Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 51 This world may be a little different

[No wonder this store looks so familiar to me, it turns out that this sausage shop was opened by Jin Baola. ]

On the side, Jin Baola was about to talk to Wang Wei, but at this moment she caught a glimpse of the handsome man standing next to her, staring at her and Wang Wei.

The man stopped at the door of the store and looked like a customer who was about to leave the store.

So she left Wang Wei behind and walked up to Jin Dazhong, rubbing her hands and apologizing, "Customer nim, because today is the store's one-week anniversary, we have been busy arranging the banners since this morning."

Jin Baola saw a female customer coming over and continued, "The large intestines in the store are not ready yet. Please come back later. We will give you a lot of discounts then, okay, customer nim?"

[The large intestines are gone, can zombies be far behind? 】

Kim Dae-jung, who was originally dissatisfied with the convenience store cashier, smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay, the two of us can just wait in the store."

"Oh," Kim Bora replied with her head tilted, "That's fine, both of you please come in."

"Shi Lin, please entertain the guests."

The waiter, who was called Shi Lin by Kim Bora, walked to the door of the store and brought Kim Dae-jung and Park Bo-ri into the store.

"Not bad, your sausage shop is becoming more and more attractive. Even though it hasn't opened yet, customers can't wait to eat your sausage."

Kim Bora shyly waved her hand and invited: "Would you like to go in and wait? The first sausage will be grilled for you later."

Wang Wei was about to nod, but he thought about it again. He is now a small president of the Chinese branch. He can't be as unrestrained as before, so he refused: "No, I have made an appointment with President Li. I will go to see him as soon as I return to Korea."

"Please allow me to say goodbye first." Wang Wei took off his hat and bowed slightly to say goodbye.

Looking at Wang Wei's back, Jin Baola seemed to be under a spell, clasping her hands on her cheeks and sighing: "Wang Wei is so sexy today!"

After Wang Wei disappeared completely into the alley, Jin Baola hurried back to the store. Today was the store's opening anniversary, so it would definitely be very busy.

After she lifted the door curtain and entered the store, she saw two customers sitting in front of the window, so she picked up the menu on the counter and walked towards them.

"Is this your first time in our store? I think you are a little unfamiliar with this. This is our menu. You can take a look at it first."

Taking the menu from Kim Bora, Kim Dae-jung handed it to Park Lee and whispered to her, "Take a look first."


Then he replied, "Yes, this is the first time for both of us to come here today. We took the subway for more than an hour just to eat the large intestines of the boss lady. You have to give us more discounts later."

Kim Bora covered her mouth and laughed, " Of course, you two are a couple, right? "

Seeing Kim Dae-jung nod, Kim Bora thought for a few seconds and suggested: "How about this, you two are the first couple of our store anniversary this week."

"We will give you a free beef sausage set meal. If you two continue to consume, we will give you a 50% discount. How about it?"

A beef sausage set meal includes small intestines, large intestines and cecum. The total amount is enough for two people to eat half full. With the free tender tofu soup, Kim Bora is equivalent to treating them to a free lunch.

Faced with Kim Bora's "free bill" proposal, Kim Dae-jung joked: "Then we have to eat as much as we can today. If we eat too much later, the boss lady should not feel bad."

Looking at these two handsome men and beautiful women, the man is generous and the woman is decent, and they don't look like the kind of rogues who are greedy for petty gains.

She smiled and replied, "As long as you two can eat and drink well, it doesn't matter if we give a little profit."

"You are generous, the boss lady is really good at talking." Jin Dazhong said with a thumbs up.

"By the way, does your family deliver takeout? When I work on Monday, I will ask my wife to come and support the boss lady."

"Yes, the takeout number is on the back. You two take your time to look at it. I will go to the kitchen to help first."

"Okay." Seeing Park Li pointed the number to him, Jin Dazhong nodded.

"Dazhong Oppa, you seem to be very concerned about this boss lady." Park Li put down the menu in her hand and raised her head to ask.

When Jin Dazhong was in the apartment, he was very enthusiastic about a few friends upstairs and downstairs. After entering the sausage shop, he kept talking and laughing with the boss lady, and ignored her.

"Are you jealous, Li." Jin Dazhong touched Park Li's head, put his arm around her shoulders and teased.


"Don't worry, the boss lady is indeed very beautiful, but she is not my type, and the boss lady and the Chinese who just caught her are a couple."

"Chinese, how did you know?"

"I just know."

Fifty minutes later, as the first serving of beef intestines of the day wafted out the fragrance, the Korean Sausage Shop was also filled with customers who came here for the reputation.

Most of them were male students from nearby schools. With nowhere to vent their hormones, they took pictures of the boss lady without any scruples.

Because it was the first time for Jin Dazhong and Park Li to eat beef intestines, the boss lady sat aside and grilled the intestines for them personally.

"Boss lady, you are very popular." Jin Dazhong teased Jin Baola.

Seeing that the intestines in the pot were almost cooked, Jin Baola picked up the tongs and scissors and cut the roasted intestines one by one.

She replied disdainfully: "They are just little brats who have just entered high school."

After cutting the last large intestine, Jin Bora greeted Jin Daezhong and Park Minli and said, "Please use it slowly."

"Wait a minute, boss lady, let me ask, are there any activities here tonight?"

"Activity?" Jin Baola replied while taking off her disposable gloves: "By the way, a Loungeclub bar opened today, and there will be a horror-style costume party in the evening."

"If you bring a female companion, the ticket is free. You two can go there in the evening and have a look. It's just to the south, where people line up at night."

"That's great, thank you very much. Boss lady, go and do your work. If anything happens, we will call the waiter."

"Go and see those little children who are waiting to be fed. If you don't go over and bake intestines for them, they might tear down your shop."

"Take it easy, those two."

After seeing Jin Baola walk away, Park Minli asked: "Oppa, do you want to go to the bar?"

"Well, do you want to go?"

"I heard that in the bar..." Park 녡li thought for a while and then came up with a more neutral modification: "Not very good."

"There's nothing bad about it," Jin Da Zhong put a few large intestines on a plate and handed them to Park Li: "We're just going to play there for one night."

"Oppa, have you been to a bar?"

Jin Dazhong replied decisively: "No, that's why I want to go and take a look with you. Let's just relax today."

"Oh well."

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