Sweet Home's start time is set back one month

Chapter 44: Security guard with nosebleed

"Axi, why are you so friendly to every new resident, and you also like to introduce yourself to your family?"

Li Eunyou put the drone and remote control on the chair and asked Kim Dae Jung.

"If you want to live a good life, you must be kind to others."

Jin Dazhong grinned, and continued with a twitching mind: You have watched ballet, and you are really good at dancing, but why don't you continue dancing ballet? "

Li Enyou's face darkened, he raised his left foot, untied it, and took off his pointe shoes.

She supported Jin Daezhong and took off her low-waisted socks, exposing the red cup of her left foot.

[Alas, the dancer is in pain and his body is injured. 】

Jin Daezhong took out a paper towel and put it in his hand, bent down and squatted down, using the paper towel to hold up Li Eunyou's feet.

"Ah 꽱西?"

"Don't move, 놖늀 take a look."

Jin Daezhong checked Li Eunyou's foot injury: "What's wrong? It doesn't look like a permanent injury. You won't be able to recover well after that. Do you look like you're dead?"

"Here, give it."

Li Eunyou handed the socks in his hand to Jin Daezhong, who helped her put on the socks and put the sneakers next to the parapet under her feet.

After Li Eunyou changed out of his pointe shoes, Kim Dae Jung took out a stack of wet wipes from his pocket and handed one of the bags to Li Eunyou.

While 놛 wiped his hands clean with a wet wipe, he continued to ask: "Ballet does look very light, but if you keep staring at the dancer standing on tiptoe, 놖 really feels uncomfortable for the dancer."

"Don't you feel uncomfortable when you stand on pointe at 90 degrees? Won't this dance hurt your feet?"

Just thinking about that tiptoe, Jin DaZhong's goosebumps bulged with a look.

Although Li Eunyou injured her left foot while dancing ballet, she still didn't want people to misunderstand ballet.

"No, as long as you master the skills well and add the force of pointe shoes, under normal circumstances, there will be no damage to the feet."

Kim Dae Jung had a black question mark on his face. After all, this involves a blind spot in knowledge.

No matter how he looked at it, he didn't believe that such a pair of thin shoes could be so powerful. He put his arms on the parapet behind him and shook his head ignorantly.

"Will it really cause deformities in the feet and enlarged legs?" Jin Dazhong made an enlarging gesture with both hands.

"Oh, I don't know, A꽱西." Li Enyou frowned and denied.

"Yeah, I don't believe it."

Li Enyou was a little tired of dealing with it, so she curled her lips and said, "Forget it if you don't believe me."

Jin Daezhong touched the tip of his nose and stared at the pair of pointe shoes next to Li Eunyou: "Look at me, I'm not a ballet dancer like that. I'm a ballerina on the ground."

"Floor glue." Li Enyou spoke clearly every word, fearing that Jin Daezhong would cause any misunderstandings again.

"Yes, 늀 is floor glue. People usually have dance studios or stage performances covered with floor glue. Look at this place where you practice."

Li Enyou glanced at the rooftop, and the look on his face disappeared a bit. Not to mention that the rooftop was smoother, and it would be nice to have fewer stones and garbage.

[Why did I get infected by Li Enyou today? His words hit the nail on the head and made the little girl’s heart bleed. 】

"But don't worry, you can recover slowly. After we figure out the main business of the company, we will build a building and make it bigger and stronger."

“What singing room, dance room, and recording room should be 놋늀놋?”

"A꽱西, go ahead and blow it." Li Enyou crossed his arms and began to dissent from Kim Dae Jung.

"Excuse me, actually I really won the lottery, and the bonus is quite big."

Li Enyou felt inexplicably irritable, and she subconsciously touched her pockets.

Only when she touched JK's folds did she realize that she had been quitting smoking for a long time, and she was wearing a short skirt today and had no pocket for cigarettes.

In order to cover up her embarrassment, she also followed Kim Dae Jung's example, leaning against the parapet and saying, "Alayo."

"So you should understand what 놖놅 is saying."


On the first floor of Green Home, the security guard had just been scolded by a resident and his face was filled with despair.

The treatment in this apartment is so poor, and you are still required to do this and that, don't you even have the right to take a break?

The most pitiful people in the whole apartment are Kim Sun-young and 놛. One is abused by her husband every day, and the other is scolded by the residents every day.

"It's so noisy. I'm so uneducated." A voice with a pure Seoul accent sounded from the window of the security room.

The security guard turned around when he heard the sound, and saw the female resident in the apartment talking about "Jiangnan" speaking for 놛, and her face immediately put on a flattering smile.

"There are still good people in this apartment." The security guard comforted himself.

Cha Zhenyu's skin is properly maintained, and she is dressed smartly, making her look very elegant. She really looks like a noble lady who lives in Gangnam District.

She put the suitcase in her hand on the window sill and said, "Don't worry, I haven't read much."

As the security guard listened to Cha Zhenyu's words, he felt secretly happy and the smile on his face became even warmer.

Who knew that Cha Zhenyu's words suddenly changed: "But, when I lived in Jiangnan, there were no beds in the security room there."

"What?" The security guard realized that "Jiangnan Girl" was not truly considerate, and his face darkened again.

"놖Just saying 땤."

The security guard asked in a cold tone: "What are you doing here?"

"By the way, someone sent these fish to you, but you know that you only eat dried yellow croaker. These are for you to eat."

The security guard was very touched. While taking the foam box, he thanked: "Why do you still give this kind of thing to you? Thank you."

Che Zhenyu said with a gentle face: "The higher the position, the greater the responsibility, you understand?"

"Thank you for your hard work."

Anyone who sees Che Zhenyu like this will think of "noble and elegant", and the security guard is no exception.

Although she is very disgusted with the residents' always high-handed attitude and does not like to be taught by others, she still feels satisfied when facing the residents' gifts. After all, this is a recognition of her work.

"Okay, thank you, madam. I will enjoy it."

After the security guard opened the box, a buzzing sound came out of the box.

It turned out that the fish was already rotten, and the flies attached to it greedily showed their sovereignty over the rotten fish.

At this moment, a surge of hatred rushed straight to his head. He felt greatly insulted and wanted to kill all the residents who looked down on him. He closed the box fiercely and stared at Che Zhenyu with hatred.

The hot blood rushed to his nostrils and found an outlet for venting, and it flowed out like money.

Jin Dazhong saw the security guard's nosebleed and couldn't help sighing.

[After all, it was still a step late. Alas, but there was no other way. If you want to survive in this terrible world, you can only gather and use talents first. 】

The security guard took out the remaining wet wipes in his pocket and said to the security guard, "Ah..."

"What are you doing!"

Although the security guard hated these strong residents in the apartment, he played a strong role when facing Kim Dae-jung and Cha Hyun-soo, who were much younger than him.

[Fuck, I was shocked. It was inexplicable. I remember that we had a good relationship. Didn't you give me red ginseng juice before? 】

"Ah, here are the wet wipes, stop your nosebleed."

Kim Dae-jung threw the wet wipes from the window to the foam box.

This was originally a sparse and normal action, but in the eyes of the security guard, Kim Dae-jung throwing wet wipes to him was tantamount to charity.

He pulled out wet wipes one by one to clean the blood from his nose. As he watched Kim Dae-jung walk out, he could no longer hide the hatred in his eyes.

"You all will die!" The security guard cursed in his heart.

After Kim Dae-jung walked out of the apartment, he looked back at the security room.

Watching a TV series from the outside is one feeling, and entering this world is another feeling.

Seeing these honest people, Kim Dae-jung shuddered at the thought that they would become monsters that harvested human lives in the future.

[I tried to save you, but you have been accumulating dissatisfaction for a long time, and it is definitely not something that can be dispelled by occasional small favors. ]

[I'm sorry, but from this moment on, we are enemies, and we have to think about our partners. 】

After the nosebleed stopped, the security guard put on the smiley mask again and walked towards 1410, preparing to register the new resident's personal information as usual.

But the new resident obviously didn't like him. He could fill in his personal information at the moment, but he refused and said he would fill it in later. Later, he directly blocked him from the door.

The security guard was even more angry after collecting another point of dissatisfaction.

"Even this kid looks down on you, what qualifications do you have to look down on you, mother..."

The security guard only felt his head "buzzing", as if a group of flies had entered, and even some phantoms were shaking in front of his eyes.

"It's like this, why are you still dissatisfied? What are you dissatisfied about?"

"Isn't the security guard a human being?"

He walked to the elevator with the help of the wall and took the elevator directly to the underground garage on the first floor.

In the underground garage, the security guard walked to a corner and found the electric car blocked by a minivan.

Seeing his beloved car knocked to the ground by the minivan, the security guard was furious and kicked it, but he fainted before he touched the car body.

Throwing the tissue garbage in front of him into the trash can, Kim Dae-jung returned to 1411.

Holding Katie in his hand, Kim Dae-jung stroked Katie's chin: "Katie, the monsterization has officially entered the incubation period. When will your mother come back?"

[Meow! 】

"Do you want to send a message to your mother and ask her to come back early?"


"You said it," Jin Dazhong put Katie on the ground, took out his phone and typed: "Katie said she missed you, come back soon."

Watching the "1" next to the message disappear at the speed of light, Jin Dazhong smiled at the screen.

[This is the sour smell of love. 】

"Got it, I'm going back by car tomorrow. Is it Katie who misses you?"

A rogue rabbit with an angry expression came with it: "I ignore you."

"Alright, I miss you too, be safe, try to stay at home at night and don't go out."

"Got it!"

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