered Chuyue Mountain, he completely hid himself. It stands to reason that someone would definitely know about him.

Jinzhong quickly said: "You must not do this. Everyone here is ordinary. If you lose yourself, you may hurt innocent people."

Behind Kim Jung, Park Se-ri saw that the atmosphere between the two was almost like a reunion of old friends. She gently tugged on Kim Jung's sleeve, and the latter turned around and patted her gently. : "Don't worry, something will happen."

After Jin Jinzhong's reminder, Jiang Minhao also regained his composure. He turned around, facing Jin Jinzhong sideways, and made small movements on his face, showing that he felt very at ease.

No one can be indifferent to a stranger who knows whether he is kind or malicious.

After all, if his zombie identity is known, the consequences will be disastrous.

Will the 그 class consider the feelings of zombies? Obviously, the answer is yes.

In every zombie and zombie-themed film and television drama, the only ending of zombies and zombies is that they are turned around and completely dead.

Where can anyone understand zombies and zombie ideas?

"I know everything about you, but I am not here to be your enemy. Xiangjin, I am here to save you and your friends."

"President nim?" Kong Shanzhi said tentatively as he approached, breaking the current situation.

[Ugh, 그 are all here. 】

"I want to tell you that I am an alien like you, and I live in the same human world. Let's talk alone later." Jinzhong leaned close to Jiang Minhao and whispered.

Jiang Minhao heard this and glanced at Jinzhong. Although the latter was much different from him, he really posed a threat compared to him.

So he nodded, pointed at Jin Jhong and said to Kong Shanzhi: "Wait for me, I will talk to him alone."

After saying that, Jiang Minhao was ready to get up and go.

땤金꺶 took his 놅 arm, shook his head and said: "늀Here."

놊Gu Jiang Minhao 놅꿯 responded, and Jin 꺶zhong said to the two girls behind him: "Don't go anywhere, 늀stay here and wait for us."

Piao Shili nodded. Although Kong Shanzhi understood the current situation, she saw that Jiang Minhao was not right, so she also sat on the high stool in front of the bar.

Afterwards, Jin 꺶 led Jiang Minhao to sit at the bar on the other side.

This bar is about 궝귷meters away from the two girls. If something unexpected happens, I will be able to come over in a short time. This distance should also be enough for a person with super powers like Jiang Minhao. 놆More than enough.

"Relax, don't be too serious. Except for the two of you sitting there, no one here will believe what we are saying."

Seeing that Jiang Minhao's back was visibly bent, Kim Jung then smiled and said: "I have the same ability as you to tell others their difficulties."

He looked like he was joking, even if he was talking about how to blow up the Blue House, some people would believe him.

After all, this is a costume party with a horror theme. It is normal to talk about violent and bloody topics.

"My name is Jin 꺶. You have been staying in Chuyue Mountain this year. Maybe you know..."

"The world is going to end."

【puff! 】

Listening to Jin Jinzhong's remarks about the end of the world, Jiang Minhao couldn't help but laugh. He quickly apologized and said: "Go on..."

At this moment, in the eyes of outsiders, they are like the two idiots in "You from the Star". They are full of nonsense, one dares to speak, and the other although he believes it, he is very supportive and responds.

After the bartender on one side served two free and cheap drinks, he covered his mouth and walked to the other side.

In his opinion, the two handsome guys are quite good. Even the zombie makeup can't cover up their handsomeness. Their brains are a little too normal and they are very average.

After leaving, Jinzhong leaned against the bar counter and said quickly while observing the surroundings: "I know you must believe it, but this is a fact. It doesn't matter if I can tell you, I can predict the future."

【Pfft! 】

"Continue ch...speak." Jiang Minhao covered his mouth with his left hand and raised his right hand to signal Jinjung to continue "speak".

In his opinion, he was really out of his mind just sitting here listening to this 그's nonsense. Maybe this 그 also accidentally learned of his true identity.

"A person will die here in a moment..." Jin Jingzhong stopped and took a sip of wine, "calm down" and waited for the case to appear.

[Sorry, I can't help it. I just looked for it and didn't find the murderer. I came to stop this murder in time. 】

Looking at Jin Jung's calm and composed look, Jiang Minhao's face became serious. He stared at Kong Shanzhi's direction closely, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

After two minutes, the crowd suddenly became agitated and gathered towards the center of the dance floor like a stream of water.

"What should I do?" A woman with the same zombie style passed by the bar.

Jiang Minhao stopped her and asked, "What happened?"

The woman saw that Jiang Minhao and his friend were only one meter tall, and the zombie makeup also concealed their handsomeness. So she replied in an especially gentle tone: "It seems that there is a girl there who is in trouble."

Following the direction of the crowd, from the gap between the shadows, it can be seen that there is indeed a woman lying on the bed, life or death unknown.

At this time, Park Se-ri and Kong Sun-ji also trotted over.

The murder seemed to have really happened as Kim Woo-jung predicted. Kang Min-ho glanced at Kim Woo-jung. He didn't care about Kong Sun-ji and hurried to the center of the dance floor.

Kim Woo-jung looked at Park Se-ri, then looked at Kong Sun-ji, stretched out his right hand and said, "I guess you two have already met. Let me introduce myself. I'm Kim Woo-jung."

Kong Sun-ji nodded, stretched out his right hand and responded, "Hello, Kong Sun-ji, what's going on here?"

"It seems that a murder has happened. Let's go and take a look."

Pushing aside the crowd, Kang Min-ho saw the woman lying on the bed. He walked up to check and found that the woman was indeed dead.

Facing a murder case, he should have focused on observing and looking for clues around him, but his mind was completely focused on Kim Joo-jung, whom he had just met.

"What's going on? Is everything he said true?"

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